Dear Reader:
They’ll tell you when you book that it’s “camping on
the water,” but that’s exactly what I was looking for. I
owed my 12-year-old son, Kyle, a week-long camping trip
he had been waiting all year for. Why not combine it with
a dive package costing only $900 each for the week? Kyle
could complete the junior open water certification by doing
the final two dives on the cruise.

Cruising the Bahamas in not-so-balmy weather |
Our flight arrived in Freeport, Grand Bahamas Island,
just two hours before the boat’s 3:00 p.m. departure, which
was a bit of a risky strategy. Blackbeard’s once operated
out of West Palm Beach but shifted their base to Freeport
last year to avoid the overnight Gulf Stream crossing and
long waits for Bahamian customs clearance in Bimini. Our
taxi driver knew exactly where to go and got us there for
a $20 fare. A crewmember escorted us aboard the 65-foot,
schooner-rigged sloop
Morning Star. Once we were aboard, we
were told to drop our personal gear and get our dive gear
rigged up on the tanks. We then reported to the divemaster
for check-in at the main salon where
we surrendered our
certification cards and were interviewed about dive experience
and medical issues. Only then did we get shown to
our quarters. Later, we found out about the welcome lunch
served up at Blackbeard’s headquarters -- and that’s only
because we stumbled across it when we used the bathrooms
there prior to departure.
It would have been
nice if the crew had
told us about it either
at booking time or after
arrival. Since we were
one of the last parties
to check in, we got cold
burgers and dogs.
Our lines were
dropped about 3:15 p.m.,
and to my delight the crew announced we would make a twilight
dive and a night dive before moving to our
evening mooring. These guys were serious
about getting our dives done, a theme that
continued throughout the cruise even in
circumstances that could have been used as
excuses to skip dives.
After a short review and dive plan,
Kyle was led by an instructor down to 40
feet on the twilight dive to run through
his skills. His final open-water certification
dive was completed on day two,
and then we finally could enjoy dives
together. Blackbeard’s website stated $15
for each referral dive, but the instructor
charged double. I didn’t contest
the price since I didn’t have the brochure
in my hand, so I let the overcharge be part of his tip for the week. Once
we were at sea, the crew told me they had no PADI forms or temporary certification
cards, and that I would need to work with my dive shop back home. Trouble
is, PADI’s policy states that the dive operation doing the final certification
dive is responsible for signing off the diver and sending in the application.
Fortunately, Kyle eventually did receive his permanent PADI card after my
dive shop agreed to submit the final paperwork and work it out with PADI. I think
Blackbeard’s needs to get this right.
There are three sleeping compartments separated by bulkheads -- the main
salon, forward section and the bow (crew quarters are aft). Each compartment has
its own compact head with a marine toilet and sink. The heads are manually operated
and a bit cranky, so the engineer was often unclogging and repairing them. Kyle and I shared berth number 3, upper and lower single bunks on the forward
port side. I took the lower bunk since it was wider and no climbing was required,
and a curtain created the illusion of a private cabin. I had a strip of floor
about 18 inches wide next to my bunk in which I and Kyle had to maneuver to get
dressed or undressed. Four brave souls brought their significant others along,
and I cannot help but wonder if the ladies are still on speaking terms with the
guys for having talked them into this cruise.
However, one couple did get engaged during the trip. On Thanksgiving Day,
the groom-to-be gave the ring to a crewman, who dove to the bottom of the mooring
line and attached the ring before any guests entered the water. Toward the end of
the dive, the suitor carried his lady to the mooring line, retrieved the ring and
proposed on bended knee on the sandy bottom. The answer was “yes.”
The drone of the generator could be heard in our compartment, but not loud
enough to notice. There is a single cramped shower stall for 28 guests, but mercifully
there were only 16 of us. I had unlimited warm salt water to soap and
scrub with, then 30 seconds (by honor system) of warm fresh water to rinse off
with. The Morning Star was kept clean enough for an older, well-worn boat.
Our capable skipper, Grayson Miller, did a masterful job of getting us to
three or four dive sites per day. Cold gale-force winds for the last three days
of the trip forced him to hug the lee shore of Grand Bahama Island but because it
has more than 60 interesting dive sites, Miller made sure we ranged from one end
of the island to the other. The boat was unable to make the customary trips to
Bimini or the Berry Islands, but no one complained -- we had 18 available dives
in five full diving days, plus two dives on our first day. Even when a weld gave
out on the generator bracket causing a run back to base for repairs, no dives
were lost.
The energetic eight-person
crew was all American, no one more
than 30 years old. Sailing opportunities
on the Morning Star were
limited due to heavy weather, but
they did hoist the jib and main
a few times. Otherwise, we were
under motor power most of the
time. While under sail in strong
winds, the deck anchor for the jib
downhaul gave way, almost sending
the first mate overboard, but the
crew recovered quickly and professionally
and no one was injured.
The incident put an end to our
sailing sessions, but given the
heavy weather conditions, no one
The crew let me dive my own
profile, and there were never time
limits. They filled our tanks to
3200 psi and paid good attention
to safety by using an in/out
nametag system and ensuring one
of the crew was deck commander on
all dives. They made sure I didn’t
take Kyle past his recommended 40-
foot maximum depth. On a couple of
occasions when dives were planned
for 60-foot depths, the divemaster
consulted with the first mate
or skipper to determine whether
Kyle should dive. In both cases,
the answer was no, but I appreciated
their erring on the side of
safety rather than giving us the
green light to dive in a marginal
All dives were made while
the boat was either moored or
anchored; the two Zodiacs were
never used for diving. There were
no drift dives, probably because
there was little to no current, even while gale-force conditions raged on the
surface. All my exits were giant strides and I reboarded via the wide ladder at
the stern, which I appreciated since I’m on the older, heavier side. I never had
to change my tanks; I just removed my first stage after each dive and the crew
attached the refill hose. One annoyance is that due to the packed spacing of the
tank wells, there was no way for two divers to sit side by side on a gear bench
unless they were both very compact.
All meals were served buffet style, and we could either eat at the table in
the main salon that seated 10 guests or dine alfresco topside on cushionless gear
benches with my plate in my lap. Meals were basic meat-and-potatoes cuisine and
decidedly non-gourmet (eggs, ham and pancakes for breakfast; sandwiches for lunch;
pork chops and spaghetti for dinner), but I wasn’t upset since I wasn’t paying
gourmet rates. Hot breakfast items were cooked too long before serving time so the eggs were cold by the time I reached them. There was a fully stocked fruit bar and
fixings for PBJ sandwiches available at any hour. Coffee was brewed every morning
and after the tank ran dry, instant coffee (oh well) and hot chocolate were
served. Cold milk was available from the fridge. A self-service soda gun produced
way-too-watery Diet Coke. All beverages were included at no additional charge, but
unfortunately no beer was to be had due to malfunctions. However, the rum punch
was put in a cooler on deck every evening as advertised.
On Thanksgiving Day, while Katie the rookie chef prepared her first-ever
Thanksgiving feast in a cramped galley, the crew tied up at “Shark Junction”
and began chumming to draw the Caribbean reef sharks. Kyle and I descended via
the mooring line to the wreck of a small boat with twin screws, belly up in the
sand. A small Southern stingray lounged near the wreck as we settled just above
the sandy bottom. Since Kyle had never seen a shark, I led him toward the stern
and within minutes two reef sharks appeared. One swam a wide 360-degree around us
while we pirouetted to keep an eye on him. Kyle pulled my hand close to his chest
as he tightened up with anxiety, but then relaxed once he realized the sharks weren’t going to bother us. We returned in
time for Katie’s magnificent dinner -- roasted
turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed
potatoes and pumpkin pie.
On a typical day I would dive just after
breakfast, twice more in the afternoon, and
take a night dive after dinner. There was
usually at least one wreck dive per day.
Depths ranged from 25 feet at night to 80
feet in the morning, but there were no wall
or shark dives because the heavy weather kept
us from these sites. The waters were still a
warm 80 degrees and visibility ranged from 30
to 80 feet. There were always enough critters
to make it enjoyable for Kyle, but the scarcity
of fish was striking. The waters have
been badly overfished and the coral was overgrown
with algae.
Besides the sharks, the only major
marine life I saw was loggerhead turtles and
small stingray. Despite the lack of fish,
guests were encouraged to go fishing with
the boat’s equipment. Any edible fish were
dressed and sent to the galley, and inedible
fish were kept in a chum bucket to help draw
sharks at certain dive sites. One tuna was
caught by Mike, a chef on previous cruises
now training to be first mate, who prepared
some delightful sushi. During one surface
interval, the boat motored toward shore to
give us a chance to do some spear fishing
with Hawaiian slings. Unfortunately, we were
anchored in about 18 feet of water to keep
the keel clear of the reef. The fish were so
deep that the average snorkeler had no realistic
chance of spearing anything, much less
view any coral tops. While it was an entertaining
and welcome diversion, not a single
fish was brought aboard from spear fishing,
which, with so few fish in these waters
already, perhaps was a good thing.
One of my least-favorite dives took
place when my buddy, a fellow guest, noticed
a yellow fishing line that had been snagged on the reef and abandoned. He decided
to make it a mission to retrieve the line that snaked across a considerable
expanse of reef, at least 300 feet. I had no choice but to tag along and help my
buddy. It didn’t make for very interesting bottom time, although accomplishing the
pro-environmental mission somewhat made up for the inconvenience.
Daytime temperatures only reached into the high sixties, 11 degrees below
normal. Between dives, I taught Kyle poker in the main salon. One time I went to
tend to my dive gear and came back 30 minutes later to find him in the middle of
high-stakes Texas Hold’ Em with three grownup guests. Fortunately, he was playing
with chips and not his allowance money. On one stormy night mid-trip, we docked
in a little-used ship channel cut. The crew and guests scrounged up driftwood and
had a roaring bonfire, while the rum punch flowed as freely as the diving and
sailing stories. The next night, we motored downwind to the eastern end of Grand Bahama Island, and I watched shooting stars from the Leonid meteor shower streaking
across the bow.
The final dive was at “Tiny T’s,” named for the shallow wreck of a small towing
vessel sitting upright with an easily penetrable bridge and two engines lying
in the sand nearby. It was fun to hover over the sand and watch yellow-headed
jarfish duck butt-first into their burrows, then emerge and spit sand from their
excavations. Further on, we found a meadow of hundreds of garden eels, shyly ducking
in waves back into their holes as we approached. Kyle and I spent an hour on
this dive and no one fussed at us for keeping everyone waiting.
With our diving complete, we returned to Port Lucaya for the final night on
board but I had booked a room in advance at the Port Lucaya Resort & Yacht Club
(adjacent to our dock), figuring that a room with a shower and bed would be welcome
after five days and nights on the water.
Blackbeard’s is ideal for those who lack a big budget but want a lot of dives,
three squares a day, some sailing, and don’t care about comfort or privacy. It’s
not ideal for snorkelers since the boat was usually moored a half-mile offshore in
at least 15 feet of water, with very few coral tops nearby. Vets used to the standards
of military training will have no problem with close quarters, while those
who like some space and pampering will be sorely disappointed. And don’t count on
any amorous activities. But this is indeed the right adventure trip for the truly
young at heart.
Divers’ Compass: Most domestic flights to Freeport make a quick
stop in Miami, but AirTran has direct flights from Atlanta for
under $100, and from Baltimore for $149 ... Some guests had arrived
the day prior by the ship Discovery that sails twice daily between
Freeport and West Palm Beach, takes four hours each way and costs
$110 ... All-inclusive week-long trips are $899/person, plus a $40
port tax and a $10 National Park fee, good for one year ... Nitrox
is not offered ... Bluebeard’s allows lobstering although Bahamian
law requires free-diving catches only; the season runs September 1
to March 31 ... The main salon had a TV, DVD player and a decent stock of movies
and books, and there was at least one movie going every evening before lights out
at 10 p.m ... Web site: