How much dive gear do you really need? Jacques
Cousteau's divers made do with mask, fins, a regulator
and a tank or two on their backs. We add stuff
to make it a better experience, but it could be said
that more stuff sometimes overcomplicates matters.
So what new equipment appeared at the annual
Diving Equipment Manufacturers Association
(DEMA) show? And does any of it really matter?
Only a small proportion of the exhibitors who
showed at this year's show, held in Las Vegas last
November, were diving equipment manufacturers,
and new products scheduled to be sold this year
tend to be examples of gentle evolution rather than
anything truly revolutionary. The DEMA show has
instead evolved into what is mainly a dive travel
exhibition, along with the photo equipment needed
to record any encounters on those travels. Dive
resorts from every corner of the planet competed to attract visitors from among the dive professionals
who attended. Even the Italian manufacturer, Cressi,
now promotes a Galapagos liveaboard, the Galapagos
Evolution. It was also noticeable that fewer of the
big-name personalities in diving were seen strolling
the aisles, than in previous years. Maybe it's because
they're all getting older -- like the rest of us.
What's New in Dive Equipment?
Technical diving and underwater photography
have been the biggest growth areas in recent years,
but when, not so long ago, it seemed nearly every
equipment manufacturer showed a hopeful prototype
of a closed-circuit rebreather, there are now
just a mere handful of manufacturers with a core of
properly developed models. The semi-closed models
intended for the less-serious recreational diving
market appear to have fallen by the wayside. So that leaves gathering images while underwater.
Manufacturers of housings often just tweak their
products to cater for new cameras. Nauticam stands
alone in that it is developing optics for use in water
with the Nauticam MWL-1 supplementary lens,
which, combined with a camera's prime macro, is
intended for close-focus, wide-angle use. That lets
a DSLR user swap between the two while underwater,
just as a user of a compact camera with wet
lenses could. Only time will tell whether the image
quality will be good enough, but with such images
now being mainly reproduced online, it's probably
less important than it was (
Regarding lighting equipment, advanced battery
technology, combined with even more efficient
LEDs, continues to make video lights smaller and
better performers. The Weefine 3000 and Kraken
3000 are both interesting LED ring-lights that can
substitute for a strobe by emitting an intense burst
of 3000 lumen light that's triggered by the camera's
on-board strobe and are useful for extreme close-up
pictures. Although that makes it less able to capture
fast action due to the longer duration of the pulse of
light, it does mean the "modeling light" accurately
represents the final flash, making things easier for
the photographer (
Underwater photographers, who were limited to
two or three manufacturers of conventional strobes
in the past, can now enjoy a plethora of choice. New
strobes were represented, among others, by iDiveSite
and its Simbiosis SS-03, a less bulky offering
than previous models but still combining a strobe
with a 2800 lumen video light for those who like
to switch between stills and video during a dive
Italian manufacturer One UW announced an
entirely new strobe, the
One160X, a welcome addition
to an otherwise limited range of underwater
strobes (
Retra is a new kid on
the block that hopes to start shipping its updated new model, with built-in leak detector, next summer
Well-established Inon continues to be promoted
by its CEO merely carrying a bag full of equipment
around the trade floor and demonstrating to interested
parties in the refreshment areas, thereby saving
on the cost of a booth. He's been doing that for years,
and nobody from DEMA appears to have challenged
him (
Scared of flooding your camera? Rare only a
decade ago, vacuum leak tests are now common
on more expensive housings, and even the less
expensive Seafrogs housing can be fitted with such
an accessory. With M16 and M14 adapters, it can
fit other makes of housing, too ( 10Bar does something similar. And the
Weefine iPhone housing has a similar system that
confirms you've assembled your housing without
the risk of a leak -- and a catastrophic loss of your
iPhone data (
Some products have been further developed
since the past year's DEMA. For example, last year
we mentioned the Reg-Mount, which puts your
POV camera ahead of your exhaled bubbles. This
year, it has come back with alternative fittings for
different regulators, alternative points for mounting
your GoPro, and even a light -- although that can
clutter the diver's view (
The Most Innovative Gear
The most innovative diving-focused product
could be found at the Atomics Aquatics section of
the Huish Outdoors booth -- and it's so simple, I
can't believe nobody thought of it before. Open a
tank valve at the surface and you'll spot how cold
the air from it is. When the air from your tank is
depressurized, as it is by your regulator, it expands
and loses a lot of heat -- it's your lungs that warm
up that cold air. No matter how warm the water
is, you'll eventually get chilled, increasing your air consumption
and cutting
short your dive.
Scuba Heat is
a coil of copper
nickel alloy that
sits in your air
supply, between
the first- and
of the regulator,
and exchanges
heat with the
water to make it
approach ambient
water temperature,
thereby make it
more comfortable
to breathe. Scuba
Heat is expected to cost around $350. That sounds
pricey, but hey, at what price comfort? And don't
think this is solely for cold water divers. No doubt
there will be some similar copper-coiled pipes coming
from China, if the idea catches on -- and those
will inevitably cost less than a hundred bucks (
When it comes to cold water diving, one way to
go is to wear a heated vest, and FIXNeo provided
such a thing, safe enough to go under a wetsuit if
required. Even tropical waters suck heat from your
body, so these new heated vests could be a good
application in conjunction with a lightweight wetsuit
Full-face snorkeling masks may have been
banned in Hawaii, thanks to a number of dive fatalities
by those who were using them, but competition
in this sector is still fierce. The Cressi Duke takes on
its Italian neighbor and rival, Ocean Reef, which is
the market leader with its Aria. With an improved
design that has the snorkel pipe set to one side
in an effort to combat buildup of carbon dioxide,
the Cressi Duke also includes better education on
how to use it safely ( Meanwhile,
Ocean Reef raises its game by offering in-water communications
with its Aria Snorkie-Talkie accessory.
So much for peace and quiet while looking at the
fishes (
As we get older, we usually need our reading
glasses for extreme close-ups of underwater critters.
But if you need a minus-diopter prescription in your
mask, that presents a problem to fitting both sets of
lenses. The 10Bar has come up with Mask MF Flip Frame, a mask that allows the user to flip down the
"reading glasses," so to speak, which can be combined
with a bright, mask-mounted LED. That's a
solution for those who don't readily take to the bifocal
solution offered by other mask manufacturers
Packing a large pair of fins is problematic for
traveling divers. Seac exhibited a new range of
compact fins as a solution, although they're probably
less effective for propulsion in the water (
With so much black gear around, it's a joy to see
new brightly colored silicone masks from the likes
of Seac, Scubapro and Oceanic, and technopolymer
fins like the Apeks RK3 (
Aqua Lung has a range of colorful covers for its
Rogue wing-style BCs.
The Latest in Tech Gadgets
Some computers are also available in bright colors
now, including entry-level models like the Aqua
Lung i200c and Italian manufacturer Ratio, offering
full-color displays on its Ratio Easy Dive ( Monochromatic displays on
dive computers are looking a little dated, especially
on more advanced ones. The display on the Aqua
Lung i770R is both colorful and links directly to a
smartphone for both setting up and downloading
The Suunto D5 is an elegant watch-style computer
with a very clear full-color display, and, in a
break with Suunto tradition, its battery is rechargeable.
Designed to go down to 330 feet, it can be
paired with
a transmitter
to display
and remaining
air time.
It also has
with smartphones
comes with
a choice
of brightly
colored silicone
The D5 is probably Suunto's direct response to
the threat posed by the superficially similar and
also extremely elegant Shearwater Teric (
The Italian company, Mares, introduced its
Mares Genius computer. Mares' chief technology
officer, Sergio Angelini, is a mathematical geek,
and he gave me a rundown of all the parameters
that can be entered to personalize it -- and a
headache trying to keep up with him. If you want
the full nine yards, you can get it in an article by
Angelini at Underwater Technology (;
The French whiz kids at Thalatoo showed the
Maoi, a new computer concept that debuted last
year -- it mounts on your mask and promises a
head-up display. Thalatoo is still looking to get
it to market, so there is still a question about
whether it will ever be available to buy (
The same might be said of the French Serenity
S1 Frioul. It's a dive computer that works in conjunction
with a beacon to help you navigate back
to the boat. The three-item kit also allows those on
the boat to monitor the various positions of several
divers in the water, giving an extra degree of safety
The even more clever people at Ariadna Tech
in Finland displayed the Posio dive computer
that, by means of a separate unit strapped to your
leg, can learn your fin strokes and then, in conjunction
with surface GPS, show a 3D route you
can take on your dives, effectively bringing GPSstyle
navigation to your dives. That leg-mounted
sensor uses your swimming motion to build a
real-time picture of where you are in the water. Is
the Posio Diver Positioning System an example
of more technology than we really need? (
The Miscellaneous
Every DEMA show offers a hopeful entrepreneur
attempting to break into the dive market,
and the inventor of the Aqua Sketch Tablet was
no exception this year. He showed a frame that
uses waterproof paper so that divers can take their
own pre-prepared dive notes, printed at home on
standard-size paper, underwater with them (

Ocean Technology Systems showed its Spectrum full-face diving mask, into which you can fit your
regulator's second stage. The idea is that it keeps
the face warm and dry, eliminates jaw fatigue and
prevents exposure to nasty water-based pathogens
Among products that were a little hair-raising,
the Easy Dive Snorkelator comes from the company
that makes Spare Air. It combines a snorkel with a
switchable Spare Air cylinder for those who want
to snorkel and swim down from the surface. No
mention of pneumothorax or emphysema, though,
because what could possibly go wrong? (
Those who want the best will want gear made
out of titanium, a lightweight and durable metal,
but it comes at a pretty penny. All-titanium regulators
have been the province of Atomic Aquatics up
to now, so it's ironic that the man who designed that
company's original item created the original design
on which the Scubapro titanium Mk25T Evo S620Ti is based (
For those of us who get a little weary when
swimming any distance, there were, as usual, plenty
of motor-driven aids available, including the armmounted
Scubajet, a refined development of something
we first saw at last year's DEMA show ( The SUBlue compact DPV is good
for 30 minutes of in-water use before recharging
If you're getting too tired to bother with the
effort of actually diving and you have at least
$4,000 or more to spare, you can dive vicariously
with a remote-controlled ROV such as the Deep
Trekker (maximum operating depth ranges from
164 to 500 feet, depending on the model), which
had its fine control and maneuverability features
demonstrated in a clear acrylic tank for all to see
Stream2Sea showed a range of sunscreens,
shampoos and sting-relief products that claimed
to be kind to coral reefs and their ecosystems.
There was no sign of its rival, Reef Safe, and its oxybenzone-based products on display, which we
denounced in the August 2018 issue of Undercurrent (
Finally, some excellent news from Fourth
Element, a small but rapidly growing eco-conscious
British company, which introduced its prototype
Surface wetsuit made from recycled content. Its
"Ocean Positive" lining is made up of 95 percent
material from recovered plastic bottles. Barring any
production problems, expect it to be on sale soon
-- John Bantin