Looking Back On Innovating Decompression Protocols To Expedite Water Exits

The era of dive tables as the only method of calculating dive plans is one that is largely forgotten by many in the “modern” world of electronic diving computers and the plethora of algorithms and deco models that now are available. I have long been an advocate for embracing innovation and new technologies, including being … Read more

Mask Musings

It’s always nice to get something new. My favourite old mask had seen better days. Its silicone skirt had yellowed and stiffened with time and probably too much exposure to tropical sunlight, so I got hold of a new one. I’m very lucky in that I seem to have a face that gets along with … Read more

Historical Perspectives on Dive Tables and Decompression Models

“The reliability of a decompression table or procedure is not determined by any mathematical process, but by what works in practice. What works…is what works!” —  John Crea III “Any passive decompression device can only inform the diver of his or her decompression status. How that information is used is the responsibility of the diver.” — … Read more