Dr. Samuel Gruber, otherwise known as Doc or
sometimes 'Sonny,' carries a somewhat ironic epithet
due to his often-irascible nature. Against all odds, this
former enfant terrible of the academic world managed
to get his Shark Lab established on Bimini in the
Bahamas, and after decades of research, has become
the person who is probably among the
most well-known of all the grand old
men of the shark research world.
Shark Doc, Shark Lab, a very interesting
tale, is an authorized biography,
inasmuch as the Doc insisted Jeremy
Stafford-Deitsch told it (with apologies
to Oliver Cromwell) "Warts and all."
Stafford-Deitsch, himself with a reputation
as a noted shark author, wrote so
boldly, it became unauthorized by the
time it was completed!
For decades, the international
media have revelled in sensationalizing
'shark attacks,' but what makes
this book more than simply a book on
shark biology is what the author calls "a story of a rambunctious,
humane, driven, self-deprecating, irascible
and warm-hearted paradox that is Dr. Gruber and who
[undiminished by two separate battles with cancer]
inspired so many."
It's a weighty 400-page tome, heavily laced with
anecdotes and personal pictures (the captions of which
are rather small and hard to read), including some
taken during early special visual effects work on movies
such as Thunderball. The Bimini Biological Field Station, as it is properly known, has helped with endless
numbers of movies and documentaries since then. The
book is sponsored by the Save Our Seas Foundation,
with a foreword by Pierre-Yves Cousteau.
It covers a period from when the Doc was less well
known as a ballet dancer and high-board diver, through
many decades of shark research, up to
recent times. Thirty-two pages are devoted
to reminiscences of other scientists
who have passed through the portals of
the Shark Lab and are equally devoted to
the Doc. They are tellingly honest with
some hilarious stories of encounters with
sharks, sand flies, science and the illustrious
man himself. It appears he is a very
scary character who becomes a lot less
scary once you get to know him. A person
was said to have been 'Gruberized'
after surviving a close encounter with his
fragile temper.
Anyone interested in how scientists go
about unraveling the secrets of shark's
life, combined with how one particularly fearless biologist
spent his career debunking the myths surrounding
these sophisticated and equally vulnerable ocean predators,
will learn a lot from these uplifting pages.
Shark Doc, Shark Lab by Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch
is published by the Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF)
and costs $29.95 plus shipping, with profits going
towards support of a new energy-efficient Bimini Shark
Lab. www.biminisharklab.com/book/thebook