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Dive Review of Dive House/Sunscape Sabor in
Cozumel and the Mexican Yucatan/South End of the Island

Dive House/Sunscape Sabor: "Another week of Great Cozumel Drift Diving", Aug, 2017,

by Clint Capshaw, TX, US (Reviewer Reviewer 5 reports with 9 Helpful votes). Report 9789 has 1 Helpful vote.

No photos available at this time

Ratings and Overall Comments 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Accommodations 3 stars Food 3 stars
Service and Attitude 3 stars Environmental Sensitivity 5 stars
Dive Operation 5 stars Shore Diving N/A
Snorkeling N/A
Value for $$ 4 stars
Beginners 2 stars
Advanced 4 stars
Comments [None]This trip was two couples, diving husbands and non diving wives, with my 30 year old daughter as well. My dive buddy and I have been to Cozumel over 25 times each and have stayed at fine hotels, cheap hotels in town, condos on the south end of the island and several different All-Inclusive properties. This time we were at the Sunscape Sabor for the third time, primarily because of the price and Dive House having an office on the property. The hotel is OK, not a high end property (though the higher end Aura Secrets is right next door)...but we are there for the diving and the rooms are comfortable. A little tired in places and they tend to leave rollaway beds and other stuff laying around for a day or two. Food is ok but like any AI it gets old after a week. The last week of August was full occupancy but we were there then because my daughter is a teacher.

Dive House did there usual solid job for us. We have used them and Scuba Du for years and like them both. The DH boats we were on were not crowded even though the island was hopping...they have large boats and do a good job of not packing them full. Special kudos the Raul for making sure we were together each day with a couple of great divers from Indiana. David and Raul Dive Masters were as always excellent, as were mates and captains.

As usual, there was a mix of skill levels on the boats each day. DH states on their website that they fill boats based on experience but it rarely happens. Most dives were 8-10 divers and went in with 2 DM's....we just stayed away from the others for the first 25-30 minutes but always within easy sight of the DM. Then dove our full EAN profile...usually 60+ minutes, with no demands to surface. We always enjoy those last 20 minutes with the DM and just the few of us.

We like Dive House and the staff and have always been treated well by them and had good dives. Several second dives were outstanding in 30-40 feet of water finding fabulous small critters including seahorses (2) and several Splendid Toad Fish. Currents were mostly light (for Cozumel anyway) and conditions were overall excellent.
Websites Dive House   

Reporter and Travel

Dive Experience 501-1000 dives
Where else diving Cozumel many times, Bonaire, Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, Cayman Brac, Roatan, Utila, Florida Keys, Belize, Flower Gardens, Hawaii (4 islands)
Closest Airport CZM Getting There Non Stop flights from IAH and DFW, connection from almost everywhere

Dive Conditions

Weather dry Seas calm, currents
Water Temp 84-85°F / 29-29°C Wetsuit Thickness
Water Visibility 60-100 Ft/ 18-30 M

Dive Policy

Dive own profile yes
Enforced diving restrictions Generally 80 feet was noted as maximum depth but going to 90 or even 100 on the walls was not a problem. We did not do any of the deep dives (Punta Sur or Columbia Deep) on this trip. We dove our limits on nearly every dive, most over 60 mintues/
Liveaboard? no Nitrox Available? yes

What I Saw

Sharks Lots Mantas None
Dolphins None Whale Sharks None
Turtles > 2 Whales None
Corals 5 stars Tropical Fish 5 stars
Small Critters 5 stars Large Fish 2 stars
Large Pelagics 1 stars

Underwater Photography 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Subject Matter N/A Boat Facilities N/A
Overall rating for UWP's N/A Shore Facilities N/A
UW Photo Comments [None]
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