Is there a disconnect between DAN’s Mission/Vision Statements and the content of Alert Diver magazine?

The new quarterly Alert Diver, published by Stephen Frink and company, unarguably is a handsome magazine that makes its prior incarnation appear a bit of an ugly stepsister. Then again, it now appears to have a lot more money to play with. But, is it straying from DAN’s stated raison d’être? The DAN Mission/Vision Statements … Read more

Dive Guides From Hell

I’m lucky.  Most of the dive guides at the operations we frequent are knowledgeable, helpful, skilled divers who spoil us silly.  They love showing us critters (but enough with the pygmy seahorses already!), and understand the currents and other idiosyncrasies of the dive sites. But a few weeks ago we had to dive with a character … Read more