Almost every diver uses a dive computer but unfortunately
most have no idea how to dive safely while using it.
The point of this article is to highlight the practical ways
to dive your computer so that your risk of developing DCS
is reduced.
“No-decompression limits” on dive tables and computers
are the calculated maximum amount of extra N2 our
bodies can tolerate. Because we do not know exactly what
this limit is, different tables and computers have slightly
different limits. Decompression tables are based on certain
assumptions. They assume that the diver descended at a
prescribed rate, that the diver spent the entire bottom time
at the maximum depth, and that the diver ascended directly
to the surface at a prescribed rate. In reality the diver
usually descends at a slower rate, spends at least some of
the bottom time at a shallower depth and usually ascends
at a slower rate, sometimes adding a ‘safety stop’ before
In addition, the maximum depth of the dive usually
has to be rounded
down to the next deeper
depth on the table, and
the bottom time usually
has to be rounded up
to the next time on the
In the figure at left,
the outside of the box
represents the dive
that the decompression
table assumes the diver has done. The black area represents the actual dive and
the grey area is the difference. Every minute the diver is
shallower than the maximum depth, he is absorbing less
N2 than the table calculates. Therefore, the grey area represents
the amount by which the diver is ‘safer’ than if he
had done the dive the table assumes he did. This point is
critical. Because virtually every dive a person does is more
conservative than the decompression table they use, diving
using decompression tables has a built-in safety factor
compared to the decompression model that was used to
produce the tables.
When we dive using a dive computer, it keeps track of
our depth and the time spent at each depth (this data is
updated every second in newer computers). The computer
therefore uses the “real” depth of the diver to calculate the
no-decompression limit and decompression requirements.
This means that all the built-in safety of the grey area on
the figure is removed for every dive. So when comparing
a decompression table and a dive computer using the same
decompression model, divers using the computer will experience
many more cases of DCS than divers using the table.
Wise Ways To Use Your Computer
For many reasons, it is difficult to reliably say that
one computer is more or less conservative than another.
“Bubble” decompression models are not necessarily safer
than classical Haldanian “solution” models. In addition,
most newer dive computers have variables that can be
changed by the diver. Some allow you to add conservatism to
the model while others let you add “deep stops” or change the calculations to try and minimize bubble formation. The
diver usually has no idea exactly how changing these
settings will change the calculations and the resulting
decompression profile.
The two computers I personally have the most experience
with are the Cochran and the VR3. The Cochran
starts decompression stops much deeper than the VR3
but has much shorter shallow stops so that the total
decompression times are similar. Which model is more
conservative and which is safer? No way to tell. Both
seem to work fairly well.
No matter what dive computer you use, you will
probably want to make it more conservative. The objective
is to restore some of the built-in safety. One way is
to always stay well inside the no-decompression limit
shown on your computer. Always ascend before your
computer says you have no time left at that depth.
Ascend and descend at slow rates, because slower rates
of depth change reduce the risk of DCS.
For deeper dives, add a one- to two-minute stop at
approximately one-half your maximum depth, even
though your computer won’t require it. If you are doing
a no-decompression dive, spend five to 10 minutes at a
shallow depth (less than 30 feet) at the end of your dive
before you surface.
If you are doing decompression diving, always use a
slow rate of ascent (30 feet per minute), always do deep
stops, and do your compression stops deeper than called
for on your computer. How much deeper depends on how
your computer responds to this. The Cochran computers
only add a few minutes to your decompression time when
you do this (if a 10-minute stop is required at 10 feet and
you are at 20 feet, the 10-foot stop will clear in 13 minutes
or so). Other computers become very conservative when
you do this (e.g., the VR3) for reasons not completely
understood. For these computers, you will have to be closer
to the depth your computer wants you to be at or your
decompression time will become very long.
However, the most important point after a decompression
dive is staying in the water at a shallow depth, around
10 feet, for a while after the computer has cleared. The
amount of time to stay depends on how much decompression
you have done – the longer the decompression, the
longer you should wait after your computer has cleared.
Finally, the longer the decompression time, the slower your
ascent from 10 feet to the surface should be. For extreme
dives, some divers take 10 minutes to ascend the last 10 feet.
When diving special gas mixtures, there are a few
“tricks” you can use to make your diving more conservative.
With Nitrox, set the percentage of oxygen in the computer
lower than the percentage oxygen you are breathing.
For example, if you are diving Nitrox-36 and you tell you
computer you’re breathing Nitrox-32, it will calculate your no-decompression limits and decompression profile as if
you were breathing four percent more N2 than you actually
are, reducing your risk of DCS. But there’s a warning
– this trick also will tell your computer you are breathing
four percent less oxygen so the calculated maximum safe
depth and oxygen exposure will be wrong. You will have to
keep track of these values yourself. The same trick can be
accomplished when diving Nitrox and using an air computer,
but the same warning also applies.
Make Sure You Have Backup
If you dive long enough, every piece of dive gear you
use will fail during a dive. Therefore, you have to plan
every dive done with a dive computer as if it will fail during
the dive. If you’re diving inside the no-decompression
limits of the computer and it fails, immediately ascend to
less than 20 feet. If you are well inside the no-decompression
limits, you can immediately surface or continue the
dive at less than 20 feet for for as long as you want. If you
were close to the no-decompression limit when your computer
failed, spend several minutes at 10 feet before surfacing.
If you are doing decompression dives, you must have
backup for your computer. If your dive profile is relatively
“square,” meaning you spend most of your bottom time
near your maximum depth, you can use decompression
tables for backup. This is typically the case for wreck diving
but if you are doing a dive at many different depths,
tables are not reasonable backup. For example, one cave
I dived on the north end of Vancouver Island slowly
descends over the first 1,500 feet to a depth of 112 feet. If
it takes 31 minutes to swim each way, your computer will probably say it is a no-decompression dive. However, if
your computer fails and you switch to tables, you’ll have
to use the 120 feet for 70 minutes profile, and that will
require about 120 minutes of decompression. Most likely,
you’re not carrying that much gas.
The only reasonable backup for your dive computer for
these types of dives is a second dive computer. As long as
you and your dive buddy stay together, you can each wear
one dive computer, one being the backup for the other. If
you two are likely to become separated, or if you are going
to be diving different profiles, each of you must wear two
dive computers. You don’t have to wear two of the same
computers. In fact, it is safer if you wear different computers
and make sure both are cleared before you surface. I
often dive wearing a VR3 and a Cochran. The VR3 tells
me to stop for the deep stops. Then the Cochran tells me to
stop for intermediate stops. Finally, the VR tells me to stay
longer at the shallow stops before surfacing.
Don’t forget that the risk of DCS increases as total
decompression time increases (for every decompression model in use). Remember that the risk of DCS increases
as the depth of the dive increases. Last but not least, don’t
forget that the risk of DCS is low on short, deep dives
but if you do get hit, it is likely to be very serious and not
respond well to treatment. I should know – I did a cave
diving trip last February in Florida, where I got DCS for
the first time in my life. I had stopped using the methods
I recommend here and probably got bent as a result.
Luckily, I made a complete recovery but I now believe the
ideas presented in this article are even more important
now than ever.
There are many factors that influence your risk for
DCS after a given dive but if you are thoroughly informed
and plan your dives well with the help of your dive computer,
your risk will be much lower. Dive safe.
David Sawatzky, M.D. is a diving medical specialist and has written
a diving medical column in the Canadian magazine Diver for the past
10 years. A version of this article appeared in a recent issue of Diver.