Some South Florida scientists
think they have found an effective
shark repellent. Dr. Sonny Gruber,
a University of Miami shark expert,
heads World Class Research in
Bimini, Bahamas. His research team
has proven that sharks hate or fear
the smell of rotting shark carcass.
"And so we have been extracting
certain chemicals out of these dead
carcasses, purifying them and testing
them on Caribbean reef sharks,"
Gruber said. "And it worked. It
worked very well."
Research video shows sleeping
baby sharks thrash wildly after
they're given a whiff of shark repellent.
And bigger sharks blasted with
repellent quickly flee.
The company marketing the repellent says it could be available
as something lifeguards can throw
in the water during an attack.
Eventually, they hope to make a bracelet for swimmers and divers
-- maybe even a sunblock mixed
with shark repellent.
Researchers say a repellent could
save thousands of sharks at a time
when shark populations are plummeting.
About 100 million sharks are killed every year, often by fishermen
who are after tuna or swordfish
but accidentally catch sharks instead.
Gruber says if fishermen put the
shark repellent on the bait, the tuna
and swordfish won't care, but sharks
will stay away.
"If I can protect those baits from
sharks biting them, but the fish
bite them, then I can save 40,000 to
50,000 sharks a day," Gruber said.
"That is what I'm all about with
these shark repellents."
The shark repellent could be on
the market as early as next year.
--- South Florida, July 7