A new PNG resort has just
opened. Perched on a cliff
overlooking the reefs on the
north side of the north peninsula
of Milne Bay and located
less than a mile from famous sites like “Dinah’s Beach,”
this exquisite facility is a collaboration between PNG
veteran live-aboard operator Rob van der Loos and
Bob Hollis, founder of Oceanic Products. Reachable
only by boat, it’s a special preserve in the midst of the
jungle that boasts ten air-conditioned private rooms
with twin queen beds, large bathrooms, and private balconies
with superb views. A great house serves as both a
hotel office, lounge, bar, and restaurant. All the buildings
blend with the natural setting. When I visited in
November, 2004, Tawali had just opened, and construction
was just wrapping up.
The location allows access to virtually the same diving
the Paradise Sport visits. A twin diesel 42-foot vessel
takes divers to distant locations, while two 22-foot outboard
skiffs can carry four divers each to nearby walls
and macro sites. Head divemaster Sebastian knows the
sites well and is a superb “critter finder.” Rob’s wife Peo
is a charming hostess. Visitors can travel by boat to several
villages or hike to two fascinating “skull caves,” burial
grounds dating back hundreds of years. Rob’s live-aboard,
the 65-foot Chertan, is based at the resort and offers threeand
four-night excursions to outlying islands.
Tawali is special and should be in full operation by
the time this issue is published. It will no doubt make a
name for itself, but you heard it here first. Contact info:
Tawali Resort, P.O. Box 585, Alameda, CA 94501, Ph: 800-
684-9480, e-mail reservations@tawali.com, website www.tawali.com