Who Owns You?

True story: A couple has a great time on a liveaboard trip due mainly to the considerate and knowledgeable guidance of the cruise director. The couple wants to remain in contact with the cruise director so they exchange email addresses. After finishing his contract, the cruise director decides to begin his own travel program. He … Read more

The Use of Trial Exhibits by Expert Witnesses in Litigation

I did an article for Undercurrent called “Anatomy of A Diving Lawsuit” in 2009 that dealt with the analysis of a specific single case and trial that I worked on as the defense maritime and diving expert. This involved the disappearance of two divers at Cocos Island, nearly 500 miles offshore of Costa Rica. This … Read more

Tanks and Weights

Well – maybe it shouldn’t have taken me by surprise.  But it did.  A communicating New England area dive shop told me, “It’s OK to sell integrated weights BCs because divers don’t drop their weight-belts anyway.”  An honest peddler – at least honest in describing his outlook.  Almost as bad as, “I have insurance for … Read more