Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach have done it
again, releasing a definitive identification guide to
1600 extraordinary
reef creatures of the
Tropical Pacific. There
is no reason for me to
gang a list of superlatives
to describe the
book. Anyone who has
ever thumbed through
one of their previous
eight guides knows
just how beautiful and
informative they are.
With this 500+ page
softbound guide, you
get upwards of 2000
exceptional photos of shrimp and crabs and stars
and worms and lobsters and nudibranchs and slugs
and squid and bivalves . . . well, all those invertebrates
that move along the reefs of this region without
finning, so it seems. There are several photos of
some creatures to help you identify them during different
life stages, and about ten percent of the book
is descriptive copy so you can tie down your identification.
While anyone headed to the Tropical Pacific
MUST have a copy of this book, even if you have no
plans to go, just to thumb through the pages, gawk at
the complexity and uniqueness of these animals, and
read a thumbnail sketch will give any serious diver
vicarious thrills for endless hours.
Tropical Pacific Reef Creature Identification lists for
$48 and the best way to buy it is to go directly to
Paul and Ned and New World Publications at You’ll also find Tropical Pacific
Reef Fish Identification and their other books on the