The Bahamas out islands have some pretty fine Atlantic/Caribbean diving, so in
July 2001, I headed to Cat Island and the Hawk’s Nest resort, where word had it that
a pleasant little resort was developing a dive operation. Indeed, the reef formations
were excellent and the fish life prolific. However, when I arrived I learned
the divemasters who owned the dive boat had departed. I could only dive by driving
forty-five minutes along washboard roads to another resort. I managed to dive at
Hawk’s Nest, though the boat could handle but four divers at a time. Nevertheless, I saw the potential, so I stayed in contact with the folks at Hawk’s Nest, who promised
a new dive boat, divemasters, and a full-service operation this summer. With
that, I arranged a stay for eighteen family members, ranging in age from nine months
to seventy years and residing in five U.S. cities and England.
Thanks to a twenty-eight-slip marina about ten minutes away and a nearby
forty-six-hundred-foot airstrip, vagabond sailors and private pilots from the U.S.
frequent Hawk’s Nest, but divers have yet to discover it.
With only ten rooms in
two buildings facing the sea (and a private two-bedroom cottage with a kitchen),Hawk’s Nest is small and intimate
resort. The rooms have TV/VCR to
play the huge selection of movies
available. In the clubhouse,
there’s a satellite TV, an honor
bar, and an open-air dining room
with many windows overlooking the
pool and the sea. Bicycles, adult
tricycles, a tennis court with a
basketball goal, table-size chess
and backgammon sets, hammocks and
thatches on the beach, kayaks, and
jeep and van rentals -- and even
hair plaiting and massages -- will
keep you busy. At the marina, the
Plane to Sea Pub, which was open
only occasionally, sports a pool
table, dart board, and good drinks. With palms, casuarinas, and blooming hibiscus,
the Hawk’s Nest environs, it seems, would be the perfect destination for a dive club
or large family.
By Bahamas standards, the diving was very good. Close by, Hawk’s Wall is a
big coral formation with lots of gorgonia and sponges at seventy feet. Grooves run
through it like rivers. A big scrawled filefish greeted me as I descended, and
there were clouds of blue and brown chromis with a few sunshine fish swimming along.
A big school of white margates cruised past. Everywhere were blackcap basslets with
their bellies aligned with the coral. On another dive here I saw a big spotted
moray curled under a coral ledge and a huge Nassau grouper being cleaned by tiny
Spanish hogfishes, as well as four queen angels along the way.
At B.C., several patch reefs on a wide expanse of sand attracted a variety of
fish. You can’t dive deeper than 42 ft. here without a shovel, so dives are long,
with plenty of time to count fish. One big coral head with overhangs and tunnels
was home to schools of white margates, white grunts, French grunts, schoolmasters,
Nassau and tiger groupers, queen angels, triggers, and lots of sharpnose puffers.
Tube blennies poked their heads from holes. Two enormous lobsters hid under ledges.
The sandy area was dotted with occasional patches of garden eels and populated with
yellowhead jawfish hovering above their holes, only to disappear tail first when I
got closer. Once, a huge barracuda stared me down. Indeed, a fine site for fish
At Playground, five queen angels maneuvered the channels, tunnels, and overhangs.
Along one side, a sheer wall
dropped to at least 200 feet. While
big growths of lettuce-like algae
appeared on some of the reef, the
coral appeared healthy and the fish
were prolific. A 5 ft. barracuda
checked me out, as did a queen trigger.
Six majestic ocean triggers
swam past, and I spotted stoplight
parrots, a pair of white-spotted
filefish, several tiger groupers, and
lots of “dancing” diamond blennies.
While a big trumpetfish hunted,
blueheads cleaned two red hinds. Big
mutton snappers followed me around. We dived this site four
times, and we usually saw a
couple of reef sharks, and
we were once accompanied by
a big school of horse-eye
And, therein lies the
rub -- diving one site four
times. You see, while the
“new” dive boat had arrived
(a twenty-eight-foot converted
fishing boat) it held
only five divers and the two
guides. At that, it was
crowded. And slow. Through
choppy seas, the rides to
these sites were uncomfortable
and about thirty minutes
each way, so we did
well to manage two morning
dives. Furthermore, Hawk’s
Nest had booked six divers
into the cottage, so our
groups had to take turns
between morning and afternoon
dives, with neither
group able to do both. Some
of my family members never
got to dive, and none did as
many dives as he or she
The divemasters, Lani
and Jeff Sloss, had arrived
at Hawk’s Nest less than
three weeks before. They
did their best to get us in
the water -- and they did
certify one of our teenagers
but Hawk’s Nest can’t run a
dive operation without the
essentials, and the resort
simply doesn’t have them.
Oxygen was on order, supposedly, but not yet available -- not good when a chamber is
a flight away. Because of the lousy dive boat and overbooking, we got to only three
different sites in the entire week. Of course, “there are wonderful sites a little
farther away,” but the boat couldn’t get us there, and got us back for late lunches.
During the week, the buffet lunch, often spicy, included cold cuts, pasta
salad, gazpacho, tuna salad, corn salad, BBQ chicken, cole slaw, crab salad, hamburgers,
French fries, quesadillas, bratwurst, and sauerkraut. After begging for
sweets, we got brownies, sugar cookies, and even pecan pie. Breakfasts were also
buffet style, with decent variation, but not enough fresh fruit. For dinner, the
staff set up two tables for our group. Comestibles included, soup, salad, and
dessert, with two main course choices: pork tenderloin or grouper, red snapper or
veal piccata, grouper or Chinese chicken, New Zealand rack of lamb or mahi-mahi. As a rule the meats tasted better than the fish -- cooking was spotty all week.
All week Murphy and his law beset managers Brian and Jennifer Campbell and
Randy and J.R. Holder, as well as the divemasters. The dive boat wouldn’t start
one day, and the backup boat, a small v-hull, broke down.
The pool pump was broken,
and by the time the managers noticed, the water was too dirty for swimming our
last three days. The Jeep had a flat tire, and when the van wouldn’t start, they
took us back to the clubhouse in a truck that had no inside door handles. The
supply boat was three days late with the groceries. Furthermore, the details such as keeping the glass table tops clean
and free from dirty glasses and empty cans
-- will need to be managed if this is to
become the four-star resort it claims to
be in its brochure.
But let me note that Hawk’s Nest has
plenty of potential. The reefs are much
more interesting than, say, those at
Andros around Small Hope Bay, and they
compare favorably with Riding Rock. Fish
life is good, with lots of species and
numbers of reef fish and some cruising
sharks and barracuda. It’s a pleasant
property, boasting spacious, air-conditioned
rooms with views of the sea, a comfortable clubhouse overlooking the pool and
the beach, lots of activities, pleasant grounds, and 460 undeveloped acres. The
beach is fine for swimming, and for snorkeling with the kids the sea life is decent
(last year they took us to a good snorkel spot by boat, but this year no boat was
available). It’s also a safe property -- they don’t issue room keys -- and none of
us worried about where the children were. Management says the owners intend to get
a “new” dive boat and upgrade the dive operation. They also “plan” to remodel all
the rooms. If all this happens, then Hawk’s Nest will become a comfortable venue
for easy diving, especially suited to groups. But, they’ll also need to get new
dive guides. The couple who was there for our July trip has already departed.
-- K.I.
Divers Compass: Hotel rooms (one king or two queen beds) are $134/
night, double occupancy, add $50/person/day for three meals.
E-mail at; Web site is Call
1-800-688-4752 or 1-242-342-7050. Individual dives are $55 for one
tank, $75 for two tanks. They have some rental equipment, but no
repair capacity. There are rinse and storage facilities at the
dock. We flew to the resort’s airstrip on nine-passenger planes
chartered from Air Flight at Ft. Lauderdale (1-954-359-0820), and customs agents
checked our documents and collected fees. Bahamas Air and Cat Island Air have
commercial flights from Nassau, and Lynx Air flies from Ft. Lauderdale; they all
land at New Bight, an hour’s ride over bumpy roads to the resort. Bonefishing and