Dear Fellow Diver,
Lembeh Straits, off the tip of Northern Sulawesi, is
known for the critters living in muck or rubble. But
there are walls, beautiful corals, plenty of fish on the
reef or in big schools, and, as I reported in the last
issue, you can do ten days or more for well under $3000.
As an example of the thrills, there’s Retak Larry, literally
Larry’s crack (Larry Smith, who is not a plumber), where
I made a couple dives among Kodipungi lionfish (each pectoral
ray is like a soft feather), pygmy pipehorses,
Pegasus seamoths (a tiny winged dragon-like fish), nudibranches
galore, warty and painted frogfish, and decorator
crabs scuttling across the reef with fire urchins glued to
their carapaces. Unless you come to this part of the world,
where else will you see such weird and wonderful stuff?
On one dive here, a banded sea krait, a.k.a. sea
snake, appeared. Our guide Ronald created a tunnel by
putting his hands together and the krait swam through it, up
to his mask, to examine either its reflection or Ronald’s
nose hair, then it nosed through his head hair. We finned
off to see a Moyer’s dragonet, ocellated and cockatoo flounders,
and flasher and devil scorpionfish, while fringelip
mullets fed on the bottom. Then he found a flamboyant cuttlefish
-- I’ve seen photographers doing back-flips underwater
so excited to see one -- as well as yellow painted and
white painted frogfish, and black-finned snake eels. Then
we were off to a cleaning station manned by a red humpbacked
cleaner shrimp that cleaned Ronald’s cuticles and
even his teeth, after he removed his regulator. All this
and, as it turned out, my dive buddy’s 6,000th dive.
After traveling by boat across the Lembeh Strait(the
captain using a flashlight to look for unlighted vessels),
I arrived at the picturesque Lembeh Resort, open little
more than a year. A uniformed employee directed me along well-lit pathways through the beautiful
grounds of a classy resort.
In the
lobby, I was handed a tropical fruit
smoothie, a damp towel to cool my face,
and a registration form, then was directed
to my bungalow From my verandah, I
could see Lembeh Strait and Kungkungan
Bay Resort in the distance. The large
parlor had an overhead fan, two couches
and two chairs, a bottled water dispenser,
and a small refrigerator stocked
with sodas and beer. The separate bedroom
had a huge, comfortable bed and
remote controlled air-conditioning. Two
walls were curtained windows, one looking
over Lembeh Strait and the other looking
through jungle growth. The regal bathroom
had a conventional inside shower and an
outside Balinese-styled shower for showering
under the stars.
The first morning, I introduced
myself to another diver who, like myself,
was traveling alone. She too was spending
four weeks diving Indonesia, far from her Las Vegas home, where she had once
danced in reviews with Jack Benny and Sammy Davis. Breakfast was American fair,
with fresh juice, eggs, pancakes, French toast, bacon -- you create the combos.
Later, we joined two San Diego divers (one had won a trip to Lembeh from an underwater
photo contest) and it was a table for four thereafter. (No more than 20
people were at the resort at any one time).
I put my gear on my porch and it was at the dive center when I arrived for
the 8 a.m. briefing and the first of three boat dives. The dive complex includes
the dive shop (stocked with serious gear, like computers), two bathrooms with showers,
the photography center, a large room with cubicles just for camera users, and
the dive center, with closet-sized dive gear storage areas for each room in the
resort. A chalkboard spelled out the sites, guides and the departure times (which
slipped as the day progressed, often because some inconsiderate divers were poky
getting dressed for the briefings).
The roofed, 30-foot-long boats,
powered by three 40 hp outboards,
hold twelve divers, but we never had
more than six. I set up my gear for
the first dive and the staff took
care of it after that. (Tanks are
aluminum 80’s, filled to 3000 psi).
All in all, a dive operation worthy
of a top-of-the line resort.
The sharp-eyed divemasters would
find critter after critter I might
pass right by. I occasionally lingered
to get photos, but with 30-40
ft. vis, if I lingered too long I
temporarily lost the group and missed
the next animal. Most dives we worked our way down a slope to 80 feet, then worked back up the gently sloping
sandy-silty bottoms with little or no coral. A few dive sites, that are not really
critter sites, offer great coral and nice walls where I dropped to 120 feet.
Kapal Indah (literally, boat pretty) is an upright wreck on a sandy bottom
at 90 feet, where ornate ghost pipefish hung in soft coral growing from the hull.
Scorpionfish hid inside, where reef fish swam, notably half a dozen six-bar angels,
double-bar soapfish and harlequin sweetlips. Between dives, the boat usually
returned to the hotel. I often jumped into the fresh water pool about ten paces
from the dive center to wash off the salt.
I took a guided twilight tour of the house reef to seek the psychedelic mandarin
fish. It’s a long and relatively uninteresting swim to get to a 20-foot bottom
and some coral outcroppings. In the dim light I saw several mandarin fish
crawling on coral rubble. Any movement, including shining a light on them, sent
them scampering. But, our guide illuminated several pairs of males in a fight for
mating rights, or mating pairs floating a couple of feet above the broken coral,
usually for just few seconds. Of course I saw plenty of other critters off the
front porch, including a basketball-sized reef octopus waiting for us to leave so
he could go hunting.
I dived with three
dive guides: Ronald, Abner
and Hengki, all wiry
Indonesians. Ronald was
the most talented, but
lost interest if the site
didn’t have enough critters.
Abner was concerned
that his guests found
everything they were looking
for. Hengki upset me
with his willingness to
disturb the animals to
help a rude photographer
get his images, once using
his rod to drive a pregnant
mantis shrimp from
its burrow, causing it to
lose many eggs. When we
told Bruce, the Canadian
dive manager, he said that
he would talk to Hengki.
At Police Pier, one
diver wanted an image of
the juvenile pinnate batfish,
which is perfectly
black with a gold outline
around the body. Working
past ghost pipefish, yellow
and orange painted
frogfish, helmut gurnards,
juvenile Banggai cardinalfish
living in sea
urchins and weirdly shaped
sand anemones, we found
the batfish. (Originally,
the striking Banggai cardinalfish
was only found
east of central Sulawesi,
but apparently someone
brought a few to Lembeh
and they are at many
sites). On a dive at
T.K.3, I found a very
hairy juvenile frogfish
sitting next to an adult
with only scattered hairs
on its body, perhaps a
bald old man. A night
dive at Jahir found lots
of cuttlefish, warty frogfish,
a juvenile crocodile
flathead in black phase,
and a green mantis shrimp loaded with a huge red egg mass under its body.
Falls and Nudy Retreat have lots of hard and soft corals -- you have to go to Indonesia to understand what “lots of coral”
means -- and strange critters. The diversity
includes crinoids, worms, anemones, oysters,
clams, barnacles, basket stars, urchins, sea
cucumbers, and tunicates.
California Dreaming is one of the farther
boat rides, with beautiful walls of coral and
often pelagics. In the 70 ft. visibility,
twenty dogtooth tuna swam around us, followed
shortly by rainbow runners. During two dives
here, there was a big Batavian batfish, a mellow
cuttlefish, a female Napoleon wrasse, lots
of nudys, and beautiful soft coral. The guide
took us against the current, so we worked harder
than we wanted. After the dive, I passed
up my gear and effortlessly climbed the
portable metal ladder.
At lunch and dinner I joined my newfound friends for very good food served
by attentive waiters. A two-page menu lists varieties of appetizers, salads, soups
and entrees. One night, for example, I had chicken spring rolls, cream of pumpkin
soup, a tossed salad with vinaigrette dressing (short on vinegar), and an excellent
spaghetti Bolognese. For dessert, I had two fried bananas wrapped in a
spring roll cover. I found the Indonesian specialties excellent. One appetizer, a
deep-fried pastry stuffed with ground meat, eggs and minced onions, was an
Indonesian specialty that could make a complete meal. And their coffee rivals,
maybe beats, Starbucks.
More diving: At Hairball, named after the hairy striped frogfish, our guide
swept off the face of a white margin stargazer, which sat for quite awhile, face
fully exposed, before digging deeper into the sand. We went to T.K.1 to see yellow
and black weedy scorpionfish, and also spotted devil and band-tail scorpionfish.
There were both green and yellow mantis shrimp and lots of nudys. For my
last day, Bruce suggested Angel’s Window, perhaps Lembeh’s most beautiful site.
It’s a colorful seamount with a swim-through at 90 feet. Black-lip butterflyfish
and moon wrasses were harvesting the eggs and the distressed sergeants couldn’t do
much about it. A big reef octopus watched all the activity, occasionally changing
colors as he noticed us watching him.
Northern Sulawesi is one degree north of the equator so it’s a uniform 85°F
all year. Storms are mild and usually short year round so it is rare that you
don’t get some sunshine every day. With year round good diving, one can plan
based on bargain airfares. For United Frequent Flyers, here’s a way to use miles.
-- J.J.
Divers Compass: Airfare round trip from San Francisco to Manado
was around $1100. ... Double occupancy rack rate, with three dives
a day and all food, runs about $150/day/person. ... Nitrox is $10
a tank, $250 for unlimited nitrox. ... boats have oxygen kits and
the drivers all have cell phones. The nearest chamber is in
Manado, a couple hours by boat. ... I overnight at the Ambassador
Transit Hotel in the Singapore Airport (you rent your room in six
hour blocks); some people will go through immigration for a few
hour tour or to go clubbing. ... I set up my trip through Reef and Rainforest Dive and
Adventure Travel in Sausalito, CA: 800-794-9767, 415-289-1760,