The Water May Look Lovely ...
from the January, 2024 issue of Undercurrent
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Dear Undercurrent,
I recently returned from Cozumel, where I shore-dived not far from the center of town. What started out as a small scratch on my leg from a bike pedal became noticeably inflamed with an apparent infection. On the dives, I noticed the high water temps on my computer and at one point saw 91°F. I had seen news reports of high Atlantic ocean temps and occurrences of serious bacterial infections. Apparently, I caught a bacterial infection while diving. Although I cannot associate the warmer waters to my ensuing leg infection, the circumstantial evidence is strong. After 22 days of oral antibiotics and two injections, the leg has improved. I am considering not even shaving [my face] on my next trip if I see water temps that warm again. Then again, perhaps I just had a very dirty bike pedal.... Subscribers: Read the full article here