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Dive Review of Anthony’s Key Resort in

Anthony’s Key Resort: "Fancy new lobby and restaurant", Oct, 2022,

by Joel Horie, UT, US (Sr. Contributor Sr. Contributor 22 reports with 16 Helpful votes). Report 12286.

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Ratings and Overall Comments 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Accommodations 4 stars Food 4 stars
Service and Attitude 5 stars Environmental Sensitivity 4 stars
Dive Operation 5 stars Shore Diving N/A
Snorkeling N/A
Value for $$ 4 stars
Beginners 5 stars
Advanced 4 stars
Comments I'd say everything is back to normal at the resort, on the dive side. No major changes in procedures or equipment Largest change is the new lobby, lounge and restaurant building is in operation.

We had great service from Cape Luis and DM David(Calderon). Had a little bit of everything for weather, from hot calm and flat seas to a day of heavy to moderate rain and north swell. AKR does a good job of shifting to the south side, when needed. The Capts and DMs will move the boats to their spot on near the airport and divers bus over. It can be too rough to dive on the north side, but almost smooth on the south side sites. Diving was good, but saw few large animals, then in the past. It seems like fewer turtles this time and only a few eagle rays. Large snappers and mid size groupers wee still around. David put us on lots of macro creatures, to try our cameras on. We enjoyed our week of diving and really had a great group of divers on the boat.

The new buildings had just been open about a month. The restaurant looks great. Right on the water/dock, between the water taxi and the museum. It's almost too fancy, like higher end resort hotel. Big glass windows, art, tall ceilings. You feel bad about dining in damp shorts(they have towels available for your chair, if you're still wetish). Much larger menu. They still have a few specials at lunch and dinner, but there is now a larger menu to choose from at lunch and dinner. This is one of the problems. They are still working out some of the kinks on restaurant service. They still have plenty of experienced staff, but the restaurant layout is prettier than it is efficient. There are two large dining areas, with a bar in the center. The west dining area is the farthest from the kitchen. Some meals went very smooth, but during busiest times, it could take 30 minutes or more to get your entree. If you want to get in and out, go on the early end of meal times. Even though the restaurant faces north, it still gets a great sunset glow. the main entry is from the land side, but there are a few doors on the dock side. I think the restaurant will get sorted out and all the staff is working hard. The new bar area is a number of high top tables and a small counter bar. Not really set up for a large group to hang out. The new lobby is right where the bus drops you off from the airport. There is plenty of seating in the lobby area and a new coffee bar that is open from morning, into early afternoon. Just east of the lobbly is a lounge with TV, board games, and books. Good Wifi all throughout the Lobby and new restaurant area. We have always had at least some Wifi at any room on the Key, but it's always a strong signal around the pool and the BBQ pavilion/Ice shack.
That being said, the pool bar is the same and the happy hours still rotate among the bars. Pro tip; you can buy six packs of beer at happy hour. The hillside bar is still the same and all the old restaurant tables are still there. It's a great place to spread out and watch the sunset, if you can't see it from your room.
Websites Anthony’s Key Resort   

Reporter and Travel

Dive Experience 251-500 dives
Where else diving Hawaii, Belize, Caymans, Socal, Bonaire, Roatan, Cabo Pulmo, Cozumel, Caicos
Closest Airport RTB Getting There Went via ATL to RTB

Dive Conditions

Weather sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, dry Seas calm, choppy, surge
Water Temp 82-83°F / 28-28°C Wetsuit Thickness 3
Water Visibility 40-120 Ft/ 12-37 M

Dive Policy

Dive own profile no
Enforced diving restrictions Follow the group, then surface on your own at the end of the dive.
Liveaboard? no Nitrox Available? yes

What I Saw

Sharks 1 or 2 Mantas None
Dolphins None Whale Sharks None
Turtles > 2 Whales None
Corals 3 stars Tropical Fish 4 stars
Small Critters 4 stars Large Fish 2 stars
Large Pelagics 1 stars

Underwater Photography 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Subject Matter 4 stars Boat Facilities 4 stars
Overall rating for UWP's 4 stars Shore Facilities 2 stars
UW Photo Comments Large rinse tank on boat and single large tank on dock. Outdoor camera table on dock.
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