While some divers still like to sport big, expensive dive
watches, diving computers are largely superseding watches. It’s
possible, however, to buy a diving computer that doubles as a
watch, and although the digital face is a bit passé for the classy
dresser, some have casings and straps suitable for casual wear.
Only four computer manufacturers make dive computer
watches: Suunto, a subcontractor of Mares in Switzerland,
Seiko in Japan, and a company that is part of Oceanic. All are
calendar chronometers and allow you to keep track of time
at home when in a different geographic time zone. In diving
mode, they are suitable for use with Nitrox, although some have
an “air-only” setting left over from the days when some retailers
thought Nitrox to be a “devil gas” (put them in Nitrox mode
and set 21 percent when using air).
Every computer here has a bar graph to indicate nitrogen
loading and another to indicate oxygen loading. All feature a log book and history mode, employ small lithium batteries, and
have a PC interface available. The Suuntos are manually set for
diving at altitude, whereas the others automatically sense ambient
air pressure. The Japanese-made computers can be set manually
for fresh or saltwater for accurate depth displays, although
this does not affect decompression or no-stop time calculations.
They tend to default to a worst-case scenario of 99 percent O2
overnight, so this can catch you out on a dive at first light if you
don’t remember to reset.
Here are the ones I tested, from least expensive to priciest
(all prices are list prices).

Oceanic Geo |
Oceanic Geo. Very popular with American leisure divers,
this desirable-looking item is available in four different colors
with a legible display and a user-replaceable battery. It sent
me into paroxysms of frustration during the setting-up process
because the buttons did not always do what the instruction booklet promised. It uses
a Rogers/Powell DSAT
algorithm that may show
quite different deco and
no-stop times than those
used in the other computer
watches. It can be
set for uNitrox mixes up
to 50 percent oxygen, and
has a safety-stop adjustable
for time and depth,
plus a choice of personal safety levels. Its maximum ascent rate
varies according to depth, with an automatic prompt. An oxygen
toxicity warning and nitrogen loading graphic are included
in the alternate displays operated by push-button. Besides
Nitrox and Air, it has Gauge and Free-diving modes. The battery
is easy to change. I liked the display but not the fact that
you need to push buttons to see all the information during a
dive. $350; www.oceanicworldwide.com.
Mares Nemo Sport. Made in Japan, this looks like it is
made of metal but is actually a lightweight chromed-finish
plastic (it also comes in matte black). It was a pity that, like the
other computer watches from the Far East, its manual was difficult
to follow. A call to the Mares representative unlocked the
secrets of setting it up. It can be set for Nitrox up to 99 percent
O2, with a choice of two safety factors, and sampling rates of
every 15 or 30 seconds. It displays a three-minute safety stop
at 20 feet during an ascent. Changing the battery involves four
screws, so that job might be best left to your dealer. It is probably
the best-valued computer watch available, although it feels
cheap. $450; www.mares.com.

Apeks Pulse |
Apeks Pulse. Unique among the Seiko-made computer
watches tested here, the Pulse allows you to switch Nitrox
mixes during a dive so
you can carry two gases
and speed up decompression.
The sampling
rate can be adjusted to
either 15- or 30-secondintervals.
You adjust
the degree of caution in
the deco calculations.
There are warnings for
such things as exceeded
ppO2, deco-stop violations,
oxygen toxicity and out-of-range. A safety stop of three
minutes is displayed once the diver ascends to 20 feet. In
Gauge mode it becomes a basic depth gauge and timer. The
battery is not user-replaceable. It’s the least expensive way for
a twin-tank diver to get a computer watch that will calculate
accelerated deco with a second richer mix of Nitrox. $504;
Mares Nemo Excel. It has a feeling of quality derived from
its weightier metal construction. If it hadn’t been for sticking buttons, it would have been easy to set up because it was quite
intuitive to understand. It uses the Mares/Wienke RGBM algorithm
that accounts for the possible effects of repeat diving, and
has a sampling rate of every 20 seconds when in Nitrox mode
or every four seconds when set for free-diving. Its maximum
ascent-rate indicator varies between 40 feet per minute and 10
feet per minute, according to the actual depth. The Nemo Excel
can be set for a choice of maximum ppO2 between 1.2 and 1.6
bar. A safety stop of three minutes is indicated as soon as the
diver returns to 20 feet. The battery can be changed by the user
but involves removing four small screws. The modern Italian
case design was a little too avant-garde for my taste. $600;
Suunto D4. Intended to be just as useful for freedivers as
for scuba divers, the D4 has sampling rates adjustable between
every single second, 10, 20, 30 seconds or every minute. In
freediving mode, it also programmed to capture depth readings
three times a second. It is made from a mixture of metal and
composite plastic and uses the Suunto/Wienke RGBM50 or
RGBM100. The iterative deep-stop option is interchangeable
with an automatic safety-stop display. It can be set with any
Nitrox mix up to 50 percent O2. It has a graphic that indicates
ascent rate and another that indicates consumed bottom time
(or decreasing no-stop time). Like the Mosquito it replaces, the
D4 employs a Suunto user-installed battery kit. It looks good
but feels a lot cheaper than the other Suunto computer watches.
However, it is easily the best option if you are into freediving.
$649; www.suunto.com/diving.
Suunto Stinger. Derived from the original computer watch,
the Suunto Spyder, the stainless-steel Stinger is a firm favorite
with divers. It is intuitive to set up and can work with mixes
up to Nitrox50. It has the loudest alarm for surface use, and
comes with either a useful strap extension or a stainless-steel
bracelet that extends itself to go over a wetsuit sleeve. Popular
with many technical divers as a gauge, in free-diving mode it
displays only depth and duration together with water temperature,
and makes no deco calculations. It employs the original
Suunto/Wienke RGBM100 algorithm that kicks in to provide
extra caution for second and further repetitive dives. Owners
are denied the chance to change the battery themselves. It’s an
all-time classic design, although it’s starting to look a bit dated.
$830 (with rubber strap option); www.suunto.com/diving.

Suunto D6 |
Suunto D6. The nicest looking of all the digital computer
watches tested here, it has a stainless-steel case with a
rubber strap or a stainless-steel bracelet. It is quite intuitive
to set up, although the audible alarms are rather muted, so
don’t expect this to wake you for that early morning dive. It
can be set for two mixes of Nitrox for gas-switching during
a dive and can be set to encompass iterative deep-stops or a
clearly displayed three-minute safety stop that is automatically
displayed at 15 feet. The D6 uses a unique Suunto/Wienke
algorithm that can be set from two versions and takes into
account repetitive dives. You can set your own limit for ppO2
(from 1.2 to 1.6 bars with a display for actual ppO2 due to depth up to 3.0 bars) and
there are three possible
personal adjustments for
caution. Otherwise, it
can be set to gauge mode
for use as a depth gauge
and timer. It also has a
unique-to-Suunto built-in
electronic digital compass.
Only an expert can
change the battery. $885;
Suunto D9. With all the functions of the D6 and more, the
more chunky and clunky D9 is constructed from matte-finish
titanium and has the option of a matching user-changeable titanium
strap for dress use. It can be set for up to three different
Nitrox mixes per dive and is uniquely integrated via a transmitter
with the gas of the primary supply, thereby giving a prognosis
of how long your gas supply will last based on your usage
prior to that, the depth you’re at and the remaining pressure in
your tank. The D9 also displays tank pressure. It can’t do this
all on one display, so it offers the most crucial-at-the-time information
first and you can get the rest by pressing a button. It offers deep stops as an alternative to the automatic Safety Stop
display and uses the Suunto/Wienke RGBM algorithm. In common
with the D4 and D6, the D9 has a nice graphic profile of
each dive stored alongside other details in its logbook memory.
Together with its electronic compass, it gives all the information
a diver needs in one single compact unit. If cost is no object, it’s
obviously the best option as a dive computer. No battery change
by the user is possible with the wrist unit, although the tank
pressure transmitter does allow it. $1,925 (with rubber strap
option and transmitter); www.suunto.com/diving.
Bottom line: Because the Mares and Suunto computers use
a Wienke RGBM algorithm very similar to that in the Seikomade
computers, there is little to choose between them when
it comes to core function as diving computers. The Oceanic
uses an algorithm that has proved to be very popular. The
Apeks allows gas switching, as do the more expensive D6 and
D9. When it comes to choosing what’s right for you, it merely
comes down to the dive computer’s appearance as a watch.
The D6 is easily the winner, unless you prefer the styling of the
Nemo Excel. The others look more Swatch than Rolex.
John Bantin is the technical editor for DIVER magazine in the United
Kingdom and a professional underwater photographer.