Dear Fellow Diver:
More than 30 liveaboards visit Raja Ampat. Getting to
them is arduous, and after two liveaboard trips there, I
think I found the same (and more) critters, fish, and coral
for much less trouble when I dived northeast and southeast
Sulawesi -- and with much easier travel. My recent trip
was on S/V Mandarin Siren, one of Worldwide Dive and Sail's
newest boats. It was highly professional, well-run and
interesting. But I still wonder: Why is this area so hot?
Does this mean Raja Ampat doesn't offer some great diving?
Not at all. My log cites amazing creatures, including
the blue-ring octopus, colorful mantis shrimp, sea fans
big enough for two divers to hide behind, pygmy seahorses
everywhere, barrel sponges as large as washing machines,
turtles, mantas, rays, and glorious coral terraces sparkling
with color and filled with life. Though I did see plenty of
fish, there were rarely clouds of barracuda or jacks, and
few sharks. I just question why so many divers are spending
time and money going there when they can spend less, live on
shore and see more in Sulawesi. Go ahead and hate me.

S/V Mandarin Siren |
All Raja Ampat liveaboards depart from Sorong in Papua.
Getting there from Bali requires a short flight to Makassar,
overnighting, then a flight to Sorong the next morning
(flights are often canceled
or rescheduled). The
Makassar airport is swank,
but Sorong's is hot,
crowded, small, smelly,
and the return flight
meant hours in the miserable
waiting area. On this
trip, only moments after
arriving, Mandarin Siren's
Dierdre Moore had me corralled
and comfortable,
while she ran interference
on the bags.
As Mark Twain was credited with saying,
"Everybody talks about the weather but nobody
does anything about it." During my January
trip, it rained and rained, and the sun
never appeared for half of the days. (People
told me there had been no dry season last
year). I'm no Gene Kelly; raining does not
make me sing. Because the weather affects so
much, prepare for your trip by checking sites
like NOAA ( and the National
Weather Service ( It's called
the rainy season for a reason, and climate
change makes it more unpredictable.
Alternating rain with patches of sun
was typical among the many islands of Raja
Ampat. Moderate to strong currents were also
the rule. Dive sites ranged from muck, coral, fish and critter, to scenery dives.
Water was in the low 80s. Pulau Farondi's beautiful swim-through not only silhouetted
divers, but also offered plump bargibanti pygmy seahorses and massive bumphead
parrotfish. Mayhem at Pulau Yangeffo featured juvenile pinnate batfish, clouds
of Moorish idols, jacks, fusiliers and rainbow runners, as well as a virtual carpet
of wobbegong sharks. Gam Ridge was rich with schooling jacks, barracudas, batfish,
fusiliers, some blacktip sharks, a nearly somnambulant juvenile wobbegong and hawksbill
turtles. Indeed, on many dives you can't avoid seeing the wobbegong, whose "carpet
shark" nickname is apt. Its flat, reticulated surface is fringed with whiskers,
and its seeming sloth often keeps the carpet stationary.
The best dives for me were at Manta Sandy, a sand patch next to a sparse reef.
Giant Pacific mantas come here to be groomed by schools of wrasse and angelfishes.
They line up the way we do at the bakery: Take a number and wait your turn. Some
were entirely black, some had white on black bellies, some black on white -- each
unique, like a fingerprint. I saw 22 on one dive. The grace of these giants was mesmerizing
but the sand patch beneath was macro heaven, with pygmy pipe seahorses and
exquisite Pegasus sea moths. I turned back and forth, admiring wingspans up to 22
feet overhead while using my 10x magnifying glass to delight in the tiny stuff. Hard
to beat.
The 80-foot Mandarin Siren attracted me because it takes only six divers in
four cabins, so it can dive sites the bigger boats can't. It's billed as a luxury
liveaboard, with a computer setup in each cabin (no internet but you could upload
photos and watch DVDs) and either twin bunks or larger beds in the V-berths. Storage
is tight but manageable. Ensuite bathrooms were small and typical of liveaboards
in Asia; the toilet, sink, and shower are in one small room, along with a bidetlike
hose near the toilet, sometime leaving a small puddle on the floor, which felt
funky if I crept in at night. They could solve this problem with a wooden grate
over the floor.

The Mandarin Siren's Dive Deck |
The attentive, kind and hard-working staff
made the tight quarters feel more luxurious.
Cruise director and divemaster Dierdre Moore
was charming, hilarious, and worked like a
Trojan -- she really made the trip. She fit
the itinerary to divers' interests and weather,
showing flexibility rare on many liveaboards.
She brought us north to the Yangeffo
and Gam area, a 15-hour transit during which we
enjoyed restful, restorative bunk diving. She
checked sites prior to going in to make sure
our entries fit the currents and the site. I
also admired her briefings. Not only did she
draw excellent underwater maps but included mnemonics for special sights (such as
"the pink fan at 10 meters is right in
front of the disco clam"). Dierdre created
a trip narrative and careful log
of all 34 dives, printed out for us at
the end of the trip. Nita, the housekeeper,
doubled as a fine massage therapist.
Eagle-eyed dinghy driver Michael
also worked as a part-time captain,
steward and dive gear wrangler. Ari,
the engineer helped with any technical
problem as well as dive gear, and
Captain Deng brought us safely through
a bad squall.
Food was created in a minute galley
by Chef Andre, and each meal
offered fresh fruits and creative,
well-presented western and Indonesian
options. Provisions come largely from
Sorong, so don't expect the finest meats or veggies, but Andre worked hard to make
the beef or chicken tender and, if not, at least very tasty. He did not overspice
food but created intensely hot sambals for me when I requested. Dinner always
began with a soup, followed by a display of dishes that Andre described. Most meals
offered three entrees and at least three side dishes. Beer and soft drinks were
included, and one could buy bottles of wine for $42 or cocktails for about $7. The
salon coffeemaker ground beans on demand and created coffee ranging from espresso
to regular.
If you are a photographer, the electronics will delight -- direct computer
hookup to a large flat-screen TV in the salon -- but the small dive deck size
means you might have to keep some of your gear in the salon. The two photographers
on this trip worked it out, but I cannot imagine that boat hosting more than two
gear-intensive photographers without fistfights. The dive deck was carefully organized,
with drawers for masks, defog, gloves and so forth. Once my BC was on my
tank, it stayed there. All dives were done on Nitrox, which was included in the
trip price. The dive staff does everything for you, including washing wetsuits
and skins in an antibacterial solution. Dives are done from an inflatable, entering
with a backroll. The crew helped me put on my BC in the water when my back
hurt, and if I surfaced early or distant, Michael found me immediately. He hauled
in my BC, tank, fins and weights, because the ladder was short and the round steel
"steps" challenging to ascend. A few dolphin-hybrid divers simply kicked their way
over the side.
I liked the intimacy of the Mandarin Siren, but had I not booked with close
friends, it might have soured. The upsides are no crowded dive sites and great
service, the downside is that though efficient, the boat is small. But the last
time I dove Raja Ampat was on a large liveaboard, and this time I loved not getting
pushed aside by videographers with giant rigs or being stuck in a crowd. But
don't overpack. All you need besides swimsuits and dive gear are sweats, tees,
sarongs and shorts.
I would definitely book with Worldwide Dive and Sail again. I have never enjoyed
such attentive service on a boat, as well as quick responses to pre-trip queries.
The company seems committed to service. But I wouldn't dive Raja Ampat again. I
believe it has too many liveaboards, and its diving is not clearly better than easier
areas to reach (like Manado/Lembeh/Bunaken or Wakatobi on Sulawesi) to merit
the expense and difficulty of getting there. I respect the care dive advocates like
Maurine Shimlock and Burt Jones give Raja Ampat (their book, Diving Indonesia's Raja
Ampat, is beautiful, informative and required reading for diving the area), and
perhaps there's a great trip there I just don't know of. Convince me, deliver the
goods, and I'll go.
I began and ended this trip in Bali. After an 18-hour flight to Hong Kong and
connection the next day to Bali, I hopped into a van from Aquamarine Diving for a
3.5 hour ride over the mountains of central Bali in dense fog and rain on hairpin
turns and over enormous potholes to the Menjangan Island area. My dive buddy and I
were the only Americans staying at Puri Ganesha villas in Permuteran, but $800 per night in this inexpensive country keeps
many away unless you have a reason to
splurge. Our villa had two floors with
enormous porches and a private pool,
long enough for laps. The living room
had an iPod dock; outside was a small
bale to take meals or relax in. Puri
Ganesha is quirky and rustic, with
touches of luxury and cheap irritations.
Each villa is staffed by a butler
and maid who serve you from the
limited breakfast menu, bring towels
and see to your needs. Yet power outlets
were scarce, the dark towels dried
slowly if at all, and illumination in
the villa was generally suitable for
owls rather than aging human eyes.
Furnishings are largely antiques and
handmade, meaning texture and beauty
but not sleek or modern. If the latest
in spa equipment or electronics is what
you want, don't come here.
The food is delicious, and owner
Diana Von Cranach prides herself on
creating dishes reflecting local offerings.
Beware the cocktail called the
Elephant's Footprint -- made from quality
Arak, juices and spices, it goes
down easily and packs a wallop. The
small spa is staffed by Putu, a local
Balinese healer and priest whose hands
seek out what ails you and can even
leave you bruised but ultimately feeling
For years, I have used expat Brit Annabel Thomas's AquaMarine Diving when in
Bali. Being detail-minded, she is my kind of person, so when the plane touched
down, the service began with expedited immigration and customs for an extra $30 per
traveler (well worth it -- I was out of the airport in 20 minutes). AquaMarine's
vans, all Isuzu diesels, are roomy but noisy, particularly when hauling you over
mountains and rough roads. My dive buddy described Balinese traffic as schooling
fish -- all driving on what we think is the wrong side of the road, yet they seem
to sense who is where -- but it's hairy for an American. Word to the wise: Leave
driving to the locals.
AquaMarine staff picked me up from Puri Ganesha at 8 a.m. on my first dive day
and drove to the port from which local boats put-put out to Menjangan Island. Mud
and dirty bathrooms with Turkish toilets come with. The constant rain had washed up a
huge amount of garbage on its volcanic sand, and the winds and currents brought garbage
into the waters around the dive sites. There is no regular garbage service for
Bali, so people throw it in the rivers, where it washes out to sea, especially during
the rainy season. The Jakarta Post ran an article about garbage on Balinese beaches
and local efforts to clean them up, yet despite some folks' efforts, garbage floated
around dive sites and washed up on the beaches.
The ride to Menjangan Island in a small wooden boat was slow, about 30 minutes,
with unpadded seats making it feel longer. But the captain and Aan, the divemaster,
were excellent, wrangling gear and choosing sites as conditions allowed. Indeed, Aan
was extraordinary, not just in finding creatures but in service. My dive buddy's pressure
with a proprietary slip-off mount broke and Aan Mcguyvered a neat substitute that
won't fall off and fits virtually all mounts. But not even his competence could control
the weather. Rough seas confined us to the less interesting leeward side of the island. The third day of diving succumbed to howling winds and rains, and I gave up
trying to dive an area afflicted with undiveable weather. The best of the five dives
I did was at Temple Point, just past the leeward side. Its small wall yielded eels as
burly as tree trunks, as well as small flame dartfish, several species of anemonefishes
(including the rare biocellatus) and a large cuttlefish. But I can't form a valid
opinion about the diving, as five dives in a small leeward area of Menjangan hardly
qualifies me to review the area. Again, when planning a trip, keep seasons in mind.
Ironically, I chose northwest Bali because it had the reputation for being sunny
and dry even in the rainy season, and because I had never been there. Menjangan
Island and Secret Bay were the first Balinese dive areas to be discovered, and though
they have suffered from being overly loved, I was eager to see a new area. Secret
Bay (which we never got to due to bad weather) is known for muck, whereas Menjangan
Island offers coral patches, mini-walls, and bigger animals. Eastern Bali, off
Manggis and Padangbai, is an exciting area of small islands, fierce currents, thermoclines,
great corals and always thrilling diving, though not recommended for anyone
uncomfortable with current. The channel between Bali and Lombok mixes the Pacific
and Indian oceans, with serious tidal changes. The upside is the chance to see creatures
belonging to both oceans.
-- A.E.L.
Diver's Compass: Cathay Pacific, my preferred airline, flies directly
to Hong Kong from JFK, SFO, and LAX, with connecting flights
to Bali via Hong Kong . . . Other options include Continental via
Hong Kong (the better HKG airport hotel is the Marriott if you need
to stay over) or Singapore Airlines via Singapore . . . Flights
between Bali, Makassar and Sorong average $150 per leg, so budget
at least $500 for inter-island travel; the planes are uniformly
uncomfortable for anyone over 5'5". . . A 10-day trip on the
Mandarin Siren is about $3,000, depending on the exchange rate; for
Raja Ampat, a marine park fee of $110 for the 10-day trip is mandatory . . . The
boat offers 3mm shorties, regulators, BCDs and fins at no extra charge; if you lack
a computer, they rightly require you to use one of theirs at $7 per day . . . The
bill for drinks, other purchases and tips must be paid in cash at the end of the
trip, so come prepared; they accept U.S. dollars, Euros, U.K. pounds and the local
currency of Indonesian rupiah), and ATMs work in some places (staff knows where)
. . . I highly recommend the books Reef Fish Identification: Tropical Pacific and
the new Reef Creature Identification: Tropical Pacific, available at . . . Amankila prices range from $850 to $2,950 and
include whatever you wish for breakfast but not other meals or local taxes . . .
AquaMarine Diving offers a variety of trips, averaging $110 for two tanks, lunch and drinks, all transport, weights, booties, fins, masks, towels and whatever local
fees are assessed; AquaMarine not only offers diving but will book lodging and
transport, and expedite airport immigration service . . . Websites: Mandarin Siren -; Puri Ganesha Villas in Bali -;
AquaMarine Diving -