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Dive Review of Triangle Diving/Grotto Bay Resort in

Triangle Diving/Grotto Bay Resort: "Don't go when there's a big race", Oct, 2015,

by Mary McCombie, CT, US (Sr. Contributor Sr. Contributor 28 reports with 19 Helpful votes). Report 8514 has 3 Helpful votes.

No photos available at this time

Ratings and Overall Comments 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Accommodations 3 stars Food 2 stars
Service and Attitude 3 stars Environmental Sensitivity 3 stars
Dive Operation 2 stars Shore Diving N/A
Snorkeling N/A
Value for $$ 2 stars
Beginners 3 stars
Advanced 3 stars
Comments I planned this trip as a short 14-dive, 3.5 dive day, trip. Getting to BDA is easy, and Grotto Bay resort is quite nice--though the food outside of the breakfast buffet is nothing special--and the dive shop on site, Triangle Diving, seemed very accommodating at first. However, upon arrival, we learned that high winds would keep us from diving 1.5 of our planned days. That's just bad luck, but it was compounded when their only dive boat broke after the first day and subsequent dives were also cancelled. Compounding my disappointment was the fact that although there were at least four divers who wanted to dive on Sunday, broken boat day, the staff member Marcus did not book us with another shop (who would have taken us out). Whether this was just sloth or neglect was not clear, but when my buddy and I talked with the other divers who were also disappointed, it made us wonder why no effort was made to accommodate us, who only came there to dive. Perhaps one problem was that the shop owner, Graham Maddock, was involved with the America's Cup races taking place and thus did not tend to his dive business. In any event, we got in four of 14 dives, and left the island early.
On the good side, the diving has its interests. The underwater topography is sculptural and striking, with many swim-throughs. Half the dive sites seemed to be wrecks, ranging from historic to fairly recent. Fish life is not dense but in a way, those creatures one saw popped out because they were highlighted against dramatic soft and hard corals, and ornate reef formations.
The food at Tempest restaurant in nearby Saint George's was excellent, an elegant place with good service. The nearby Swizzle Inn (a 5 minute walk from Grotto Bay) is a famous tavern, with bar food and a lively atmosphere.
The spa at Grotto Bay is extraordinary for its location in a cave (hence the "grotto"), with massage tables on floating platforms on crystal clear salt water amidst stalactites and stalagmites. The excellent Bermudian therapists could really work out the knots.
Of course, I would rather have enjoyed a real dive trip instead of one dive day and 2.5 wasted days.

Reporter and Travel

Dive Experience Over 1000 dives
Where else diving all over the world
Closest Airport BDA Getting There easy

Dive Conditions

Weather sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy Seas choppy, surge
Water Temp 76-79°F / 24-26°C Wetsuit Thickness
Water Visibility 15-40 Ft/ 5-12 M

Dive Policy

Dive own profile no
Enforced diving restrictions Nitrox was rather pointless since the dives were never deeper than 65 feet.
Liveaboard? no Nitrox Available? yes

What I Saw

Sharks None Mantas None
Dolphins None Whale Sharks None
Turtles None Whales None
Corals 3 stars Tropical Fish 2 stars
Small Critters 1 stars Large Fish 1 stars
Large Pelagics N/A

Underwater Photography 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Subject Matter N/A Boat Facilities N/A
Overall rating for UWP's N/A Shore Facilities N/A
UW Photo Comments [None]
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Report currently has 3 Helpful votes

Subscriber's Comments

By report author: Mary McCombie in CT, US at Oct 21, 2015 10:14 EST  
I should mention that the resort did not penalize us for early departure; there was no shore diving as an option; the $200 charge to change flights was offset by not being charged by the resort; and sightseeing was not possible on the Sunday of the race since everything was closed.
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