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Dive Review of Aggressor Fleet in
Galapagos Islands

Aggressor Fleet, Jun, 2013,

by Ellen Marie Smith, MN, US (Sr. Contributor Sr. Contributor 26 reports with 15 Helpful votes). Report 7059 has 1 Helpful vote.

No photos available at this time

Ratings and Overall Comments 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Accommodations 5 stars Food 4 stars
Service and Attitude 5 stars Environmental Sensitivity 5 stars
Dive Operation 5 stars Shore Diving N/A
Snorkeling N/A
Value for $$ 5 stars
Beginners 1 stars
Advanced 5 stars
Comments The only complaint about the trip is that the flights to Baltra are hard to connect to, making an overnight stay in either Quito (not recommended by Aggressor) or Guayaquil necessary. On our return we arrived back in Guayaquil at 10:30 am and waited to board the redeye to Miami at 11:30pm. This made for a tiring day.
Now on to the good part: We booked this trip because of the 2 for 1 special the Aggressor was having. June is a "shoulder" season and we were not sure that we would get to see the whale sharks. We were not disappointed! Our group saw two at Darwin, as well as schools of Hammerheads, Galapagos sharks, and silky sharks. The fish life was abundant and at times during dives at Darwin there was so much to look at that it was unreal. We saw red-lipped batfish, flightless cormorants, penguins, sea lions, and my personal favorite---marine iguanas. The sights were heavenly!
And the part that wasn't so good for the people on the trip the previous week: it should be noted that the Aggressor II (which we were originally scheduled to be on) ran aground the night before our arrival near Bartholomew Island. It must have been a rude awakening for the passengers---they were shuttled safely off the boat. I'm not sure that they were able to pack their belongings and we did hear that the boat was robbed after it was evacuated. Our trip went smoothly, despite the fact that the crew had to ready the Aggressor I with short notice. If the Aggressor didn't own two boats at that location we would have been going back home. I suppose that is the risk that one takes. I can honestly say I would take that risk again.
Websites Aggressor Fleet   

Reporter and Travel

Dive Experience 251-500 dives
Where else diving Cozumel, Cayman Aggressor, Utila Aggressor, Bonaire, Hawaii, Catalina Islands, Turneffe Islands
Closest Airport Getting There

Dive Conditions

Weather sunny, dry Seas calm, currents
Water Temp 60-74°F / 16-23°C Wetsuit Thickness 7
Water Visibility 30-80 Ft/ 9-24 M

Dive Policy

Dive own profile yes
Enforced diving restrictions Divemasters asked divers to stay with buddy at all times, remain in group (surfacing with buddy at different times ok). Bottom time of 55 min. We had some advanced and experienced divers in the group and the guidelines were not strictly enforced for them. One diver was asked to sit out 2 dives at Darwin Island due to "popping up" from below 30 feet. I thought this was a wise move.
Liveaboard? yes Nitrox Available? yes

What I Saw

Sharks Lots Mantas None
Dolphins Schools Whale Sharks 1 or 2
Turtles > 2 Whales None
Corals 2 stars Tropical Fish 5 stars
Small Critters 2 stars Large Fish 4 stars
Large Pelagics 5 stars

Underwater Photography 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Subject Matter 5 stars Boat Facilities 5 stars
Overall rating for UWP's 5 stars Shore Facilities N/A
UW Photo Comments Almost every diver had a camera (all of them much bigger than mine!). This made the camera area quite crowded, but not uncomfortable. The rinse tanks are large and well laid out. The crew always checked to make sure no cameras were left on the boat, and to help load the cameras on. The panga drivers took care to put cameras in a safe place. The other divers on the boat were very helpful to me (very knowledgable and kind with advice).
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Report currently has 1 Helpful vote

Subscriber's Comments

By Richard J. Troberman in WA, US at Jul 21, 2013 11:31 EST  
It was the Aggressor I that went on the rocks on June 13.
By report author: Ellen Marie Smith in MN, US at Jul 21, 2013 12:01 EST  
Sorry-- I put the wrong one above. Yes, Aggressor 1 went on the rocks--- we were on 2.
By report author: Ellen Marie Smith in MN, US at Jul 21, 2013 12:01 EST  
Sorry-- I put the wrong one above. Yes, Aggressor 1 went on the rocks--- we were on 2.
By Kate Bolinger in OR, US at Jul 23, 2013 08:38 EST  
If you ever find yourself on dry land in Puerto Ayora, (the main town 30 mins from Baltra) there are a number of really great nearby dives like the one offered at the local dive shops as "day trips" that are really quite amazing and fun. And reasonable. You don't have to do a liveaboard to enjoy the diving in the Galapagos. Just go to Puerto Ayora and get diving! Their is so much to see underwater at so many sites don't be put off by the high price of the liveaboards which often exceed $5000 a trip when you can do day dives at many sites within an hour or two of the main island for $130. And stay in town for under $50 a night. The local fish dinner held every night at the fishing docks, and the barbeque street are so much fun. San Cristobal and "Kicker Rock" are another fun option. Stay at Casa Maybelle for under $40 a night. Just go have fun! All the dives shops offer day deals, but I would bring my own regulator if I went back.
By Kate Bolinger in OR, US at Jul 23, 2013 08:38 EST  
If you ever find yourself on dry land in Puerto Ayora, (the main town 30 mins from Baltra) there are a number of really great nearby dives like the one offered at the local dive shops as "day trips" that are really quite amazing and fun. And reasonable. You don't have to do a liveaboard to enjoy the diving in the Galapagos. Just go to Puerto Ayora and get diving! Their is so much to see underwater at so many sites don't be put off by the high price of the liveaboards which often exceed $5000 a trip when you can do day dives at many sites within an hour or two of the main island for $130. And stay in town for under $50 a night. The local fish dinner held every night at the fishing docks, and the barbeque street are so much fun. San Cristobal and "Kicker Rock" are another fun option. Stay at Casa Maybelle for under $40 a night. Just go have fun! All the dives shops offer day deals, but I would bring my own regulator if I went back.
By report author: Ellen Marie Smith in MN, US at Jul 23, 2013 09:14 EST  
I respectfully disagree with the above....the diving at Wolf and Darwin are in a different class than the "land" based diving in the Galapagos. The price is high either way (considering all the money it takes to get there) and I would never go all that way and NOT go to Darwin.
By Randall S Preissig in TX, US at Aug 13, 2013 20:05 EST  
ABSOLUTELY right about Wolfe and especially Darwin! Darwin is easily one of the top 5 dive sites in the world--on everyone's list.
By Kate Bolinger in OR, US at Aug 14, 2013 17:32 EST  
Darwin truly is lovely to dive - I just think there are other choices for folk who can't afford six to eight thousand for a liveaboard to visit way north. The rest of the islands have a lot to offer on shore and below. Don't miss the fisherman coming in with their catch in Puerto Ayora, and the delicious community fish fry that happens there every day about 4pm! We can't wait to go back and visit more islands.
By Randall S Preissig in TX, US at Aug 14, 2013 22:16 EST  
Kate(above), Thank you for the suggestions, but I think anyone enduring the 24+ hour trip each way and the $1500++ in airfare is going to want to see what Galapagos is world famous for--and that's Wolfe and Darwin. Of course there's good diving in the south islands--marine iguanas, Mola mola, sea lions, etc--but Wolfe and Darwin are unique and truly on a different level. If I return for my 4th liveaboard trip, I might take up some of your land suggestions as well. Again, thanks.
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