Dear Fellow Diver,
I puff a breath of air into my BC and hover five feet off
the flight deck of the U.S.S. Saratoga, 100 feet down in Bikini
Lagoon. The visibility is 80 feet. I look to my right across
the expanse of the flight deck and it smears into blue haze;
looking left, it's the same thing -- no end in sight. I don't
bother looking fore and aft, since she's 880 feet long. During
World War II, the Japanese claimed on seven different occasions
to have sunk "Sara." The reality is less honorable: her own
country sank her in 1946, in a nuclear holocaust called Operation

Bikini Atoll |
Deeper into the wreck at the hangar-deck level, I see 500-
pound bombs, racks of rockets, stacks of torpedoes. A couple of
fighter planes, Thunderbolts, sit broken in the silt. Behind
them, an Avenger, like the one George Bush flew, looms out of
the murk.
But the United States Navy is not the only giant broken in
these waters. Our next dive is on the Nagato. From the bridge
of this massive battleship, Admiral Yamamoto launched the
aerial attack on Pearl Harbor.
The next tomb I visit is that of the U.S.S. Pilotfish,
which was in Tokyo Bay at the surrender ceremonies.
Then on to the U.S.S. Carlisle, the destroyer that searched
for weeks for Amelia Earhart.
And on I go, through six incredible days of wreck diving. I
am one of fewer than 50 people to have dived these wrecks since
they were driven to the bottom by manmade winds of up to 43,000
miles per hour. After years of radiation monitoring and long
months of negotiation, the historic shipwrecks of Bikini Atoll are finally being opened up
to recreational divers. The
monitoring was done, and is
still being done, by the U.S.
Department of Energy to ensure
that radiation levels in
the lagoon are low enough to
permit safe diving. They are,
says DOE; you'll get a higher
dosage hanging around Los
Meanwhile, scores of eager
dive packagers from all over
the world negotiated for
months with the Bikini government
for rights to the
diving. The winner: Marshall
Islands Dive Adventures.
Getting to Ground Zero
. . . Monitoring
was done, and is
still being
done, by the
U.S. Department
of Energy to
ensure that
radiation levels
in the lagoon
are low enough
to permit safe
diving. They
are, says DOE;
you'll get a
higher dosage
hanging around
Los Angeles. |
Getting there ain't half
the fun; as a matter of fact,
it's not any of the fun. From
the continental 48, you go to
Honolulu. After a night in
Honolulu, you catch a weekly
8:30 a.m. flight to the island
of Majuro. You spend the
night in Majuro, then catch
an 8:00 a.m. plane to Enue, which is part of the Bikini Atoll.
You are greeted by staff at Enue. You take a 50-minute boat
ride to Bikini proper, then a five-minute truck ride to your
quarters. Fifteen time zones and one International Date Line
later, I was glad to settle in.
The island is typical atoll geography -- highest point about
three feet above mean sea level. It's planted beach to beach
with coconut trees. Between the coconut trees grow scrubby
palmettos and a few weeds; no streams, rivers , ponds, or lakes.
All roads are dirt; a few trails cut through the groves.
The rooms are spartan but clean and air conditioned, with
hot and cold running water and 110-volt, 60-cycle electric
service. A small ice chest is provided to keep a couple of
cold drinks at your fingertips. A few yards away is "Ground
Zero," the main dining hall/kitchen/library/B.S. Central.
Coffee is available at 6:30, breakfast at 7:30. Because of
radiation concerns, nothing that has been grown on the island
is eaten; everything is brought in (read: canned, packaged,
frozen, or condensed). But if you think you can put a dent in
your love handles while you're there, forget it. Eggs, bacon,
sausage, pancakes, French toast, cereal, juice, and toast are
provided every morning. Lunch, at 12:30, ranges from cold cuts
to hot casseroles.
Dinner, around 7:00, can be pork chops,
chicken, fish, Italian food, or Mexican food, always followed by some obscenely rich dessert.
Lemonade, fruit juice,
and water (tested regularly by
Livermore Labs for safety) are
available 24 hours a day.
Their ability to handle special
dietary requirements is
very limited, so consider your
needs carefully. Vegetarians
can survive, but low-salt or
low-sugar diets can't be accommodated.
About a hundred yards from
Ground Zero is the company
store, run by the DOE, where
you can spend your money on
cold soft drinks and beer, Tshirts,
hats, bumper stickers,
and a rather eclectic variety
of other dry goods. Need a 100-pound bag of rice? A package of
carbon paper? Sanitary napkins? An onion? A mummified Snickers
bar? Prices are 20 percent higher than in Majuro. Prices in
Majuro are 30 percent higher than in Honolulu. Prices in Honolulu
are 20 percent higher than on the mainland. I was able to
resist buying that pack of carbon paper (ten sheets for $13),
so unless there's been an influx of careless journalists, it's
still there for you.
. . . There's
very little bird
life or animal
life in the
interior. I found
the silence
rather spooky
at first. |
Right up the road from the store is a DOE entertainment
complex, open any time you get the urge, with a large selection
of videotapes and a big-screen TV as well as pool and Ping-Pong
tables. Not much else to do here. With only three Americans
and one Brit as paying customers, we sat around in the evenings
and told lies about previous dives, and between lies we went
to the screening room and watched dirty pictures of naked fish
and unclothed wrecks.
I covered the entire island
on foot, since jet lag had me
up early every morning.
There's very little bird life
or animal life in the interior.
I found the silence
rather spooky at first.
High Tech for Low Down
Briefings began as soon as
we were met at the airport.
After checking into my room,
I grabbed my gear and headed
for a dive. The dive shop is
next to the living quarters.
All equipment is brand new.
The regulators and BCs are
Scubapro, the tanks are lowpressure OMS, and the two
compressors are Bauer; we're
talking top of the line. I
used twin OMS 85s with a
DiveRite isolation manifold
all week. Other divers used
singles some days and doubles
on others. The tank fittings
are DIN, with a screw-in
adapter to accommodate regular
sport-diving first stages. If
you want to carry a stage or
pony bottle instead of strapping
on a pair of doubles,
there's a whole corral full
of ponies all set up with
clips. Just tell 'em what you
like to dive with and they'll
configure it for you. On the
checkout dive I wasn't expected
to perform any skills.
They just checked me out on a
100-footer, with no planned
deco. My C-card was examined,
as was my logbook.
The dive boat, Bravo, is a
40-foot, twin-diesel vessel
that makes an ideal platform.
The staging/storage area is
completely covered to protect
you from the tropical sun.
Tanks are stored outboard,
and there's plenty of room
for your gear beneath the
seats. A two-tiered camera
table is provided. The boat
looks like she could handle
12 divers, but we were only
three. The dive platform is
nice and wide, and a pair of
dive ladders make for easy
reentry. If you like, you can
slip out of your tanks and BC
in the water and the boat
crew will lift them into the
boat and put them away for
you. If you're wearing
doubles, this is a nice touch.
At least two divemasters
always dive with you. Both
provide guide service if
asked; if not, they hang
around and keep an eye on
you. But you dive as deep as you wish, for as long as you wish. One divemaster carries an
extra tank of air (80 cf) with two regs.
Just Hanging Around
. . . Envision a
hot tub; no current,
no surge,
no thermoclines,
waves topside
rarely taller
than two feet,
86° water at the
surface plummeting
to 84° at
190 feet. Everything
is deep. |
Each wreck has a permanent mooring buoy attached to it.
Once the boat is tied off, a set of twin-level decompression
bars is lowered into the water. One bar sits at 20 feet, the
other at 10. Pure oxygen is dropped over the side, with regulators
available for those riding out their decompression
obligations. In addition, there is a DAN O2 kit on board.
The routine is two dives per day, one in the morning, one
in the afternoon. Now, before you start shaking your head in
disgust, let me describe the dive environment. Envision a 200-
foot-deep hot tub; no current, no surge, no thermoclines,
waves topside rarely taller than two feet, 86 ° water at the
surface plummeting to 84° at 190 feet. Everything is deep. My
average dive was 150 feet; but unlike Truk and some other
places, there are no 30-foot dives available. All but two of
my dives were planned decompression dives. Run times of well
over an hour were not uncommon; my longest exposure was 92
minutes, and I had several that were 70 to 80 minutes. It's
quite easy to build up an alarming amount of residual nitrogen
that your slow tissue groups never quite shake. My computers
never slept the entire time I was there.
Surface intervals of four hours were used to motor back to
the dock, get the tanks recharged, and grab some lunch. Out
again by 2:00 p.m., back at the dock by 5:30 or 6:00. My dive
days were filled up. One day
I did squeeze in three dives,
but it made for a long day,
and one of my computers was
trying to call DAN by the end
of the third dive to report
my imminent case of DCI.
You're a long, long way from
a recompression chamber.
There's one in Kwajalein, but
it's owned and operated by
the U.S. Army. The feeling
was that if you were twisted
enough, and if the chamber
were unoccupied, the Army
might fit you in. To even get
your bent body to Kwaj, arrangements
would have to be
made for a charter air lift,
and you can't just pick up
the phone and call 911 from
here. Chamber help is, at a
minimum, 24 hours away. And
if Kwaj is busy or won't take
you, the next stop is Honolulu.
This is not the place
to push the limits.
Ditty Bag
Figure that it's a six-grand trip. I booked my trip through Central Pacific Dive Expeditions (800-U-GO-DIVE or 714-440-3717), which
had, at the time, the exclusive rights. I learned while in Bikini that Marshall Islands
Dive Adventures is now handling bookings directly; contact them via fax at 692-
625-3505, attention Lucy Martin or Fabio Amaral. Passport is required. . . . I did
the CDC fax thing and discovered that in these rather northern latitudes there
were few health concerns. . . . The U.S. dollar is accepted everywhere on your
odyssey -- credit cards some places, sometimes. Air Marshall Islands is the only
carrier with service to Bikini. Reliability is not their watchword; I was delayed
one day, both coming and going, by problems with the airline. There are strictly
enforced weight limitations on the Majuro-Bikini leg of the trip. The checked
bag can weigh only 75 pounds; there's no charge for overweight baggage, they
just won't take it! . . . The dive season is advertised as April-November; best
diving weather is April-August. I was there in mid-September, and the weather
was beginning to deteriorate. According to the locals, it just gets worse as the
year wears on. . . . Underwater photographers, be prepared for some frustration
in trying to get these wrecks on film. Take a pair of the largest strobes you
can get your hands on; pack wide-angle lenses exclusively; no E-6. . . . Night
diving is not encouraged because of the aggressive behavior of the sharks. . . .
While the DOE has declared the waters and wrecks safe to dive, there are still
concerns about radioactivity on the island itself. The top 15 inches of soil is still
radioactive enough to make the coconuts, bananas, and crabs dangerous for
human consumption; fish and lobsters are safe to eat, they say. |
If You're Not into Wreck Diving . . .
. . . These wrecks are in
excellent shape. The lack of
encrustation is actually a plus, because you can
see what the ships really
look like. You can tell that
the pod of guns on the starboard side of the
Saratoga really are the 40-mm
antiaircraft weapons that protected her
from kamikaze attacks. |
Those deep dives and long hang times are worth it if you're
into wrecks, history, and science. But that's a big IF. Sea
life is not an attraction here. The bottom of the lagoon is
like Truk -- basically a sandy bowl. Unlike Truk, however,
because of the radioactive material from our nuclear testing I
can only assume that this area was essentially a sterile petri
dish for several years after. Coral growth and general encrustation
is more like on wrecks off Florida that have been down
ten years -- soft corals just beginning, no sponges, tiny sea
fans. Around the wrecks are small schools of fish, a few large
groupers in the recesses. There's whitetips and blacktips in
profusion, but compared to other Pacific locales, this place
is dead. Shore diving is not worth the effort; I scooted
around on a couple of reefs with a DPV and found nothing of
interest (they have two DPVs that they'll rent out, at $10 per
dive, but they're primarily for use by the staff for the exploration
work they're still doing on the wrecks).
But if it's wrecks you want to dive, it's a dynamite trip --
no, an atomic trip. These wrecks are in excellent shape. The
lack of encrustation is actually a plus, because you can see
what the ships really look like. You can tell that the pod of
guns on the starboard side of the Saratoga really are the 40-mm
antiaircraft weapons that protected her from kamikaze attacks.
If You Still Want to Go, Be Prepared . . .
Since you've already paid
all that air fare, you may
want to consider doing
some diving in Majuro.
Marshall Islands Dive
Adventures has a couple
of unique packages to
remote locations. Ask for
the latest list of the trips
they're doing.
J. Q. |
This trip is obviously not for anyone but a trained, experienced,
deep-air diver. If you get the chokes when your computer
tells you you've gone into the deco mode, or if
40-minute decompression sessions drive you nuts, this place
will hold no appeal for you. If it does interest you, get some
experience diving doubles and managing two different gas supplies.
Bring a doubles rig and at least two dive computers
with you. For peeking into holes and doing some penetration,
bring a couple of lights and at least one reel. Get your antisilting
finning technique down to a fine science. Visit your
doctor and your dentist to make sure all your personal systems
are sound; there's no medical help. There's also no telephones
and no TV. All communication with the outside world is via VHF
radio to Enue, relayed to Majuro, then to the continent.D o
not bring non-diving persons who require entertainment. They
will expire from boredom in two days, and the price is the
same whether you dive or not.
I give Bikini and Marshall Islands Dive Adventures two
enthusiastic thumbs up. This is a "gotta go there" place, and
it will get better over time. The logistical problems they
face are enormous, but they're doing it right, and doing all
the right things. By the beginning of the '97 dive season
(April-November), they plan on pumping trimix and nitrox. The
trimix will give you a clear head at depth; the custom nitrox
will help reduce your total run times; and the pure O 2 at 20 to
10 feet will help scrub that nitrogen out of the old tissues.
J. M.