A Crisis Lurking Below the Surface Emergency Hyperbaric Treatment Availability

By Dan Orr (danorr@danorrconsulting.com) There are millions of recreational scuba divers in the U.S. and hundreds of thousands of traveling divers from countries around the world making tens of millions of enjoyable recreational dives each year in unique dive locations all over America. In the unlikely event that any of these divers would suffer a … Read more

Diving Dahab’s Real Blue Hole

1983: There was little or no infrastructure in the Sinai then. We traveled down the coast from the border with Israel by ancient battered Landcruiser and slept uncomfortably under the stars, battling the cold desert air with ineffective sleeping bags. Leaving the Bedouin guides on the rocky beach to build a fire for lunch, we … Read more

The Tragic and Un-Necessary Death of Brian Bugge

before you become a rebreather diver, you’d better read this Conventional open-circuit scuba is sold as “not being rocket science.” PADI and its like have made it available to almost everyone. Scuba is fun. It’s for all the family. Once you’ve grasped Boyle’s Law and the repercussions of breathing compressed gas underwater, it’s only a … Read more

Considerations Of Oxygen In Diving Gas Mixtures

Oxygen is the most basic life support system our bodies employ, and yet also has the capacity to cause great harm.  Keller (1946) has called oxygen “The Princess of Gases.  She is beautiful but has to be handled with special care”.  We cannot live without it, but in prolonged breathing exposures or in deep depths … Read more