Florida fishermen have petitioned the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to allow a limited open season for Goliath grouper. They claim, "They're eating our fish."
In 2010, scientists determined that Goliath groupers are critically endangered, and while one assessment of the fish claimed it had recovered, an independent panel of scientists rejected that finding. Moreover, University of Florida scientists found the species' diet consisted mainly of crustaceans and slow-swimming fish such as stingrays and puffer fish, not game fish.
Goliath groupers are a diver's delight. Dr. Sylvia Earle says "Killing Goliath groupers will also kill growing economic benefits derived from divers who revel in the opportunity to be in the presence of these iconic animals, which are often as curious about us."
The FWC is holding seminars in Florida through October to hear concerns and comments from the public. We urge you to join in and take a stand to protect Goliath groupers. If divers don't act, fishermen will quickly reduce their numbers. Send your views to FWC with this form: www.myfwc.com/saltwatercomments#Form