Readers seem to enjoy the story we ran last month
on how many calories one actually burns during diving.
That's because research shows the burn can go up to 500
calories during an hour-long dive.
Subscriber Randall Rothenberg (New York, NY)
wrote to say that his research also indicates that a
modestly experienced diver on a typical Caribbean
dive typically burns around 400 kcal an hour. "I've
seen that in my own weight-loss stats after a dive trip.
I obsessively log everything I consume, versus calories
burned through exercise, and they consistently net out
at that figure. A professor of physiology at the medical
school on Saba, with whom I dined on my last trip
there, confirmed that the burn is roughly equivalent to
a good brisk walk. Now, that may not feel like a lot of
exercise. But imagine doing three to four hours of brisk walking during a day, then imagine doing it every day
for a week. That is decent exercise, especially for the
otherwise desk-bound recreational diver, and it's pretty
much what you're getting on a dive vacation."
While he stays in shape and exercises regularly at
home, David Marchese (Hummelstown, PA) says that
he can eat "like royalty" during vacations and weekend
getaways, and easily put on five pounds during that
time. "I have been on nearly 30 liveaboards over the
years, and I've always been astounded that while I easily
double my caloric intake during these voyages, I never
gain any weight. My only conclusion was that diving
burns an enormous number of calories, yet I never read
anything to confirm my anecdotal evidence. Thanks for
the article. Now I can continue to pig out on trips with
even less guilt."Good for you, Randall and David, but I still remain
skeptical that reef diving can burn that many calories.
-- Ben Davison