A Gruesome Start to A Dive Trip
from the September, 2016 issue of Undercurrent
Scuba divers often get to see the unexpected when
underwater and usually relish the idea. Not so Florida
diver Tom Sullivan, who spotted something unusual
protruding from under the dive dock while he was waiting
for the return of a previous charter and a group
of fellow Americans, before departing from an annual
trip to dive the St. Lawrence River in Canada. His worst
fears were confirmed when he and the dive boat's first
mate, Ryan Anderson, went to have a look. It was a
Anderson said it took a moment for the realization
to sink in that Sullivan had spotted a body, rather than some loose clothing bunched together or a scuba suit
that somehow became caught in the dock structure.
Sullivan said the body was wedged in place tightly
and at first glance could have been brushed off as
something innocuous, but he alerted operators of the
'Under Where? Dive Charters' of his suspicions.
Anderson said, "I don't know how he spotted it. It
was just the edge of a foot or a heel that was visible. It's
definitely a little disturbing." The body was removed
from the water with the assistance of city firefighters
and taken to Ottawa for a post-mortem. The dive charter
later proceeded as planned.