Write Letters. See the list below for
agencies you can contact to express your
concern and to request stronger
enforcement against poachers. This may
sound like a drop in the bucket, but
consider a story relayed to us by reader
Constantinos Petronos (Athens Greece)
regarding recent e-mail campaigns
requesting that airlines remove shark fin
soup from their inflight menus.
Following a barrage of e-mail complaints,
Singapore Air stopped serving
shark fin soup in February, 1999, and
Thai Air agreed to remove it from its
menu as of June 10, 2000.
Write Checks or donate time to
environmental organizations working
on poaching and other problems.
Go See for Yourself. Photographer
and Galapagos guide Marc Bernardi
postulates that the more tourist boats
there are visiting an area, the less
chance of poachers sneaking in to take
fish. Also, increased income from
tourism may help local governments
beef up enforcement and might also
provide career alternatives for local
poachers. There’s still plenty of great
diving in these areas, but try to
patronize dive boats that allow no line
or spear fishing in protected areas,
because poachers use any exception to
the rules as an excuse for wholesale
You can write to the following organizations to
show concern and offer your support:
Mexican Government Agencies:
PESCA: Dr. Jeronimo Ramos Saenz Pard, Dirección
General de Administración de Pescarias, Lateral del
Anillo Periférico No. 4209, Jardines de la Montaña,
Delegación Tlalpan C.P. 14210, México, D.F.; phone:
011-52-5-628-0600; fax: 011-52-5-628-0763; e-mail:
Lic. Carlos Camacho Gaos Subsecretario de Fomento y
Desarrollo Pesquero (same mailing address as above);
phone: 011-52-5-628-0610 to 14; fax: 011-52-5-628-0656
SEMARNAP: M.C. Julia Carabias Lillo, Sec. de
SEMARNAP (same mailing address as above); phone:
011-52-5-628-0606 & 07; fax: 011-52-5-628-0643 & 44; email:
Galápagos Organizations:
Galápagos Environmental Organizations:, Charles
Darwin Research Station, Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz,
Galápagos; website: www.darwinfoundation.org/
NewFiles/station/index.html; e-mail:
The Galápagos Conservation Trust ; website:
www.gct.org; e-mail: gct@gct.org
Galápagos National Park Service, Isla Santa Cruz,
Galápagos - Ecuador; e-mail: png@ga.pro.ec; website: