Dear Reader:
One o’clock in the morning was an unusual time to meet the divers I’d be spending
a week with in the Coral Triangle, but then this photo-focused liveaboard trip to
Raja Ampat was far from ordinary. We met in the worn-around-the-edges lobby of Manado’s
Ritzy Hotel and, hours before sunrise, ate breakfast in the palatial but deserted restaurant.
Afterwards, I boarded my fifth plane ride, to Sorong in Irian Jaya where the
SMY Ondina was anchored.
My trip last November was one of two Raja Ampat liveaboard trips organized annually
by Deb Fugitt, a Texas-based photographer. Located off West Papua (known as
Irian Jaya until last February), Raja Ampat, or the Four Kings, is an archipelago of
1,500 islands, cays and shoals and considered the epicenter of the world’s coral reef
biodiversity. Its currents sweep coral larvae across the Indian and Pacific Oceans
to replenish other reef ecosystems. Marine biologists have recorded 1,070 fish species
here, 537 coral species and 700 mollusk species. Fish swim together in enormous
schools, mixed with large groups of turtles, mantas, sharks, and dolphins.
At Melissa’s Garden, I was all but weeping in my mask from the sheer splendor.
This garden is profuse with corals, hard and soft, of every size, texture and color.
A brain coral the size of a large igloo had nary a mark on it.
Cup corals in the thousands blazed in orange splendor.
Branching corals formed vast fields and
shimmered with clouds of tiny hovering
anthias. A huge giant clam shaded lavender
and green and the size of a Volkswagen
lay with its sunroof open to expose its
upholstery. A large, beige wobbegong shark
lounged on scalloped coral, protruding
eyeballs peering up at me from its
fringed, flat face. Amid all this, reef
fish flowed like rivers, lionfish hovered
like alien spacecraft, occasional sharks
darted by, and the sun kissed them all.
Enjoying Raja Ampat meant long flight
times and layovers. I spent a day in Seoul
touring sprawling palaces, and another in
one of Singapore’s high-tech transit terminals, taking a long nap in a comfortable
chaise before boarding a small jet to Manado. I spent two days in Tangkoko, a national
jungle reserve 180 miles east of Manado. Tiny Tarsier monkeys with huge eyes that
pop out of tree knots at dusk are a sight to behold. Throngs of black apes congregate
at dawn, either swinging through branches or grooming each other. One sidled up to me
and gnawed gently on my shoulder.
After the 90-minute flight from Manado to Sorong, Deb met us at the airport
along with her partner, Tony, and the Ondina crew. We drove to the edge of a greasy
bay where rusty hulks mingled with native Indonesia schooners, then I was whisked
across the dawn-streaked water to the mother ship. My C-card was checked and I filled
out the obligatory release and a brief questionnaire about my diving experience.
Note: I was required to show proof of emergency evacuation insurance.
The Ondina is constructed entirely of wood in the traditional “Pinsi” style and
tailored for the liveaboard life. The lower deck houses two double cabins and two
singles in the bow. The crew lugged my gear into a comfortable single cabin, with
huge storage space underneath my bunk and two floor-to-ceiling cabinets. Track-style
lighting fixtures aimed directly at the cabinets, entryway, and my book before bedtime.
A remote-controlled AC unit was responsive to adjustments. In the bathroom,
wood pallets on the floor kept my feet above the waterline while I used the shower.
The bow was off limits but aft was a lovely deck with built-in wooden table
and benches where divers mingled. For afternoon naps, I walked to the top deck, in
front of the bridge, and lounged on the pillow-lined chaises. My fellow divers were
internationally diverse, widely traveled and with out-of-the-ordinary careers but
they were also just plain nice folk. Jeff, a stockbroker, was the only other person
besides me who had some semblance of a day job. The others seemed to spend their
lives traveling.
Deb and Tony were always gracious and accessible. Deb shot video during the
dives, getting terrific footage, while Tony remained one of the last holdouts using
film. A dozen Indonesian crew members were perpetually amused and laughing. Their
English was limited, but they knew “camera” and “ready”, with an occasional “many
fish!” thrown in. Jufre, the Indonesian captain, always had a smile to offer. Deb and
Tony often decided where and when to dive, a marked difference between their cruises
and the standard Ondina ones. Head divemaster Norberto from the Canary Islands provided
great briefings and Deb would translate or give further explanation when needed.
At the stern of the main deck, a camera table and storage shelves with plastic
baskets provided working space for serious photographers. Built-in light fixtures
aided camera prep. There was a leaky crack in the ceiling over the camera table, and
the water drip took dead aim at my open housing. A few windy squalls one afternoon
soaked my gear stashed in a basket under the camera table. I was assigned a bench
space, tank, and a motorboat seat for all my dives. In the dive prep room, one wall
held the briefing whiteboards and assigned cubbies, each with a 220-volt power strip and thick blue towel.
Up the deck,
wetsuits were hung in a small room.
Two compact water-heating units provided
instant hot showers.
My aluminum 80 tank was always
filled to 3,000 psi. Because there had
been problems with the Nitrox-dedicated
generator on the previous trip, Deb
thought it prudent that it be reserved
for electricity rather than pumping
diving gas so she offered credit for
the Nitrox deposit I paid. Dives began
with crew hauling gear down the suspended
stairway to the boats. After a
short ride to the site, I was helped
into my gear, backrolled in, then swam
back to the boat where I was handed my
camera. There were no official buddy
pairings and no babysitting by Deb
or the crew. We tended to stay close
together, and with the divemaster, at the beginning of dives but often ended up solo
when concentrating on a photo subject.
A site named Waterlogged is relatively mundane-looking without dramatic coral
but peppered with wire coral crabs, nudibranchs, and Coleman shrimp. I did nine dives
there with my 105-mm lens, but many subjects I never would have spotted without the
aid of the eagle-eyed divemasters. Dives averaged 75 minutes, mostly drift dives. At
some sites, strong currents converged in a V-like juncture. I had to drop as quickly
as possible to the convergence point and swim forward into the point. If I failed,
I’d be swept over the reef to be picked up by the boat driver and dropped again.
Embarrassing. Each time I surfaced, I was spotted instantly by the boat driver, even
once when I suffered a minor flood just a few minutes into my dive. Exits were completed
by unhooking and handing up my rig, then finning up onto the inflatable gunwale.
Some divers looked like stranded fish as they flopped aboard, but we all got
better as time went on.
Most dives were between 60 and 80 feet, with a few below 100 feet. It wasn’t
uncommon to dive a site multiple times because Deb’s photo-oriented philosophy was
to become familiar with a site and acclimatize fish to our presence and “tame” them
into becoming our subjects. Fabiacet was a small site but we stayed for two days. It
had some gorgeous regions, featuring schools of barracudas and mobula rays and a few
mantas, but they were always swimming in fierce currents and just out of my camera
range. I got itchy to move on and experience something new.
According to Deb, this trip was unusual because the currents were either nonexistent
and therefore not good for fish abundance, or they were coming from the wrong
direction for easy boat pickups.

The Ondina under full sail |
Some of the highly touted sites, such as Cape Kri,
were nearly devoid of fish and plagued with
poor visibility. The currents also thwarted
some good photo ops. At Mike’s Point,
I fought my way forward to a group of 100
sweetlips, hovering motionless, while I did
some mad finning to place myself in front
of the crowd. I turned to shoot, only to be
swept right through them.
Daytime temperatures averaged 86 degrees,
evenings were in the 70s. A few hot, sunny
days showed off the reefs below and the gorgeous,
uninhabited rock islands above. The
sun was capable of searing skin in minutes.
But clouds and rain shrouded some dives and dulled the spectacular colors. A couple of storms put the wooden Ondina to the test,
finding openings to drip into buckets set in hallways and cabins. Water temperatures
hovered in the low 80s but dipped to 78 degrees on a few occasions. Doing five dives
a day, I got pretty chilled even though I was wearing a 5-mm suit with a hood. Many
fellow divers, who initially laughed at my suit, were quiet toward trip’s end.
I looked forward to every meal, all feasts. For breakfast, there was the obligatory
French toast, pancakes and fried eggs. For the “Spanish” breakfast, I was
encouraged to smear raw garlic on my toast to devour with a spicy omelette. Other
breakfasts included soups, startling at first but ultimately tasty and compatible
with the other morning dishes. Lunches were either chicken or fish with a variety of
ingredients and flavors. Dinners were usually silent as everyone wanted to savor the
meal. Shrimp, fishes and chicken were spiced Indonesian style. Loads of fresh vegetables
accompanied every meal, followed by platters of papaya, melon and local fruits.
Post-dive afternoon snacks were blended juice drinks and cookies, and a fruit basket
was kept full all day.
During the rain showers, I watched a Hollywood DVD in the salon or edited photos
on my laptop. Sunsets, when visible, were breathtaking. There was an easy camaraderie
among the divers, with conversation circles on deck and in the salon. We never sat in
the same order twice for meals. As night fell, fellow diver Hugh, a Discovery Channel
documentary maker, usually hooked up his big video rig to the TV monitor. When his
videos weren’t playing, Deb’s were. I sat on the deck with fellow divers and swapped
travel stories while some of the crew strummed their ukuleles and guitars.
A few night dives from jetties, averaging one to three feet in depth, turned
up their share of bizarre critters, but I don’t like digging through tires and
cloudy bottles to find the otherworldly denizens. The last night dive, far from the
Ondina, involved a long, cold, spray-drenched motorboat ride. I became so cold that I surfaced early, only to sit on the boat for 30 minutes until we headed back.
Despite the rain, clouds and cool waters, Raja Ampat on good days offered dives
more spectacular than any I’ve done. At Sardine Reef, its name derived from the abundance
of fish packed together as tight as sardines, glittering balls of silversides
blew like snowstorms. In one area with hard-driving current, a battalion of bumpheads
stoically faced the oncoming water, barely moving. I fired off a bunch of photos at
point-blank range. And always there was the parade of reef fish – the blazing beauty
of coral trout, entire reference book chapters of butterfly and angel fish, friendly
troops of Moorish idols, surgeon fish and blue-masked, regal, emperor and saddled
Near trip’s end, I took the hour-long tour of some islands in the motorboat.
Some were long and hilly, densely thatched with palms and jungle, others were small
rock islands shaped like the Grand Tetons. We circled tiny lagoons framed by majestic
walls, and raced through head-ducking arches. Finally we circled the Ondina, in
full sail for the first time of the trip. One of the crew scuttled up a mast several
hundred feet above the deck. He worked his way across the rigging and stood atop the
mainmast, arms out and hooting. It was a fitting final photo-op.
-- P.J.M.
Diver’s Compass: Deb Fugitt and Tony Matheis lead two 11-day trips
a year, departing from and returning to Sorong, Indonesia . . .Next
dates are November 8 – 19 and November 22 – December 3 . . . Rates
are $3,345; single cabins cost an additional $100 per night . . .
Extra fees include a $150 fuel surcharge and a $35 tourist and diving
permit . . . Nitrox is free on November trips . . . Fugitt will help
with flights . . . I flew to Seoul followed by Singapore, then on
Silk Airways to Manado and finally a “local” carrier to Sorong; immigration
and customs were swift and unstressful . . . luggage overage
charges can be Draconian on the domestic carriers but Fugitt negotiates a lump
sum ranging from $30 to $70, payable only in Indonesian rupiah . . . Weather conditions
are hot, humid days and slightly cool nights; November is supposedly best for
smooth surface conditions, good visibility and minimal rain . . . Even in heavily
Muslim areas, I found Indonesians to be warm, friendly and welcoming to Americans.
Deb Fugitt’s Web site: