Dear Reader:
I’m a Cozaholic. I’ve taken three dozen trips to
Cozumel in 33 years and still I’m compelled to return. For
me, there’s no better season than spring; after El Nino and
before hurricane seasons, it is not yet too hot or humid.
Days are usually sunny and seas calm.
I can depart from Baltimore in the morning and be
absorbing nitrogen in Cozumel waters by early afternoon.
It has the Caribbean’s best drift diving at the best
value. Any diver can locate digs and food to his liking.
Accommodations vary from the high-end InterContinental
Presidente Resort and Spa, rebuilt after Wilma in 2005,
to inexpensive places downtown. Eateries range from the
upscale Wynston and La Cocay to mom-and-pop places serving
delicious, cheap “comida corrida.” And there are the
friendly attitudes, variety of dive sites, and generally
excellent weather and scuba conditions.
Clearing the airport in April was a breeze, less than
25 minutes. The drive to town was 10 minutes, although it
can be a half-hour for those staying in the south. Just
three hours after I landed, I was backrolling into 80-
degree water for a meandering swim-thru at Palancar Caves.

Surface interval at Playa Paradise |
With visibility well past 100 feet, it’s a good place for
intermediate divers
to get introduced to
walls, swim-throughs
and openings formed
by the fusion coral
heads, and Wilma
exposed even more.
I entered several
openings that deadended
but there
was ample room to
turn around easily.
Upon emerging from
a swim-through, I
spied a sizeable black grouper and green moray engaging in
cooperative hunting.
Eyeing me suspiciously
lest I try to horn in, they soon got back
to business.
The next dive was at Tunich, the
Mayan term for a beheading stone. This
site consistently delivers a rollicking
roller-coaster ride and an odd wicked vertical
current, and it didn’t disappoint.
I shot past a tawny-toned, six-foot nurse
shark festooned with remoras. As I floated
north, a massive crab claw protruded
from cement coral below me. A giant green
parottfish, the color of corroding copper,
chewed up the coral as it bullied its way
down the reef. A fine first day of scuba.
I dived with Liquid Blue because of its excellent customer service and orientation
to more advanced divers. They had me diving before most of the Cozumel fleet had even
gassed up. They also provided Worthington HP steel 120s and a willingness to visit
more distant and challenging sites. The owners are Michaela, a pleasant but serious
businessperson originally from Colorado, and her easygoing Mexican husband Roberto who
likes to laugh and loves to dive. The Bonita Luna and Tara II were shaded and uncluttered
with a small storage space beneath each seat. Having once been stranded off the
far Yucatan when the engine on a single screw craft went south, I preferred the Bonita
Luna as she had twin outboards.
After my first day’s diving, I repaired to the Suites Bahia and my balcony room
for $55 per night. It’s a block away from Liquid Blue’s shop, several blocks south of
the main plaza, and just off the waterfront drag. Suites Bahia is a small, basic place
but spotlessly clean. I had two large beds, a tiled bathroom, desk and a large closet
with overhead storage. The small kitchen had a mid-sized fridge, sink and electric
stove, but no cookware or utensils. The price included a modest continental breakfast
but it wasn’t available until 7 a.m. so I usually missed it due to Liquid Blue boats’
early departure times. There was no bar or restaurant, and the only common area is the
small lobby with a TV, vending machine and free Internet service.
Everything a diver needs is right outside their door. Within a block were two
dive shops, the American Discount Drug Store; a convenience store for snacks; a boutique
eatery named Sorrisi that served a medium cup of gelato for $5 and wood-oven
pizzas starting at $11; and a Pizza Hut for more pedestrian tastes. But I dined at the
small loncherias, chicken and ribs places and taquerias that dot 30th Avenue east of
downtown, where turistas mingle easily with locals. Nine assorted tacos and two orange
sodas at El Pique (across from the old San Francisco market) set me back $10 with tip.
Compare that to Wynston, where a small green salad with a vinaigrette dressing runs
$5, and chicken Dijon with rice and grilled vegetables fetches $16. But being perched
on top of the El Cantil Norte condos, Wynston does have a boffo view. And I must admit
my most memorable meal was a Caesar salad, mixed seafood pasta fra diavolo and a nice
bottle of red wine at Prima, a longtime favorite, for $25.
I’ve never been a big fan of the storied Barracuda Reef because its visibility is
sometimes so-so and the wicked, vertical currents can deplete gas in a hurry, but on
this trip I enjoyed it thanks to the mild current and primo visibility. A big spotted
eagle ray cruised the wall and allowed a long, close approach. So did several hawksbill
turtles, one of which was munching a large hole into a barrel sponge. I drifted
across an impressive aggregation of porkfish, schoolmasters and mahogany snappers,
many sporting mating colors and shades, as if overcome by a spring fever of pheremonal
frenzy. For surface intervals, I relaxed on the beach at Playa Azul, tranquil and
pleasant although much of its sand had been Wilma’d away.
San Juan in the north, a longtime favorite, reminded me why Cozumel is synonymous
with drift diving. It’s a mid-depth reef with excellent visibility, and its vigorous, steady current let me cover lots of ground. Pre-Wilma, San Juan
was loaded with hawksbill turtles, free-swimming morays and carpeted in vibrant
coral but sadly is now a ghost of its former self. Finger corals now lay in skeletal
heaps and only nascent algae regrowth peeked out. The high point was several
triggerfish going about their mating and nesting behavior, oblivious to the death
lying below them. Cozumel used to have a few nice snorkeling sites but they’ve
also been badly damaged by Wilma. However, Dzul Ha, a small beach club south of
the InterContinental Presidente, and Parque Chankanaab next door are the good bets.
Liquid Blue offered two morning dives and one afternoon dive. The boat left
between 7:30 and 8 a.m., with the first dive starting at 8:30. I backrolled in for
my dives and got back in the boat via side ladder. Surface intervals were at one
of the beach clubs. After the second dive, it was back into port for lunch, then
the afternoon dive at 2 p.m. They supplied me with a mesh bag with my name on it
for storing and toting gear. The crew set up my gear daily and rinsed and stored
it each evening (except for wetsuits). With the exception of a very few dive operators,
tank fills on Cozumel are done at a central facility; mine averaged 3,000 psi.
Bottled water and big towels were onboard, but divers had to bring their own extras.
Liquid Blue affords divers lots of freedom. Each day, they asked where I’d
like to dive. Once divemasters Jorge and Roberto were satisfied with my competence
and trustworthiness, they went along with relatively extreme dive profiles
and pointed out great photo ops. This meant I could do deep sites and get profound
perspectives on sites normally dived at shallower depths. Instead of the typical
120-foot depths at Maracaibo Deep, I once dropped to 200 feet. Santa Rosa Wall was
far better at 150 feet than at 90 feet. That my dive buddy and I were the only
customers for four of our six dive days only added to the feeling of freedom and
personal attention. However, even on days with more divers, there was still plenty
of space.
Bright and early another morning, I wafted over Columbia Deep, a dive typically
done at 70 to 100 feet that boasts massive coral heads rising 70 feet from the
sea floor. There, I was stunned by an unanticipated display of sponge spawning.
Bowl and basket sponges gave off smoky plumes of gametes. Barrel sponges, resembling
top-loading washing machines overfilled with detergent, positively splooged.
Snow-white spawn churned, frothed and spilled into the current. Spectacular.
Surface interval was on the southern
end at Playa Paradise, which now
runs together with Playa San Francisco
and a new Carlos ‘n Charlie’s to the
north. The beach clubs have been overwrought
for the cruise trade and lost
their rustic charm. For example, the
traditional palapa at Playa Mia (formerly
Playa Sol) was replaced by an
outlandish contraption resembling a
mutant bovine udder. Cozumel is working
diligently on becoming tacky, but
blessedly still has a long way to go
to catch up to Cancun.
Back in the agua, Dahlila, a
low-profile shelf reef I dived at 40
feet, was still scoured and silted
from Wilma. I hoped to find Cozumel’s
splendid toadfish here, but not this
time. I was amused by a pair of spotted
scorpionfish locked in an obviously thorny relationship. Here also was my most
salacious sighting -- three flamingo tongues extending their hermaphroditic gear,
finding home and forming a ménage à trois that lasted longer than my gas.
On this dive, my first stage sprung a leak, then my dive computer flooded and
died. Liquid Blue provided replacements, did repairs on the spot and didn’t charge
me a peso. Not surprisingly, a small, personal operation with oversized tanks and a
willingness to go to the most distant dive sites at no premium charged more. While
most Cozumel dive outfitters charge $60 to $75 for a two-tank morning dive, Liquid
Blue commands $85. Nitrox, averaging 36 percent, was $12 per cylinder. Money well
Diving the distant sites on Cozumel’s eastern side requires a boat with enough
fuel to go from west to east and back, and a crew knowledgeable about the sites.
After several years of surveying, Aldora Divers now offers daily excursions for
small groups, conditions permitting, as does Liquid Blue. I have dived the east side
several times, although not with Aldora on this trip, and found it ho-hum compared
to the western sites. However, it did provide my only Cozumel hammerhead sighting,
and was a change of pace with its gradually sloping bottom and rocky formations.
Since my visit in 2006, Cozumel topside has bounced back with a vengeance, bigger,
flashier and more expensive. Underwater, delicate life such as long tube sponges,
sea fans, thin lettuce-leaf corals and leafed algae are making a slow comeback.
Silting is evident but reduced. The fish life is improved but some notables
remain either in short supply, such as trumpetfish, or missing in action like slender
filefish. Return divers may lament the hurricane damage but will also find new
scuba joys, like new swim-thrus. Newcomers should not be disappointed -- it’s still
boffo diving. The plankton-rich currents continue to assert their regenerative powers.
While la Isla Cozumel was down for a period, she most assuredly is not out.
There’s magic in the water.
-- Doc Vikingo
Diver’s Compass: U.S. airlines have daily flights to Cozumel
for around $500; American Airlines flies from Miami and Dallas,
Continental from Houston, US Air from Charlotte and Frontier from
Denver . . . Taxis can’t do airport pickups as the shuttle vans
have a union lock, but they do dropoffs; my shuttle to downtown
cost US$5, ditto for taxi upon return . . . Bahia Suites charges
$59 for a standard room, $65 for a balcony and $81 for an ocean
view through December 23…English-only speakers will have no difficulties
getting around; food and toiletries are readily available
and locals are friendly . . . Traveler’s diarrhea is not a serious concern if you
follow basic, common-sense precautions . . . Be on the alert for “taxes” on your
dining tab, because there is no food or drink tax on Cozumel; look out for gratuities
that sneak onto your tab or an “additional suggested gratuity” block at the
bottom, sometimes already filled out for you . . . Worth visiting topside are the
Museum of the Island of Cozumel in town and the new Discover Mexico cultural theme
park in the far south, although it’s pricey at $20 . . . It’s also worth going to
the undeveloped east side to wander beaches and dine at Mezcalito’s or the cliffside
Coconuts . . . Liquid Blue Divers’ Website:; Suites
Bahia’s website: