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Technology May Save Sharks from Longlines.
Sharks are a massive casualty of longline tuna fishing,
but a new device has shown promising results
in reducing the number accidentally slaughtered.
SharkGuard, a cylindrical device attached to baited
lines, emits a three-dimensional electric field that
repulses sharks and rays. During testing in 2020
by two fishing vessels off the coast of France, shark
bycatch fell by more than 90 percent, while rays
snared were reduced by more than 70 percent.

Citizen Action in Bonaire. Dee Scarr found a
load of broken glass and crockery under one of
the cruise piers, and she and other divers began
collecting and storing it in the yard of her Bonaire
home. So far, they have pulled up about 250
pounds, roughly half of what was dumped. From
the wine labels retrieved, she learned that only one
cruise line serves those wines and is tracking down
the ship that illegally dumped the trash. Because
the trash is under a cruise pier, getting permission
to continue the cleaning is tough, but when she
gets it hauled out, you can bet the cruise line and
the government will hear from her. Good work,
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