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Dive Guide & Travel Articles

Greater Caribbean Diving Destinations
Killed by Sharks while Snorkeling with Pigs, 07/19
Nekton Cruises Shuts Down, 06/10
Bottom Time II and Sea Fever, Bahamas, 02/02
Riding Rock Inn, San Salvador, Bahamas, 06/01

Cayman, Maui, Raja Ampat, Texas - reader's report, 09/23
Isla Marisol, Glover's Reef, 07/19
MV Belize Aggressor III, Belize, 06/18
The Chinchorro Banks, Alor, Belize and Roatan, 02/18
At Last, Justice in Belize, 1/11
Nekton Cruises Shuts Down, 6/10
Reef’s End Lodge, Tobacco Caye, Belize, 05/08

An Insider’s Tips on Bonaire, 08/12
Bruce Bowker’s Carib Inn, Bonaire, 01/00

Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, 08/01

British Virgin Islands
Cuan Law, Liveaboard, British Virgin Islands, 04/00

Caribbean Sea
Cuan Law, Eastern Caribbean, 01/05
Humpbacks of the Silver Bank, Caribbean Sea, 07/03

Two Groups of Divers Lost Within a Week, 10/16
Old Providence, Colombia, 03/03
San Andres Island, Colombia, 05/02

The Chinchorro Banks, Alor, Belize and Roatan, 02/18
Aldora Divers, Cozumel, Mexico, 05/17
XTC Dive Center, Xcalak, Mexico, 11/15
Aqua Safari and Living Underwater, Cozumel, 06/15
Living Underwater, Cozumel, Mexico, 04/12
Cabo, Cozumel, Dominica, Naples, 02/09
Cozumel Changes after the Hurricanes, 04/06
Valet Diving in Cozumel, 05/05
Q. Roo: East side, west side, all around the island, Cozumel, 03/01

Want to Dive Cuba? How Americans Do It, 04/16
Jardines de la Reina, Cuba, 09/12

Dominican Republic
Bayahibe, Dominican Republic, 06/03

Grand Cayman
Divers of a Certain Age, 11/23
Cayman, Maui, Raja Ampat, Texas - reader's report, 09/23
Sunset House, Grand Cayman - Showing its Age, 11/18
Rest in Peace, Gladys Howard, 10/15
Nekton Cruises Shuts Down, 6/10
Grand Cayman Officials Say Alcohol and Stingrays Do Mix, 02/10
Grand Cayman, the East End -- the best of the class, 09/01
Cayman Diving Lodge, Grand Cayman, 05/00

Easy Diving with Splash Inn Dive Resort, Roatan, 04/19
The Chinchorro Banks, Alor, Belize and Roatan, 02/18
Laguna Beach Resort, Utila, Honduras, 08/09
CoCo View Resort, Roatan, Honduras, 08/08
CoCo View Resort, Roatan, Honduras, 07/04
Laguna Beach Resort, Honduras, 04/03

XTC Dive Center, Xcalak, Mexico, 11/15
Costa de Cocos, Xcalak, Mexico, 8/07
Holbox Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 10/04
Bahia de Los Angeles, Mexico, 08/02
Maya Ha, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, 07/01
Aboard the Horizon From San Diego to San Benito, Mexico, 04/01
Netherlands Antilles
St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles, 01/03

Turks and Caicos Islands
Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands, 01/06
Providenciales, Turks and Caicos, 03/03
South Caicos, Turks and Caicos, 05/01
Flamingo Divers, Turks and Caicos, 08/00

Aboard the Antares Dancer, Venezuela , 10/00

Virgin Islands
Diving from the BVI Aggressor in the British Virgin Islands, 06/24

West Indies
Tobago, West Indies, 07/02
Muck diving with REEF, St. Vincent, West Indies, 03/02

West, East, Central, South Pacific | Eastern Pacific Diving Destinations
Some Disappointment on the MV Spirit of Freedom, 08/19

British Columbia
Cedar Beach Ocean Lodge, B.C., Canada, 02/13
Nautilus Explorer, British Columbia, 08/03

French Polynesia
Tahiti Aggressor, French Polynesia, 05/03
Kona Aggressor II, Polynesia, 03/00

Buddy Dive Shut Down in the Galapagos, 02/14
Death in the Galapagos, 05/10

Cayman, Maui, Raja Ampat, Texas - reader's report, 09/23
Dive Makai, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 10/03
Oahu's North Shore, Hawii, 10/02
Niihau and Lehau, Offshore Kauai, Hawaii, 01/02

Emergency evacuation from the Revillagigedo islands, 01/24
Guadalupe island closure cost big money, 08/23
Great Whites of Guadalupe Island, Baja, Mexico, 03/06
Club Cantamar, La Paz, Baja, Mexico, 10/05
The Sea of Cortez, The Don Jose, Mexico, 01/01

Costa Rica
Cocos Island turtles have disappeared - why?, 02/25
Catastrophe at Cocos Island, 01/18
Okeanos Aggressor II, Cocos Island, Costa Rica, 10/17
Tax-Deductible Cocos Dive Trips, and Others Around the World, 04/14
Sea Hunter, Cocos Island, Costa Rica, 04/14
Thumbs Up, 10/09

Fish & Fins, Palau Aggressor, Micronesia, 05/16
Palau Siren Grounds and Floods, 09/15
Truk Lagoon, Micronesia, 10/01
Midway Atoll, 02/00

Cayman, Maui, Raja Ampat, Texas - reader's report, 09/23
A trip to Anilao Photo Academy, Balayan Bay, Mabini, Philippines, 09/19
SeaQuest Dive Center, Philippines, 08/13
Kasai Village, Cebu, Philippines, 03/13
Three Stops in the Philippines, Western Pacific, 09/02

South Pacific
Easter Island, South Pacific, 06/02
Moody's Namena , Fiji, South Pacific, 04/02

Fire aboard MV Conception, 10/19
Deadman Diving: Not A Dive Agency Product, 09/18
The Biggest Dive Lawsuit Payout to Date, 07/15
MV Fling, Flower Gardens, Texas, 09/14
Carmen San Diego, shark diving with WWII wrecks, North Carolina, 09/00

Cruising Vanuatu on Nai'a, Vanuatu, 06/00

Indian Ocean | Red Sea and Mediterranean Diving Destinations
Cayman, Maui, Raja Ampat, Texas - reader's report, 09/23
Diving in Lembeh Can Be Infectious!, 04/18
Papua Explorers, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, 03/17
Wakatobi Dive Resort, Indonesia, 10/14
This Dive Resort is Taking a Stand, 01/14
Raja Ampat Liveaboard Goes Down in Flames, 2/12
Arenui, Komodo Island, Indonesia, 11/11
The Raja Ampat Explained, 08/11
S/V Mandarin Siren, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, 03/11
The Raja Ampat Debate, 03/11
Lembeh Resort, Indonesia, 09/04
Raja Ampat Islands, Indonesia, 09/03
Komodo Live-aboards, Indonesia, 02/03

Sipadan’s Dive Permit System Keeps Some Divers Out of Its Waters, 01/09

Papua New Guinea
Star Dancer, Papua New Guinea, 04/03

Solomon Islands
With MY. Bilikiki in the South Pacific's Solomon Islands, 10/23

Extreme Courage -- and a Good Nose,
cave divers’ amazing rescue of the Wild Boar soccer team, 08/18

Get Your Weights Off First!, 02/18
Choose Your Dive Boat Wisely, 03/14
Ocean Rover, Thailand, 06/03

The Red Sea
Held hostage until they signed a liability waiver, 02/25
Harrowing Tales From the Red Sea Aggressor I Fire, 01/20
Why Are Red Sea Sharks Now Biting Divers?, 01/19
The Red Sea, North and South, 02/01

See also the complete diving destinations worldwide index with all articles and reviews for lots more information, and our Instant Reader Reports (for Undercurrent Online Members only) section for hundreds of latest up-to-the-minute reports on dive destinations worldwide.

Dive Guide & Travel Articles | Dive Equipment | Dive Safety | Miscellaneous Dive Articles

Dive Equipment Articles

Regulators, Rebreathers
Scorkl - Why divers see its potential danger, 01/24
A Catastrophic Regulator Failure, 04/19
A Review of DEMA Show Products, 01/19
How Often Should You Have Your Regulator Serviced?, 01/18
Diving in Freezing Water? U.S. Navy Tests Flunk Some Regulators, 10/17
The Latest DEMA Report, 02/17
Anatomy of a Free Flow, 06/14
Scubapro Nixes its “Free Parts for Life” Program, 01/12
Will the Open Circuit Regulator Become Obsolete?, 11/10
New Dangers of Rebreather Diving, 03/10
Servicing Your Regulator, 9/09
Anatomy of a Free Flow, 4/09
Rebreathers, Pack Your Canisters Properly, 10/08
Regulators: Two Recalls and NOAA's New Favorite, 7/07
Aqua Lung's "Mistral" Double Hosed Regulator Tested, 6/05
Regulator Servicing: Are You Paying for Unnecessary Parfts? 4/05
Servicing Your Regulator Too Often? 3/05
Breathe Nitrox, Dive an Air Computer? ,10/03
Is the Inspiration Rebreather a Death Trap?, 4/03
Breathing Easy Below regulator tests find the good and not-so-good, 3/03
Is Your Gear Safe with Nitrox? at what oxygen content is ignition possible, 1/03
24,700 Faulty Oceanic Regulators, 1/03

Dive Computers
Is Your Old Computer Still Safe?, 03/19
A Review of DEMA Show Products, 01/19
Oxygen Analyzers – What’s New?, 06/18
The Latest DEMA Report, 02/17
The Failure to Understand Your Computer 08/16
That Deep Stop Option on Your Computer, 04/16
Class Action on Faulty Suunto Computers Continues, 01/16
Atomic Aquatics Recalls 4,200 Dive Computers in North America, 10/12
New Innovations in Dive Gear, 3/08
Irrational Fear of Flashing Dive Computers, 7/07
Computer Problems, Part III, 9/04
UWATEC Sport Dive Computers Go Dumb, 8/03
Aladin Air X Nitrox Computers Recalled, 4/03

Problems with Sherwood Avid BCs Still Continue, 09/18
The Latest DEMA Report, 02/17
The Shortcomings of Winged BCs, 01/16
Problems with Weight Pockets, 06/13
Scubapro Nixes its “Free Parts for Life” Program, 01/12
Emergency Breathing from Your BCD, 06/11
Edge and HOG BCDs Pose a Danger, 5/11
The Inadvertently Inflating Power Inflator, 2/09
Weight Integrated BCDs, 5/04

Masks, Fins, Snorkels, Wet Suits
“Traditional” Fins Are Making a Comeback, 02/19
The Latest DEMA Report, 02/17
Snorkels: Love ’em or Hate ’em?, 06/16
What’s a Heated Vest, and Should You Buy One?, 03/15
Need a New Wetsuit?, 11/12
The Fins Sharks Like Best, 11/11
I Can See Clearly Now ... Underwater, 09/11
Stoppering the Problem: Do Ear Plugs Work Underwater?, 10/09
Get A Magnifying Glass, 4/09
Rescue Devices For Saving Your Bacon, 9/08
New Innovations in Dive Gear, 3/08
Testing Quirky and Not-So-Quirky Fins, 1/08
Weighing In on Weight Systems, 4/07
Moving Your Weights: from your love handles to your navel, 2/05
Scientists Debunk Fin Claims & Faulty Fin Claims, 1/04
Getting Into Dry Suit Diving, 8/03
Split Fins vs. Quattros, 8/03

Scorkl - Why divers see its potential danger, 01/24
Even Air Breathing Divers Should Analyse Their Gas, 10/18
Oxygen Analyzers – What’s New?, 06/18
Death in Belize from Exploding Tanks, 01/13
CO Poisoning Risk Higher Than You Think, 07/12
Scuba Tanks as Lethal Weapons, 02/11
Tanks, Bottles, and Spare Airs May Be Confiscated, 5/04
ULuxfer Tank Trade-In Is No Bargain, But Worthwhile, 6/03
What if the Burst Disk Doesn't Burst?, 6/03

Equipment Recalls
Problems with Sherwood Avid BCs Still Continue, 09/18
Problems with Weight Pockets, 06/13
Atomic Aquatics Recalls 4,200 Dive Computers in North America, 10/12
189 Failures Lead to Recall of 17,000 Miflex Hoses, 5/12
Edge and HOG BCDs Pose a Danger, 5/11
Regulators: Two Recalls and NOAA's New Favorite, 7/07
Aladin Air X Nitrox Computers Recalled, 4/03

Underwater Photography
LiPo bags halt battery fires, 10/24
Top tips on getting good photos underwater, 06/19
Diving in Lembeh Can Be Infectious!, 04/18
The Latest DEMA Report, 02/17
Get the Most from Your GoPro, 8/15
What to Do with Camera Batteries on Flights, 10/14
The Fight to Stop Seahorse Photography, 11/13
Fair for Photographers?, 08/10
Underwater Photo Tips From the Pros: Part I, 10/07
Is Digital Imaging Underwater Photography?: Part I, 7/05

Does Renting Gear Save Travel Hassle?, 08/24
A Review of DEMA Show Products, 01/19
Plastic is Suffocating the Ocean, 01/18
Dive Stores in the Internet Age, 2/12
Can You Name Your Price for Dive Gear?, 4/10
Divers, the Internet and the Industry, 5/06
A Personal Perspective on Dive Innovation, 3/09

LiPo bags halt battery fires, 10/24
Should I Insure Old Scuba Gear?, 03/24
Plug In and Play Firefighter!, 11/18
Sending Your Sausage Safely, 04/18
Diver Safety – It’s Not Sexy!, 11/16
Snorkels: Love ’em or Hate ’em?, 06/16
A Death Attributed to Rental Gear, 03/16
Barracuda Slaughter at McCauley Memorial, 10/15
Drop the Dive Travel Weight: Part II, 8/14
Drop the Dive Travel Weight Part I, 7/14
Look, Ma, No Hands Underwater, 7/10
Taking Your Cell Phone Diving: Dumb Idea or Good Safety Tool?, 1/10

Dive Guide & Travel Articles | Dive Equipment | Dive Safety | Miscellaneous Dive Articles

Dive Health/Safety

Emergency evacuation from the Revillagigedo islands, 01/24
Scorkl - Why divers see its potential danger, 01/24
Is COVID-19 Especially Bad News for Divers?, 05/20
Flying After Diving?, 08/19
Is Your Old Computer Still Safe?, 03/19
Even Air Breathing Divers Should Analyse Their Gas, 10/18
Tulsa Diver Bent In Cozumel Gets An Insurance Shock, 07/18
Would You Opt For In-Water Recompression?, 01/17
That Deep Stop Option on Your Computer, 04/16
The Disappearing Recompression Chamber, 9/13
Flying After Diving: A Threat Worse than the Bends, 3/12
The Risks of Oxygen at Increased Depth, 09/10
Do the Drugs You Take Increase Bends Risk?, 03/10
Irrational Fear of Flashing Dive Computers, 7/07
Multiple Flights after Diving, 3/07
Decompression Illness Presenting as Breast Pain, 10/06
With DCI, Age Matters,3/06

Held hostage until they signed a liability waiver, 02/25
It takes hope to save yourself, 10/24
What's happening with liveaboards?, 02/24
A stroke while diving is serious, 01/24
Emergency evacuation from the Revillagigedo islands, 01/24
A Template for Liveaboard Fire Safety Precautions, 02/20
Harrowing Tales From the Red Sea Aggressor I Fire, 01/20
The Potential for a Liveaboard Fire, 11/19
Fire aboard MV Conception, 10/19
Prevent an Incident Becoming a Crisis, 07/19
Killed by Sharks while Snorkeling with Pigs, 07/19
Surviving deep underwater with nothing to breathe, 06/19
A snorkeler gets swallowed by a whale, 05/19
A Catastrophic Regulator Failure, 04/19
Why Divers Die: Part II, 02/19
Problems with Sherwood Avid BCs Still Continue, 09/18
Extreme Courage -- and a Good Nose,
cave divers’ amazing rescue of the Wild Boar soccer team, 08/18

Tulsa Diver Bent In Cozumel Gets An Insurance Shock, 07/18
Get Your Weights Off First!, 02/18
Catastrophe at Cocos Island, 01/18
Enraptured or Anxious? – You're Narked, 09/17
A Hidden Killer in Our Midst, 08/17
Why Don’t Some Divers Drop Weights in an Emergency?, 06/17
Eight-Hour Ordeal for Shark Attack Victim, Craig DeWit, 02/17
Assigned a Bad Buddy?, 11/16
Diver Safety – It’s Not Sexy!, 11/16
Two Groups of Divers Lost Within a Week, 10/16
Find Yourself in Deep Trouble?, 09/16
A Tragically Glamorous Underwater Shoot, 07/16
A Death Attributed to Rental Gear, 03/16
Palau Siren Grounds and Floods, 09/15
The Biggest Dive Lawsuit Payout to Date, 07/15
A Tragedy of Dive Errors, 04/15
Dead Diver’s Wife Sues a Shadow Diver Star, 03/15
The Dangers Above the Surface, 09/14
Anatomy of a Free Flow, 06/14
Choose Your Dive Boat Wisely, 03/14
Divers Who Get Lost at Sea, 02/14
Death in Belize from Exploding Tanks, 01/13
Why You Might Remove Your Regulator When You Shouldn’t, 06/12
The “Discover Scuba Diving” Programs, 3/12
Raja Ampat Liveaboard Goes Down in Flames, 2/12
The Fins Sharks Like Best, 11/11
Jim Abernethy Catches a Few Teeth, 02/11
Scuba Tanks as Lethal Weapons, 02/11
Death in the Galapagos, 05/10
Staying Alive until the Boat Finds You, 7/06
Thumbs Down — Advanced Diving, Placencia, Belize, 4/05
Shark Feeding Stops, $25 Million Suit for Lost Leg, 1/04
The Belt Goes First, 10/03
Two Live-Aboard Fatalities Raise Question, 9/03
Underwater Suicide, 8/03
Is Your Liveaboard Trip Aboard a Safe Vessel? Part I, 5/03
Drifting the Day Away, 4/03
Spoilsport Tragedy, 3/03
Why Divers Die, Part III, 2/03
Serious Shark Attack Raises Questions, 1/03

Medical Studies/Other Afflictions
It takes hope to save yourself, 10/24
A stroke while diving is serious, 01/24
Is COVID-19 Especially Bad News for Divers?, 05/20
Flying After Diving?, 08/19
Why Divers Die: Part II, 02/19
Enraptured or Anxious? – You’re Narked, 09/17
A Hidden Killer in Our Midst, 08/17
A Tragically Glamorous Underwater Shoot, 07/16
Are You Too Old to Dive, 11/14
Why You Might Remove Your Regulator When You Shouldn’t, 06/12
The Risks of Oxygen at Increased Depth, 09/10
Grand Cayman Officials Say Alcohol and Stingrays Do Mix, 02/10
Bacterial Contamination in Rinse Tanks, 6/09
Women Divers and Their Menstrual Cycles, 8/06
Why Divers Die, Part I, — panic and entrapment, 9/05
The 'Pee Factor' in Diving,When the urge hits, should you? 08/05
Exercise Before, During, and After Diving: there are DCS risks, indeed, 3/04
Why Divers Die, Part III... over weighting is a common contributor, 2/04
Why Divers Die, Part I, learning to say no, 10/03
Deep DooDoo, 10/03
CoCo View Cuts the Cheese and (hopefully) Blows Away Turista, 10/03
Panic in Recreational Scuba Divers, yes, the sexes are Venus and Mars, 8/03
Slow Burn, 4/03
More About Those Medical Exams, 2/03
Study Finds Diving May Damage Your Lungs, 2/03
Diseases and drugs
Liveaboards: Fertile Ground for COVID, 11/23
Is COVID-19 Especially Bad News for Divers?, 05/20
Covid-19 and the Dive travel Industry, 04/20
Diving with Erectile Dysfunction, 10/10
Transferred by the Rinse Tank: A Nasty Case of Conjunctivitis, 9/08
CoCo View Resort, Roatan, Honduras ...10 years later, the same diver paradise, , 07/04
Coco View Redux, 5/03
How SARS Can Ruin Your Dive Trip ... Even if You Don't Have It, 5/03

Stings, Burns, Other Nuisances
Watch Out for Lionfish Stings, 09/14
Travel Tips & Helpful Dive Hints: Part I, 01/14
The Painful, Disabling Sting of a Lionfish, 10/11
The Skinny on No-See-Ums, 9/07
Latest Results on Insect Repellents, 10/06
Who You Callin' Hostile?, 9/03
Getting Nailed by Jellies, a commercial preventative lotion proves effective, 9/03
No-See-Ums More Than Just an Irritation, 01/00

Diving Practices
That Diver's Medical Form, 03/25
Liveaboards: Fertile Ground for COVID, 11/23
Prevent an Incident Becoming a Crisis, 07/19
Even Air Breathing Divers Should Analyse Their Gas, 10/18
Sending Your Sausage Safely, 04/18
Get Your Weights Off First!, 02/18
Why Don’t Some Divers Drop Weights in an Emergency?, 06/17
Find Yourself in Deep Trouble?, 09/16
Snorkels: Love ’em or Hate ’em?, 06/16
The Shortcomings of Winged BCs, 01/16
Should Diver Certification Last Forever?, 01/15
Are You Too Old to Dive, 11/14
The Decline of Dive Training: Part II, 04/14
I Can See Clearly Now ... Underwater, 09/11
Emergency Breathing from Your BCD, 06/11
New Dangers of Rebreather Diving, 03/10
Stoppering the Problem: Do Ear Plugs Work Underwater?, 10/09
A Better Way to Find Lost Divers, 5/09
Drinking and Diving: How Much Alcohol Is Too Much? 10/08
Serious New Regulations in the Galapagos Islands, 1/07
Gray Around the Gills, 9/03
Losing Your Buddy in Inner Space, 9/01

Dive Travel
What's happening with liveaboards?, 02/24
Divers of a Certain Age, 11/23
Covid-19 and the Dive travel Industry, 04/20
A Template for Liveaboard Fire Safety Precautions, 02/20
Unvarnished Truth Can Hurt But It’s Still the Truth, 06/18
Diving in Lembeh Can Be Infectious!, 04/18
Diver Safety – It’s Not Sexy!, 11/16
A Death Attributed to Rental Gear, 03/16
Choose Your Dive Boat Wisely, 03/14
Flying After Diving: A Threat Worse than the Bends, 3/12
A Smart Way to Beat Airline Carry-on Restrictions, 10/09
Is That Overseas Dive Destination Safe to Visit?, 8/09
Proper Liveaboard Hygiene, 5/08
Diver Car-Rental Scam in Cozumel, 1/08
Photo Gear, Rebreathers Stolen from Divers — And there it is, for sale on eBay, 3/06
Tanks, Bottles, and Spare Airs May Be Confiscated, 5/04
Is Your Live-Aboard Safe? -- Part II, 6/03
Travel Safety in the Age of Terrorism, 2/03

Other Dangers
LiPo bags halt battery fires, 10/24
Why Are Red Sea Sharks Now Biting Divers?, 01/19
Extreme Courage -- and a Good Nose,
cave divers’ amazing rescue of the Wild Boar soccer team, 08/18

CO Poisoning Risk Higher Than You Think, 07/12
The Most Dangerous Fish, 07/11
Jim Abernethy Catches a Few Teeth, 02/11
Death of a Shark Diver, Redux, 7/09
When Lightning Strikes During a Dive, 9/07
Electronic Shark Repellent Vindicated, 5/03
Is Your Gear Safe with Nitrox?, 1/03
Is That Welding Oxygen in Your Nitrox Tank?, 1/03
Dive Guide & Travel Articles | Dive Equipment | Dive Safety | Miscellaneous Dive Articles


Plastic Packaging And The Diving Industry, 07/18
Undercurrent Gets An Award, 07/18
Plastic is Suffocating the Ocean, 01/18
Hey divers, don’t eat the reef fish, 11/17
Keep Goliath Groupers for Divers, 09/17
Barracuda Slaughter at McCauley Memorial, 10/15
Turning Oil Rigs into Diveable Reefs, 02/15
An Underwater Attack Makes World Headlines, 06/14
Tax-Deductible Cocos Dive Trips, and Others Around the World, 04/14
This Dive Resort is Taking a Stand, 01/14
Divers Who Do Good, 10/13
DEMA Versus the National Ocean Policy, 06/12
Sharks Under Siege: Part II, 05/11
Is the Lionfish Really a Threat?, 10/10
A Diver's Report From Copenhagen, 02/10
Caribbean Reefs, 10/09
Get Shark Fin Soup off U.S. Restaurant Menus, 3/09
So How Are the Oceans Really Doing? 10/08
Turn Up the Heat on Climate Change, 1/07
Can Coral Reefs Survive Global Warming?, 1/07
Undercurrent Saves Reefs, 1/07
Divers and Home Aquariums, 4/04
El Niño Weakens, 3/03
Men With Big Abs. Fines against abalone divers, 10/02
Bad News for Elkhorn Coral: Fecal Bacteria is the Killer, 7/02
What Divers are Roughest on the Reef? 7/02
Here Come the Hurricanes. What to do if Omar or Sally comes your way, 5/02
When the Little Boy Comes, the Big Boys Leave, the coming effects of El Niño, 4/02
Eternal Reefs Revisited, 4/02
Think You've Made Your Last Dive? let your eternal reef give you one more for eternity, 2/02
The State of the World's Reefs, 10/01
The Truth About San Salvador's Algae, 8/01
Touched to Death, 7/01
Coral, Science and George W., 5/01
Blast Fishing: Slim pickings, yet major damage, 4/01
Divers Witness Mexican Carnage, when marine parks are no refuge, 7/00
Klein Bonaire Rescued from Developers, 2/00
Eating Fish (pc), 4/99
Crumbling Coral, 10/97
How El Niño is affecting dive travel, 10/97
Paradise Reef Pier, Cozumel, 1/95

Marine Life
Cocos Island turtles have disappeared - why?, 02/25
Australian Wildfires - We Update You on Undercurrent's Fund-raising Appeal, 05/20
Killed by Sharks while Snorkeling with Pigs, 07/19
A snorkeler gets swallowed by a whale, 05/19
Why Are Red Sea Sharks Now Biting Divers?, 01/19
Catastrophe at Cocos Island, 01/18
Hey divers, don’t eat the reef fish, 11/17
Keep Goliath Groupers for Divers, 09/17
The Pros and Cons of Shark-Feeding Dives, 04/17
Eight-Hour Ordeal for Shark Attack Victim, Craig DeWit, 02/17
XTC Dive Center, Xcalak, Mexico, 11/15
Barracuda Slaughter at McCauley Memorial, 10/15
Watch Out for Lionfish Stings, 09/14
An Underwater Attack Makes World Headlines, 06/14
Lionfish: The Caribbean Endgame, 02/14
This Dive Resort is Taking a Stand, 01/14
The Fight to Stop Seahorse Photography, 11/13
Shark Baiting and Feeding, 07/13
Have Lionfish Met Their Match?, 10/11
The Painful, Disabling Sting of a Lionfish, 10/11
The Most Dangerous Fish, 07/11
Sharks Under Siege: Part II, 05/11
Sharks Under Siege: Part I, 04/11
Jim Abernethy Catches a Few Teeth, 02/11
Is the Lionfish Really a Threat?, 10/10
Caribbean Reefs, 10/09
Thumbs Up, 10/09
Death of a Shark Diver, Redux, 7/09
Get A Magnifying Glass, 4/09
Those Guides Who Manhandle Fish, and why we should avoid them, 2/08
Whale Rider, 9/03
U.S. Great White Diving, 6/03
Coral Reef Adventure, IMAX film by Howard and Michelle Hall, 5/03
Electronic Shark Repellent Vindicated, 5/03
The 15-foot Octopus is Alive and Well, 4/03
More About Shark Feeding, 2/03
Thumbs Down, Maui Dive Shop masters harassing marine life, 7/02
Great White Sharks Migrate Thousands of Miles, 3/02
Brand New Paul Humann ID Books, 3/02
REEF's Science Saves the Goliath Grouper, 3/02
What You See When You Dive Deeper, 2/02
Caribbean Whale Slaughter, 2/02
Florida Shark Feeding Ban is Final ... Maybe, 1/02
Great Whites Visit Catalina, 8/01
$5,000 Reward for Errant Spearfisherman, 8/01
Shark Feeding Debate Continues in Florida. Dive industry faces opposition, 7/01
A Cousteau Shark Slaughter, Pavlov's Shark, 7/01
What's Next, Tridacna Clams? Problems from dumping exotics in the sea, 2/01
Strange Findings in the Deep, 1/01
Beached Whales, 8/00
Inflatable Sharks, 6/99
Harassing Marine Life, 9/98
Orca vs Shark, 1/98
Sailfish Attack, 1/97
Surveying Reef Fish, 9/96
Feeding Sharks, 7/96
Shark Attack, 8/95
Sharks off Florida, 9/94
CD-ROMs, 7/94

Dive Industry
Having Fun with Artificial Intelligence, 07/24
How should we tip the dive crew?, 04/24
Divers of a Certain Age, 11/23
Australian Wildfires - We Update You on Undercurrent's Fund-raising Appeal, 05/20
Covid-19 and the Dive travel Industry, 04/20
The excess weight we carry - should dive operations reject plus-size divers?, 03/20
Harrowing Tales From the Red Sea Aggressor I Fire, 01/20
The Potential for a Liveaboard Fire, 11/19
Deadman Diving: Not A Dive Agency Product, 09/18
Extreme Courage -- and a Good Nose,
cave divers’ amazing rescue of the Wild Boar soccer team, 08/18

Undercurrent Gets An Award, 07/18
Unvarnished Truth Can Hurt But It’s Still the Truth, 06/18
“Me Too” in the Diving Industry, 05/18
Plastic is Suffocating the Ocean, 01/18
Those Internet-Based Dive Travel Websites, 07/17
The Pros and Cons of Shark-Feeding Dives, 04/17
The Latest DEMA Report, 02/17
Find Yourself in Deep Trouble?, 09/16
Scuba, the Sport of Grandparents! 08/16
A Tragically Glamorous Underwater Shoot, 07/16
Want to Dive Cuba? How Americans Do It, 04/16
Travel Agent or the Internet? Part I, 02/16
How Any Diver Can Negotiate Group Dive Discounts, 05/15
Molesting Dive Instructor Sees It as “Just Playing” with Female Divers, 05/15
Should Diver Certification Last Forever?, 01/15
Other Dive Travel Groups, 07/14
An Underwater Attack Makes World Headlines, 06/14
The Decline of Dive Training: Part II, 04/14
Buddy Dive Shut Down in the Galapagos, 02/14
This Dive Resort is Taking a Stand, 01/14
Divers Who Do Good, 10/13
Shark Baiting and Feeding, 07/13
Diving in “Shark-Infested” Waters, 02/13
A 24-Hour Sea Hunt Marathon, 01/13
Who Is That Masked Man? Bret Gilliam discovers who "Ben Davison" really is, 11/12
DEMA Versus the National Ocean Policy, 06/12
Taking Kids on Your Next Dive Trip, 5/12
The “Discover Scuba Diving” Programs, 3/12
Nekton Cruises Shuts Down, 6/10
New Online Benefits for Subscribers, 9/07
Divers, the Internet and the Industry, 5/06
Diving Gratuities: Part II— when and how we tip, 4/05
Shark Feeding Stops, $25 Million Suit for Lost Leg, 1/04
The Evolution of DAN, 10/03
High and Dry, when dive operators overbook, 10/03
Price Discrimination, Part II, 9/03
Should Female Divers Beware? 9/03
Discriminatory Pricing, 8/03
Summer Reads for Divers ... five classics not to miss, 7/03
The Scubascam Lingers On, 6/03
Want to Buy A Tropical Timeshare? how to avoid the mistakes of ripped-off divers, 5/03
Essential Dive Books, 5/03
The Diver's Alert Network Saga Continues, an investigative reporter raises some serious questions, 2/03
Death of a Free Dive Champion, but who is to blame?, 1/03
DAN Founder retires amid controversy ... and serious questions, 1/03
How's Business? diving equipment sales down sharply, 10/02
Skin Diver Magazine Shuts Down, 10/02
Diver's Stiffed as LCD Leaves Little Cayman, 09/02
Has Ocean Realm Sunk without a Trace? 2/02
Three Magazines for Experienced Divers, inside information on the serious side of the sport, 8/02
They've Got Balls, 7/02

Dive Industry (continue ...)
That Solo Diving Certification. is it worth the paper it's printed on? 5/02
Chain Stores, Catalogues, and the Internet: The Future of Dive Shops? 5/02
Brand New Paul Humann ID Books, 3/02
Readers Lose Money with Scubacan. do we have a scuba scam here? 2/02
Dive Trip Tipping Nearly Universal, but there's disagreement on the amounts and recipients, 1/02
Divers Left Floating as Agencies Go Bankrupt. travel insurance no longer helps, 1/02
The Alternative to Scuba, freediving rises in stature, 10/01
The Bitter Legacy of Jacques Cousteau, 9/01
High Art or Abysmal Hype? Equipment to die for, 7/01
PADI Brings Tech Diving to the Masses, 3/01
How's This for a Diving Record?, 1/01
Ms. Diver, a look at two new women's dive pubs, 8/00
Sea Contacts Brouhaha, 6/00
Live by the Internet, Die by the Internet, 8/99
Who's Who at What URL? 5/99
Dive Industry Report, 4/99
Editor's Notes. On DEMA, travel, & trouble, 2/99
Skin Diver editor gets sacked, 9/97
End of See & Sea, 6/97
In Depth joins Undercurrent, 1/95

Insurance, Legal, Dispute
Held hostage until they signed a liability waiver, 02/25
Should I Insure Old Scuba Gear?, 03/24
Guadalupe island closure cost big money, 08/23
Covid-19 and the Dive travel Industry, 04/20
Unvarnished Truth Can Hurt But It’s Still the Truth, 06/18
“Me Too” in the Diving Industry, 05/18
Did Your Travel Insurance Cough Up When You Needed It?, 03/18
Will your liveaboard’s insurance cover your loss?, 11/17
Find Yourself in Deep Trouble?, 09/16
The Biggest Dive Lawsuit Payout to Date, 07/15
A Tragedy of Dive Errors, 04/15
Dead Diver’s Wife Sues a Shadow Diver Star, 03/15
Husband Sues PADI for Wife's Death from Carbon Monoxide, 01/14
A Diver with Heart Issues: Could His Death Not Be Accidental?, 10/13
Is This Dive Operator Right or Wrong?, 10/12
Why You Should Skip Trip Insurance, 04/12
Insurance for Your Next Dive Trip, 01/12
Scubapro Nixes its “Free Parts for Life” Program, 01/12
Where Travel Insurance Counts, 1/11
Why Divers Get Bad Deals on Life Insurance, 6/10
Anatomy of a Dive Lawsuit, 9/09
Did Gabe Watson Get Away With Murder?, 7/09
Dive Equipment Insurance Claims, 6/07
When Do You Need Dive Travel Insurance? 2/07
When a Passport Isn't Enough, 9/06
Do You have the Right Diver Insurance? 6/06
Broken Leg, Malaria, SARS: your insurance may not cover you, 1/05
Readers Report on Equipment Insurance. is your homeowner's or renter's policy good enough?, 6/04
Court Dismisses Andrea Doria Suit, 10/03
Aussies Mean Business, 8/03
Travel Insurance? Credit Card Refund? Don't Count On It, 8/03
That PADI Liability Release: Win One, 3/03
That PADI Liability Release: Lose One, 3/03
Hartford Insurance Tries to Stiff Diver's Widow, 2/03
New Diving Heroes, 1/03
The Suit Against Peter Hughes Settled Wave Dancer victims say justice wasn't done, 10/02
Thumbs Down. Bonaire thefts from rented cars , 10/02
Scubacan Sued Successfully, 10/02
Murder at Eighty Feet?, 7/02
That Sinking Feeling: What dope came up with those scuba warnings? 7/02
No Conclusions in Belize about Wave Dancer Deaths, 6/02
$35 Million Suit Filed in Diving Death, 5/02
DAN Faces off with DEPP on Dive Equipment Insurance, 4/02
Picking up the Pieces: The Misadventures of Tropical Adventures, 3/02
Travel Insurance in a Time of Terrorism, 10/01
When a Grouper Eats Your Computer, 9/01
When a Travel Agent Sticks to "Its Rules""standard" business practice is lousy business practice, 8/01
When Your Ship Leaves Without You. Will travel insurance bail you out? 7/01
Tips About Dive Releases, 6/01
Miami Vice. Theft of Pelican hard cases, 5/01
Are You Diving Naked? Why your dive insurance may not cover what YOU want, 4/01
The Truth About Dive Releases, Part II, 4/01
The Truth About Dive Releases, Part I, 3/01
Made a Deposit Then Stayed Home?... and the resort kept your money?, 2/01
To Feed or Not to Feed Florida fish feeding ban, 10/00
$31 Million Verdict for Paralyzed Diver, 7/00
Insured Against Uprisings? 7/00
Travel Insurers Contacts and Rates, 7/00
Releases, 5/00
Don't Event Think About It, 8/99
Other Insurance for Divers, 4/98
Trip Cancellation Insurance, 3/98

How should we tip the dive crew?, 04/24
Guadalupe island closure cost big money, 08/23
The dive-trip tipping conundrum -- How much to give?, 09/19
How to fly for free to your dive destination, 05/19
Tulsa Diver Bent In Cozumel Gets An Insurance Shock, 07/18
Those Internet-Based Dive Travel Websites, 07/17
Class Action on Faulty Suunto Computers Continues, 01/16
How Any Diver Can Negotiate Group Dive Discounts, 05/15
Tax-Deductible Cocos Dive Trips, and Others Around the World, 04/14
Skip the Travel Vest, Just Wear Your BCD, 1/10
What You’ll Pay on Your Next Dive Trip, the latest on trip pricing and “hidden” fees, 1/09
When the Weather Cancels Your Diving: can you get a refund? it depends, 10/04
Want to Buy A Tropical Timeshare? how to avoid the mistakes of ripped-off divers, 5/03
Perseverance Pays Off (refund of cancelled trip by credit card bank), 3/03
Can't Pay with Plastic? tell them to "use it or lose it", 7/02
Get Rid of Your Pesos and Help the Kids, 3/02
Credit Card Surcharges, 2/00
New Credit Card Fees, 6/99
Credit Card Surcharges , 1/99
Asian Dive Prices , 6/98

Fire aboard MV Conception, 10/19
Tropical Ice, in paperback, 08/17
Your Dive Travel Agent and Frequent Flyer Miles 08/16
Snorkels: Love ’em or Hate ’em?, 06/16
What to Do with Camera Batteries on Flights, 10/14
Are Some Male Divers Too “Helpful?”, 5/14
I’m Offended by This!, 10/13
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