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One of our readers, Lisa Piatt from La Quinta,
California, recently wrote to us, concerned about the medical
forms required before a diver can dive. She wrote,
"I have heard some dive resorts around the world,
some of them in more remote areas, are now utilizing a
new diver-waiver form, which states if you are over 45
years old and are taking any prescription medications, birth
control pills and allergy meds being excluded, you must
present a doctor's note stating you are fit to dive before you
are allowed to dive."
It's an important question, and we'll see if we can
shed some light on it. It's not a waiver form but a decadesold
medical form revised in 2020 by the Recreational
Diving Screening Committee in collaboration with the
Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, DAN, and others.
Divers are increasingly required to complete it before they
step aboard their dive boat.
Older Divers
Over the years, we have reported on aging divers
and their fitness to dive. In September and November
2023, we published articles regarding age limitations set
by DAN and its insurance company, which concerned
divers 80 and older. Their company was not accepting
insurance purchases or renewals from DAN's octogenarian
members. When we discussed this with various DAN
leaders, we found their staff a bit confused, but they said
their computer software was not working correctly. Shortly
afterward, they eliminated any age restriction, updated their
system so it would reject 80-year-old divers, and agreed
themselves to underwrite the 80-year-old divers that their
insurance company refused....
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