A Tale of Two Photo Pros

Signing up for another professionally led photographic trip was not without hesitation. Some years previously, I had succumbed to the enticement of an Ocean Geographic trip to French Polynesia, which promised tutoring and mentorship in my growing interest in underwater photography. The entire idea smacked of an exotic photographic adventure that would liberate me from … Read more

The Raja Ampat Explained

There were so many fishes around me in the water; at times I had trouble getting a clear view. Nothing was arranged in any orderly fashion. There were no neat schools, just thousands of fishes positioned chaotically and darting about without any common factor. I had difficulty concentrating my camera on anything in particular and … Read more

Underwater Photography: It’s Easier Than it Was But You Still Need Some Skills

At weekends, I work in a store that specializes in underwater photography equipment. We try to match products to each customer’s needs. Recently, a young woman came in to buy an underwater camera. She professed to be a professional writer intending to supply articles to diving magazines. She wanted a camera that was very straightforward … Read more

How to Get Clear Sharp Pictures Underwater

There are some basic rules to getting clear sharp pictures, whether it be video or stills, while under water because it is the water that ruins so many good photographic opportunities. Firstly, the clearest water is not clear. Well, it’s not as clear as clear air might be. If you could eliminate the water, think how … Read more