A Blueprint for Sustainable Reefs

Anyone who has dived for a few years has noticed that the reef at their favorite locations seem to be degrading. Although typically the resorts will deny this, saying it is just increased familiarity, it is unfortunately true. We typically dive in the same location yearly, and we have photographs of the same coral formation … Read more

What’s In A Name?

There’s something very revealing at times about peoples’ names. Remember that a huge segment of our population derived their surnames from their ancestors’ original trades or employment. Just think about how many people you know whose last names are Cook, Smith, Carver, Baker, Carpenter, Speaker, Chandler, Flowers, Fryer, Gardner, Packer, Singer, Fisher, Taylor, Driver, and … Read more

Can You Trust Your Instructor?

British dry wit Comedian Jimmy Carr claims to have put a classified-ad in a newspaper that read along the lines of, “Good looking, young, millionaire seeks gullible stunner.” We can  all be gullible at times, especially when undergoing training with a trusted instructor, but how well can you trust your instructor? I still remember a … Read more