Dear Fellow Diver:
Years ago, my favorite Belizean diving was at Ambergris
Caye. But no more. As we reported in the February issue of
Undercurrent, San Pedro has gone upscale -- herbal wraps
at high-priced resorts are replacing post-dive chats on the
porch at inexpensive inns -- and the diving has diminished.
To get to the Turneffe and Lighthouse atolls, you now pay a
fortune and spend 2.5 hours in transit each way. Who needs
the headaches and high prices? I wanted a relaxed place with
good diving and easy access to the atolls, so I headed south
to find a better alternative to Ambergris’s overtouristed and
overrated dive sites.
Tobacco Caye is 14 miles off Dangriga, perched on top of
the reef. There is no fast lane, or even a slow lane. Just
sand and palms among the six small inns, all with rooms to
spare in late January when I was there. I walked the length
of the island in less than 10 minutes. I chose Reef’s End
Lodge because it has Tobacco’s only dive shop and I could
negotiate a package deal via e-mail. It offers three zincroofed
wood cabañas, eight basic rooms and an airy restaurant
perched on stilts over the water at the island’s tip. It’s
nowhere near the luxury of Hamanasi or Turneffe Lodge, but
it got me away from the crowds and closer to better Belizean
diving for far less
money. Divers who
appreciate good value
and don’t mind rustic
accommodations will
enjoy it most.

Reef’s End dive shop |
After the
Continental flight to
Belize City landed
at 4 p.m., I hurried
over to Maya Air for
the 15-minute flight
to the Dangriga airstrip.
Reef’s End had
a taxi waiting to take me to the dock for the boat ride to Tobacco Caye.
The boat was late -- out fishing -- but Reef’s End
owner “Saint” Nolan was waiting at the dock with cold
Belikin beers to ease the wait.
After a half-hour
ride on calm waters, I arrived and had a dinner of
fried conch and more Belikins for US$2.50 each, then
retired to my cabaña at water’s edge with plans to
dive at 9 a.m.
Tobacco Caye diving didn’t bowl me over -- few
big food fish but colorful aquarium dives with some
interesting critters -- but it’s in a marine preserve
and far less pressured from runoff by development
than Ambergris. And diving the barrier reef was
easy: a quick boat ride often with just me, my dive
buddy and our divemaster Eric Vasquez. He and captain
Lloyd Lopez know the water, the sites and each other
very well. Reef’s End does all drift dives. At Barrel
Sponge, I backrolled into the 81-degree water and
descended to a sloping wall at 60 feet. I followed
striped goatfish rooting for morsels up a sand chute,
while a school of blue-striped grunts poured over the
ridge. A white-lined toadfish, endemic to Belize, was
half out of its hole, while above me passed a pair
of big orange filefish. Eric borrowed my buddy’s magnifying glass and signaled “T” for
tunicate. As I headed up to the safety stop, I looked down on a fat eight-foot nurse
shark with two remoras attached. Eric was relaxed and always slowed down to look at
interesting reef life; I often ran ahead of him, which is uncommon in my experience
with often-jaded divemasters. By week’s end, Eric had shown me a variety of tunicates,
slugs, and mystery life forms.
The tiny dive shop at the end of the pier has a decent supply of rental gear,
and the aluminum 80s were consistently filled to 3,000 psi (no Nitrox here). Every
day there was a three-tank dive, with the morning interval on the island and lunch at
the lodge before the third dive. I could do my own profiles; the only restriction was
to signal Eric at 700 psi. The 28-foot, wide-beam panga has a Bimini top, twin 85-hp
Yamahas, and ferry-type seating, like tiny church pews, with life-preserver cushions.
Not great for tank storage, but adequate. At dive’s end, I handed up my gear to Lloyd
and climbed a ladder positioned right at my seat. There was no radio on the boat, but
Eric’s cell phone had service nearly everywhere we dived. He said a DAN O2 kit was on
board, although I never saw it, and if DCS hit, a chopper would be used for the 50-
mile trip to the chamber on Ambergris. I had a beef with the lack of rinse tanks, so
at day’s end I carried some gear to my cabaña to rinse in the shower, and Eric washed
gear at the end of the week.
My cabaña was plain but comfortable, with two double beds, a table and fan, and
drinkable rainwater in the tap but no hot water in the shower. When I ran out of toilet
paper, I had to go ask for more. From the porch hammock, I got a clear view of
ospreys in their nest atop the dive shop. A Belizean boat captain and his family were
on vacation in the cabaña next door but on many days, there were no other guests. Meals
at Reef’s End were basic but good enough for hungry divers who like local cuisine. When
I booked the trip, the online form asked about food preferences so I requested fresh
seafood and Belizean dishes. Ms. D -- co-owner, cook and manager -- served up snapper
and conch with occasional chicken. Coconut rice, red beans, yucca and other root vegetables,
followed by homemade pie or cake, were standard. Breakfasts included eggs, meat
and fry bread or tortillas. Sometimes there was fresh juice but often there was only
some type of Kool-Aid. I requested brewed coffee instead of the instant they typically
served, and got a pot each morning.
For the dive at Shark Cave, a smaller and darker version of the Blue Hole, we left
the dock at 10:30 a.m. so the sun would provide a light shaft into the cave. A smooth
inside-the-reef ride put us there in 20 minutes.
A turtle swam by as I descended to
the 55-foot bottom, where I entered a black entrance the size of a conference table. Two small sharks flew by me as soon
as I passed inside, but that report
later drew a laugh from my buddy, who
informed me they were actually cobia.
I descended 115 feet to a sand mound
built up over the centuries. I followed
a horizontal line to the side,
then cruised slowly up to check out the
giant dome. At 100 feet, Eric’s light
flashed wildly, signaling a shark, but
it eluded my eyes. The cave is a few
hundred feet across at the base with
some three-foot stalactites punctuating
the limestone dome, none as big as the
giants in the Blue Hole. Still, it’s an
eerie space; a couple of times I looked
over my shoulder to make sure that
light shaft was still there. When it
came to shark sightings, I was skunked.
Eric says he sees a variety of shark
species but has fewer sightings due to
pressure from Guatemalan fishermen.
Each afternoon I left the dive dock with a “See you at happy hour” to Eric and
Lloyd. And I usually did see them, at Mark’s bar, a tiny outdoor joint at the opposite
end of the island from Reef’s End. I’d supply the beer or rum, and they and other
Belizeans would supply stories about diving, fishing, and local politics. A good mix
of travelers mingle on Tobacco Caye, as chartered yachts and day boats come and go.
The Raggamuffin, a wooden sailboat that offers a three-day trip from Caye Caulker
south to Placencia, overnights on Tobacco, setting up tents for guests and filling
the island’s two bars. One night, there was a wonderful bonfire concert performed by
a drumming trio from the nearby village of Gales Point. Captain Lloyd was half of the
warm-up drumming act. I think every single person on the island – plus its three dogs
– attended. It’s that kind of place.
When a norther kicked up the water, I took a day off from diving and hired a
local guide to snorkel at Man-o-War Caye, a mangrove outpost bursting with roosting
frigates, males with red mating balloons, and brown boobies. I also snorkeled near the
mangroves. There is decent shore snorkeling off Reef’s End, but for better snorkeling,
a guide will take you to South Water Cay, seven miles south of Tobacco.
Reef’s End charges more to dive the walls at South Water Caye. I had a 15-dive package, so I suggested trading a three-dive day at Tobacco for a two-dive day at South
Water. At Carrie Bow Wall, I weaved among four-foot barrel sponges on a healthy coral
wall. My buddy pointed at a round one with a tiny slit at the top and a side hole that
made it resemble a 1960s space capsule. There were loads of cleaning stations on the
wall, where creole wrasse were groomed by juvenile bluehead wrasse. An abundant variety
of parrotfish added more color to the reef. I aimed my light into a hole and found
a juvenile jackknife fish with golden trim, while my buddy found a gorgonian with a
bunch of miniature flamingo tongues. South Water has more big fish: snappers, ceros,
hogfish, and tiger, Nassau and black groupers.
I was worried that Reef’s End wouldn’t spend the $5-per-gallon gas to go to
Glover’s Reef without at least four divers. The only divers in sight were drop-ins
off sailboats and a young Aussie who didn’t want to spring the extra money. After
plying Eric with beer, I begged to go to Glover’s, just the three of us. He called
his boss in Dangriga, who gave the OK. So we headed for Glover’s in choppy seas but
still got there in 60 minutes. On the first dive at Middle Caye Wall, my thought as
I descended was “more.” More fish, more variety, more schools, more formations. A
school of hundreds of creole wrasse and bogas parted for a five-foot barracuda. A
school of black durgons followed me along the wall. I didn’t break 60 feet because
there was so much action near the top of the wall. The huge tube sponges reminded me
of saguaro cactus. As a bonus, the visibility was at least 100 feet that day.
At Gorgonian Gardens, I entered the water with bottlenose dolphins playing near
the boat, but they disappeared the instant I went in. An aggregation of large saucereye
porgys circled a coral head, while a loose cluster of 30 barracuda eased
over us. Twice I saw a big barracuda break off to be cleaned, darkening and blotching
more than usual. My buddy headed out into the blue for a close look at an eagle
ray, which circled back to fly right past me. A few lobsters were active on the reef
in the afternoon, evidence that the marine reserve is having some effect. Two resort
managers on Glover’s Reef and South Water told me enforcement is improving. I stayed
near the top of the wall at 45 feet because I didn’t want the dive to end, but after
65 minutes I had to come up for air. To ease the pain, Eric took me to the Marisol
resort on Southwest Caye for more Belikins before the 40-minute ride back to Tobacco.
For good Belizean diving, south is the direction to head, but it’s tricky finding
a central location to enjoy all the good dive sites. Placencia is too far away
and it’s also going the overdeveloped route of Ambergris. International Zoological
Expeditions is the main place to stay on South Water Caye but now contracts their
diving to Hamanasi resort on the mainland. Despite its rusticity, Little Tobacco Caye
has the closest access to the best reefs with inexpensive dive packages. Because the
immediate diving there is nothing amazing, in retrospect, I would have spent more
days diving at Glover’s and South Water. But at the end of the day, with Belikins, a
hammock and a lovely view of the Caribbean, rustic can be satisfying.
-- M.A.
Diver’s Compass: I paid $1,265 for seven nights in a beachfront
cabaña, all meals, transfers from the mainland, and 15 local dives;
a three-tank day trip to Glover’s Reef is $185 . . . Qwner “Saint”
Nolan was prompt and helpful via e-mail . . . To save more money,
negotiate a dive package in advance with Reef’s End, then choose an
inn when you get to Tobacco; they charge $35 to $40 per day, double
occupancy, with meals included . . . Flights to Belize City cost
approximately $550, and the Maya Air round-trip flight to Dangriga
cost $109 . . . Lana’s Guest House is praised for its meals, and
Paradise also has cabañas over the water . . . In Dangriga, I stayed at the nice
Chaleanor Hotel (; its best room with A/C is
$60, with a 10 percent discount if you stay more than one night . . . I rented a car
through Habet hardware store ( for $100 per day (expensive,
but the cheapest available) but you can get to the Cockscomb Jaguar Reserve and
Mayflower Park rainforest with a local driver; ask at Chaleanor . . . U.S. dollars are
accepted everywhere in Belize and $1 equals BZ$2 . . . Many places don’t accept credit cards or they add a surcharge for their use, so it’s wise to take cash or traveler’s
checks. Reef’s End Web site: