Considerations Of Oxygen In Diving Gas Mixtures

Oxygen is the most basic life support system our bodies employ, and yet also has the capacity to cause great harm.  Keller (1946) has called oxygen “The Princess of Gases.  She is beautiful but has to be handled with special care”.  We cannot live without it, but in prolonged breathing exposures or in deep depths … Read more

Rebreathers Offer Diving Advantages – At a Price

modern diving marvels are not for everyone Closed-circuit rebreathers have become very popular with technical divers since they offer the possibility to do extreme dives without the imposition of carrying an enormous amount of gas. I was at the forefront of promoting this new way of diving as far back as 1993. In those days … Read more

Certified Solo Diver

In 1990 I had a story published in Michael Menduno’s  aquaCorp Journal. Michael is a pioneer of Technical Diving for sports divers, and is credited with coining the term “Technical Diving” or “Tec Diving”. We all know what the term means now, but it was a giant leap at the time to get divers from … Read more