It’s long been the largest dive
industry trade show in the world,
but this year, the DEMA show
seemed oh so small. Of course,
DEMA — the Diving Equipment
and Marketing Association — is
more than its annual show. The
organization is supposed to be
THE advocacy group for the dive
industry, with a formal mission
and a set of goals. These include
identifying key issues pertinent
to the growth and success of the
scuba and snorkeling industry,
speaking on behalf of the sport,
creating programs that positively
affect the industry, producing an
annual trade event, and engaging
in marketing that promotes the
industry and creates new customers.
Lofty goals all, but it’s the
annual trade show that has been
the organization’s centerpiece.
DEMA the show is the forum
where dive store owners and personnel
can meet face-to-face with
the manufacturers, see new products,
meet and evaluate resort
and live-aboard operators, book
Dwindling DEMA 2004
— the Houston, Texas, show
travel, attend marketing and
repair seminars, and check for
new innovations. Perhaps just as
important is the social aspect of
meeting other people who share
the same interests, problems, and
goals, along with the cross-information
all that socializing brings.
While DEMA the show has
long been the premiere event
of the industry, over the years DEMA the organization has had its ups and downs. In 1992, there were a series of lawsuits involving then-active director Bob Grey, his dismissal, and allegations of too much of the trade show profit being allocated to the personal incomes of DEMA’s officers, with too little being plowed back into the organization and its programs. Now, the assault comes from another side, with the biggest threat to the organization’s future being the dwindling attendance from both exhibitors and dive store retailers.
The show was empty
— the worst DEMA
attendance I have ever
witnessed. |
This year, big manufacturers
such as Sherwood,
Scubapro/Uwatec, Aqua Lung,
Mares/Dacor, Cressi-sub, and
Underwater Kinetics announced
early on that they wouldn’t be
attending, presumably because
the cost of attendance had gotten
too high in comparison with
other, more-bang-for-the-buck
marketing initiatives.
The expense of exhibiting at
DEMA is certainly a part of the
problem, and this year, the location
itself may also have discouraged
attendance. As a travel draw,
Houston is certainly no New
Orleans, Las Vegas, or Orlando.
Whether the problem this
year was DEMA’s increased
screening of participants or the
show boycott by manufacturers,
or whether, in the words of political
consultant James Carville,
“it’s the economy stupid,” the
show was empty — the worst
DEMA attendance I have ever
The lonely aisles made me
nostalgic for the DEMA shows
of old, with Dixieland bands
marching through the show with
fanfare, steel bands drawing
crowds to the island booths, and
controversy confined to debates like whether retailers should
be called by the mom-and-pop
moniker, “dive shops,” or the
more professional-sounding title,
“dive stores” — or how sexist it
all was with bikini-clad exhibitors
and cleavage-laden, poster-signing
models. In those days huge
dinner parties were included,
tables upon tables of oysters on
the half shell, shrimp, and Cajun
crawfish or, on Mexican night,
rows of tequila shots a thousand glasses long. It was an industry
show unlike anything convention
centers were accustomed to, with
nary a three-piece suit in sight.
I was somewhat proud of our
diversity and our adventuring

Empty aisles on Saturday, the shows busiest day |
This year, the glory days
seemed long gone. To say the
dwindling attendance and
lackluster show was because
of DEMA’s Houston location, because of the economy, because
of internal politics, because of
the schedule shift from January
to October — or even because of
all of those things put together
— would be an over-simplification.
The complex issues facing
the dive industry are impacted
by the effects of the internet and
how we do business, the aging
population of divers, and a lessinterested
younger population
(who missed sharing the weekly underwater discoveries of the
Cousteaus and the thrill of Lloyd
Bridges getting his air hose cut
in two by the bad guys on every
episode of “Sea Hunt”).
Of course, the show’s primary
focus isn’t on attendance
levels, industry networking, or
camaraderie. It’s on selling.
DEMA’s press releases after
the show had a host of quotes
from exhibitors, ranging from
the jubilant “by the end of the
second day of the show, I had
already written contracts on par
with the best shows ever in the
16 years I have been exhibiting” (by Mike Ball, Australia
live-aboards) to the bit more
two-sided quote from Caribbean
Dive Tours’ Ron Grzelka: “It was
better than I expected. We came
into the show really well prepared
and we are actually writing
business. I would like to have
written more, if there were only
more buyers.” Obviously, some
exhibitors must have done well
despite the low attendance, but
I would have to balance these
comments against the numerous
negative comments I overheard,
such as “I would rather have
taken a check for the $5000 it
cost me to set up, ripped it up,
and stayed working at my desk!
There were NO people there.
NONE. I talked to 2 people the
first day, 3 the second day, 2 the
third day, and NONE the last
day. . . Only a handful of people
did well.” Ninety percent of the
people I spoke to were disappointed
in the show. While that’s
not a scientific survey, it’s certainly
not an indicator that the
show went well.
At first blush, it’s easy to
ask why we, as consumers, care
about DEMA in the first place — except that when a new destination,
live-aboard, or resort
starts up, DEMA is where the
fledgling venture gets off the
ground and sells itself. When an
entrepreneur comes up with a
new equipment idea, it’s DEMA
that will provide the exposure
that brings the customers that
make the item a commercial success.
As dive consumers, we need
DEMA to work so we will have
new places to dive and new innovations
in equipment.
We also need DEMA to promote
scuba. We need to maintain
a critical mass of dive consumers
to provide manufacturers
with incentives to produce new
and better gear, to keep existing
dive operations open, and to
give new destinations a chance
to take hold. If this year’s show
is any indication, the folks at
DEMA have their work cut out
for them, and personally, I’m
glad I’m not on DEMA’s board
facing those tough issues. But
I’m happy to be able to do my
part as a dive consumer and buy
equipment and travel to dive