Save our sharks and stop shark finning: Millions of sharks are being caught each year, stripped of their fins and thrown live back into the sea. The only purpose is to make shark fin soup, considered a delicacy in China and even sold in U.S. restaurants. The fins don’t flavor the soup, but only add texture. We are raising money to aid an exceptional film, Sharks: Stewards of the Reef ( tackles the issue diplomatically but directly and needs worldwide exposure.
We will pay to have it subtitled in Cantonese and Mandarin and assist getting this insightful and beautifully filmed documentary shown on Chinese language television stations in scores of countries, including Hong Kong and throughout China.
Please contribute your financial support. If your gift is $100 or more, we will send you a copy of the film. Undercurrent is a nonprofit organization and your contribution is tax deductible. We will acknowledge all gifts of $100 or more. The issue is urgent and needs your financial support. After all, if divers won’t help stop shark finning, who will?