From time to time Undercurrent gets news of yet another record attempt, featuring such stunts as the greatest number of scuba divers underwater at any one time or the most divers able to form a human chain underwater. We rarely publish the details, because, frankly, these activities tend to be a little inconsequential or even pointless. Nevertheless, here's a new one.
It takes about 15 minutes to walk across the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the views are spectacular. However, in search of something to do with his scuba equipment and lured by the chance to see his name in the record books, Rod Moore decided to slog across the harbor the hard way. He would walk across the boulder-strewn harbor bottom, taking his chances in the murky water.
Moore had made the 3km (2.5 mile) trek across the bottom of Australia's Lake Macquarie in 2017, so he decided to try for double the distance in January. It wasn't as simple as walking across a smooth lake bed. He came across 10-foot-tall boulders covered in kelp.
He breathed air supplied by hose from his support boat, and, while circumnavigating large boulders, tried to keep his air feed from tangling with the endless boat moorings, while avoiding stepping on glass bottles and other rubbish. He was successful and made his way into the record books, today probably enjoying just as much obscurity as he enjoyed before he undertook the task.
So next time you're bored with a dive site, here's something to pass the time, but just don't take your stroll on a coral reef. And no need to write and tell us about it unless you achieve something more than simply covering the distance.