The Dangers of Social Media

Occasionally, a boat crew witnesses some diver doing so incredibly stupid that, rather than dismiss it as a one-off event, it’s simpler to write it into the boat’s policy or procedures. Like the liveaboard I worked on once; we had a rule that divers, equipped with tanks in place, should step down the ladder at … Read more

Alternative Protocol for In-Water Recompression by Dr Carl Edmonds

This is an alternative Protocol by Dr Carl Edmonds of the Australian Navy School of Underwater Medicine for treatment of DCS in water at a shallower depth, as suggested by John Lippmann. In-water Oxygen Treatment Procedures Oxygen should be supplied at maximum depth of 9 msw (30 fsw), from a surface supply system. The ascent … Read more

Certified Solo Diver

In 1990 I had a story published in Michael Menduno’s  aquaCorp Journal. Michael is a pioneer of Technical Diving for sports divers, and is credited with coining the term “Technical Diving” or “Tec Diving”. We all know what the term means now, but it was a giant leap at the time to get divers from … Read more

Bret Gilliam’s Protocol for In-Water Recompression at Remote Dive Sites

Presentation of DCI Problems If a diver surfaces and reports any signs or symptoms of decompression illness (DCI), they should immediately be evaluated against the list of DCI symptoms and equipped for re-entry into the water as quickly as possible. Be certain that the victim is functionally responsive, mentally aware, and capable of answering questions … Read more

No computer, no sense!

There’s a feeling of instant camaraderie among the passengers on a liveaboard dive boat because it’s in the interest of everyone on board that nobody has an accident. However, you don’t usually know everyone beforehand, neither do you know their levels of diving skill. The water at Ras Mohammed, a wall  at the southern tip of Egypt’s … Read more