Dear Fellow Diver,
During the last week of February, Holland America’s 1848 passenger Noordam
will be the first cruise ship to dock at the new Grand Turk Port. That’s close
to half the island’s population and about ten times more tourists than visit Grand
Turk on any given day. The pier, next to where the Arawak Hotel was, is a fiveminute
boat ride to town. Officials say that the new complex, with shopping, a
10,000 sq. ft. Margaritaville, and beaches should keep the tourists isolated. But
that’s unrealistic. On cruise days if you don’t have dive reservations or reservations
for lunch in the handful of small restaurants, you may not get a seat on
either the boat or a bar stool.
Diving on Grand Turk is easy and beautiful. Fish life isn’t remarkable,
though in winter whales pass close by. A fine wall starts about 500 yards offshore. The 20-plus moored dive sites are far enough apart so you don’t bump into
other groups, at least not now. The three main dive operations – SeaEye Diving,
Blue Water Divers, and Oasis – pick you up on shore and whisk you to the wall in
minutes. I’ve dived with them all, but used only Oasis on my November trip. All
three are on Front Street within a five-minute walk of each other. They use identical
outboard-powered six-passenger Carolina skiffs with canvas covers. I think
the only real difference between them is the personnel and they all have their
groupies. Mitch Rollins, who has run Blue Water Divers forever, has more than
8000 dives around Grand Turk. And SeaEye’s Smitty, an ex cop, is a favorite of
many divers.
With Oasis, I dived mainly with Mackie, a competent, hard-working local, fun
to dive with. There were two to five divers on each trip and every dive is similar:
swim a couple of minutes to the wall, drop over, go in one direction –— usually
right –— turn around when someone has 1500 psi, then move up to the shallows
at 20-30 feet or so and work your way back to the boat. After Mackie climbed
aboard, I stayed down until
I decided to get out, an
hour at least. First dive
was loosely to 100 feet,
the last about 60, but just
follow your computer. And
keep an eye on Mackie – he
didn’t pay much attention
to his divers – unless you
can find your way back
without him. If you don’t,
what the hell, you’re only
30 feet from the surface.
The inn of choice is
the renovated Osprey Beach,
a well-managed, well-kept,
nicely furnished two-story 27-room hotel, a dozen
steps from water’s edge.
(I actually saw an osprey
fly past). My room had a
poster bed, couch and coffee
maker and refrigerator,
A/C, and TVs with HBO
and CNN and three stations
with American evangelists
like Creflo A. Dollar asking
for alms. Lower rooms
have small patios; the
small decks upstairs are
private, with ocean views.
Note: I failed to close
my deck door at dusk and
mosquitoes slipped in. Nosee-
ums that focused on
feet were active in bars
and restaurants.
I also roomed at the
venerable Salt Raker Inn,
a seafarin’ place built
in the 19th century. It’s
clean, furnished mid-20th
century. One early morning,
4:30 a.m., young
drunks staged a drum concert
across the street
on the beach. Not long
ago roosters announced
the sunrise and donkeys
strolled Front Street, but
no more. With the cruise
ships coming, nearly all the old – and charming – houses have been replaced by
modern structures, at a big cost to the government. Streets are paved, the halfmile
main street downtown has been spruced up, and most donkeys were shipped to
Jamaica, or so I was told. Front Street, however, with the hotels and dive operations,
retains its charm.
As for the diving, nothing’s changed –— well that’s not quite true. On my
first dive, Mackie toted my BCD from the shop to the boat (it’s backed into the
beach) which is loaded with tanks and gear from previous dives (he carries it back
after the final dive, you wash and rinse, and hang in their secure drying room).
Five minutes later at Austin’s Reef, Mackie helped me don my BCD and tank, gave
the usual instructions and I and four other divers backrolled in. As I swam across
the bottom at 25 feet, a school of goatfish clustered under feathery sea whip
branches. At 40 feet, I eased over the top of the wall, past flowing creole wrasses.
I swam 20 feet into the blue, then turned. The wall looked like a cauliflower
patch, with abundant white plate corals polka-dotting the reefscape. Interesting,
but I didn’t remember this look. Then, I realized these corals were bleached from
an event that occurred throughout much of the Caribbean in late summer, when water
temperature headed toward the 90’s. About 10 percent of the wall shone white. As
I finned along, I watched a small hawksbill turtle rise slowly to the surface to
grab a breath of air. A larger hawksbill ripped hunks from a hard sponge, pushing
his front flippers against the sponge for leverage. Two queen angels scrounged
for leftovers and a black bar jack buddied up with a hogfish. As we headed to the
top of the wall hundreds of slender bogia streamed by and a dozen jawfish backed into their holes as I passed. Later Mackie
climbed aboard the boat and I dawdled at 25
feet rather than hang on the shot line. When
I surfaced, he was ready to take my gear and
fins, before I climbed the tiny ladder. One
hour, 1000 psi remaining, 80 degrees.
Black Forest is an apt description of a
lush wall with frequent black coral bushes
among the wire coral, plate and other corals
and sponges. A large spider crab clung to
the wall and others were secreted in holes.
After 30 minutes I rose to see a small nurse
shark meandering down a long sand patch, a 3-
foot tiger grouper watching. Under the boat
a hefty midnight parrot fish shot by, and I
poked around, watching a smooth trunk fish
flutter along, with enough common tropicals
to keep me entertained.
Each operation offers dives roughly at
9, 11, and 2 p.m., returning to the shore
between dives. While Oasis is only a fiveminute
walk from the Osprey, they’ll pick you
up on the hotel beach if you ask. I’d have
lunch back at the Osprey, or at one of the
two small restaurants on piers nearby. While
the Osprey has salads, club sandwiches, and a
few entrees for lunch, everyone is in the big
hamburger business – about $10. The Osprey’s
restaurant has tables and chairs around a
small swimming pool – no cleaning dive equipment
– with tables overlooking the beach (and
a too-small bar). For dinner, it’s romantically
lighted, they serve such fare as rack
of lamb ($25) or wahoo ($22) and key lime
pie, or barbeques on two nights. I also
enjoyed meals such as conch fritters and a
good conch creole in the courtyard at the
Salt Raker. The bar was usually filled with
interesting locals ready for hearty conversation.
One afternoon dive was at Finbar, where
the murkiness portended a bad dive, but
once at the wall we were back to the 80
foot viz. Unexpectedly, my BCD started to
inflate. I kicked down to grab a piece of
coral and tried to disconnect the inflator,
but couldn’t with just one hand, so a fellow
diver helped. Mackie was out of sight -- an
example of how capable divers are on their
own. That’s OK, just be forewarned. The wall
here is covered with hard and soft corals,
some wire coral extending ten feet or more. I spotted a rare quill fin blenny, which disappeared
before I could share my find. Below,
a large hawksbill turtle finned nonchalantly
by, while a pair of tiger groupers hovered on
a ledge.
It was a slow-0moving dive, with creole wrasse in their usual hurry. At
the top of the wall, Mackie pointed out a
green moray, longer than my outstretched
arms from head to tail. And there were
tomtates, French angels, a porgy or two,
yellowtails, and a nurse shark with her
nose in a hole -- until Mackie shook its
tail. Interesting to see him swim, more
interesting to leave him alone and observe
his behavior. Under the boat a large
patch of garden eels swayed in the currents.
Amphitheater is a beautiful dive,
starting with a large sand patch, then
through a cut to the wall, covered in corals
and sponges. I traveled along at 100
feet, seeing a pair of queen angels, an
ocean trigger, two jacks, and a pair of
reef runners scooting past, then back
to the flats. The water dropped to 79F.
“Winter is coming,” said Mackie.
Grand Turk remains an excellent destination,
easy to get to from the East Coast, friendly, a wall among the best in the
Caribbean, and a good range, if not abundance, of fish. And, it’s still inexpensive.
You can find high season seven-day dive packages less than $1000/pp, double
occupancy (Salt Raker, with low season rates around $800), or in the Osprey in a
deluxe room for $1130 (food additional). December through at least March the water
is chilly, the nights can be cool. That said, enjoy your stay.
PS: I started this trip hoping to review a small and unknown dive operation
at the Ocean Beach Hotel, on West Caicos, next to the defunct Prospect of Whitby
Hotel, which we reviewed favorably many years ago. They were at first uncertain
they could come up with four divers – the minimum – or get their boat fixed, but
I got an email two days before I was to depart saying they could accommodate me.
While I was in the air, they called my home to change their minds, but I didn’t
get the message, so I showed up 8:30 a.m. after a brief flight from Provo. Nice
people, but Captain Poach had no divers, the hotel had no guests, and it was “too
windy” anyhow. Back to Provo, then off to Grand Turk.
PPS: Oasis Divers is getting new boats to serve the cruise business. Owners
Dale Barker and Everett Freites are building a shop near the cruise pier. Dale
says “That keeps our current diving operation in town the same for all our customers
that come to Grand Turk for week-long dive vacations. We will maintain the
same small group diving and personal service for the extended stay divers . . .
.Cruise passenger divers will experience the first-rate dive spots in Grand Turk.”
PSSS: On my way home, I had a layover on Provo so I hired a cab for a tour
of the island. At Leeward Harbor, a boat pulled up with the captain yelling for
help. In the stern a man and a woman were competently administering CPR to a
diver, but it was all in vain. It was a tragic event and a sad one to witness.
But it reminded me that every dive we make carries risks. Take care of yourself.
– Ben Davison
Divers Compass: Nitrox is a pricey $11-$13 extra per tank; and single dives
are $45, pricey for the short rides to the reef . . . .Providenciales is about
an hour and a half from Miami. . . .All the shops offer night dives, trips to
Gibbs Cay, a mini stingray city, or across to Salt Cay, but you’ll need enough
people interested. . . .the Oasis web site ( features photos and information about most hotels on Grand Turk. . . .What was once the Guanahani
Hotel, then the Pillory Beach Hotel, has been renovated and rechristened the Bohio
and has its own dive operation. It’s a leisurely ten-minute bike ride north of
town, on the beach, and its restaurant is considered the best on the island. It
has its own dive operation: Sea Eye Diving: Blue Water Divers: