It's hard enough to take a first-rate photo of reef
life in the best of conditions. Try doing it in murky,
bone-numbingly cold water while wearing a dry suit
with 40-plus pounds of weights around your waist,
and thick, insulating gloves making it hard to use the
camera controls. That's what David Hall had to endure
while photographing in Canadian waters, but those
physical disadvantages make his 160-page book, Beneath
Cold Seas: The Underwater Wilderness of the Pacific Northwest,
all the more amazing.
While there are heaps of photography books celebrating
the beauty of tropical coral reefs, there are few that
focus on marine life in cold waters. Hall's book successfully
disputes the belief that cold-water reefs are drab
and dismal. He has regularly photographed the world's
most beautiful dive spots for major magazines from
National Geographic to Time, but he admits a particular love
affair with the Pacific Northwest after diving Browning
Passage in British Columbia 15 years ago. While Hall's shots are taken entirely in the waters around there,
the reef life he shoots resides along the Pacific Coast,
from Northern California up to Alaska, and they are as
diverse and spectacular as any creature in Raja Ampat
or Fiji.

He shows us Caribbean- and Indonesia-focused divers
that colder waters have an amazing -- and mostly
endemic -- variety of invertebrates, fish, marine plants
and very photogenic mammals. Iridescent jellyfish
as delicate as rosettes float in the water with tall pines
looming above the surface. A Northern kelp crab poses
proudly in all its fiery brilliance. Close-up shots of a
crimson anemone, a stubby squid and a cluster of gooseneck
barnacles look like Technicolor works of modern
art that would appeal to the highest bidder at Sotheby's.
And of course, there are the requisite shots of curious
sea lions and harbor seals.
Hall's book opens with an introduction by marine
biologist Sarika Cullis-Suzuki focusing on conservation
issue. But Hall's writing is as eloquent as his full-color
photos, with touching vignettes about his curiosity for
and experiences in shooting crabs, jellyfish, nudibranchs
and octopi, and why he goes to such physical extremes
to get these cold-water critters on camera. While not
many of us will ever dive the waters of the Pacific
Northwest, at least we know what we're missing. By
buying his book, you'll understand why Hall goes to the
lengths he does for these photos.
Beneath Cold Seas is available in hardback at a $45 list
price. Buy it through us by going to www.undercurrent.
org and clicking on this book review on the homepage.
The profits we make from your purchase go towards
protecting both cold- and warm-water reefs.