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Dive Review of Pura Vida in

Pura Vida, Dec, 2007,

by Randy Klumph, OR, US (Reviewer Reviewer 5 reports). Report 4316.

No photos available at this time

Ratings and Overall Comments 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Accommodations 5 stars Food 3 stars
Service and Attitude 4 stars Environmental Sensitivity N/A
Dive Operation 4 stars Shore Diving 3 stars
Snorkeling N/A
Value for $$ N/A
Beginners 4 stars
Advanced 4 stars
Comments This was our 3rd trip to Roatan (March 1998, Feb 2000). We stayed 2 weeks on the island, renting a house in West End. We walked daily to the Pura Vida dive shop. The staff at Pura Vida were very professional. All dives had detailed briefings. The divemasters were conscientious and worked hard to accommodate diver's needs and wants. The Pura Vida facility and boats were in good condition. Having a locked equipment room with a private locker was an unexpected bonus. This being Roatan, we carried our gear from shop to boat. This is ok with us, but some who have not been here before should be aware that this is the norm. If you need help, all you have to do is ask.

The island has changed much over the last several years. On our first trip in '98 we encountered a friendly, easy-going island that matched our expectation of Caribbean life. Roatan is experiencing a tourism and real estate speculation boom that is transforming the island and its culture. From the moment we got on the plane to the island, to moment of our return, we were always hearing about investment property, condominium purchases, etc. all with the urgency of "I must get mine now." Everyone seemed to be trying to get in on the action. There are now several cruise ships per week docking at Roatan, with more planned. Food prices are comparable to restaurants in the US. We paid $17 US for two submarine sandwiches. Our favorite eatery was the Rotisserie Chicken shack and of course Dixie's. We had breakfast at Dixie's each morning. Coconut toast, fresh fruit and coffee, all with a beautiful, lazy view of Half Moon Bay. Great morning conversations with Dixie and her friendly staff.

Many of the island's children are not going to school anymore, but instead are on the beaches selling trinkets to cruise shippers. We talked to many Islanders who are deeply concerned about the future of Roatan. Violent crime is on the increase and for the first time, we felt the need to be more cautious. Our house had a private guard.

The diving was outstanding. We were surprised at the amount of coral (our last visit just after Hurricane Mitch). Lots of fish schools roaming the reef. A few large groupers and lots of small to medium ones. Many turtles, Morays, & Lobsters. Roatan diving is among the easiest drift diving, with boat rides rarely longer than 20 min. A few storms made boat entries a challenge. Overall, the local dive industry is taking great care of the reef and Roatan remains a terrific dive destination.

Reporter and Travel

Dive Experience 251-500 dives
Where else diving Carribean, South Pacific
Closest Airport Getting There

Dive Conditions

Weather sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy Seas calm, choppy
Water Temp 81-82°F / 27-28°C Wetsuit Thickness 3
Water Visibility 50-70 Ft/ 15-21 M

Dive Policy

Dive own profile yes
Enforced diving restrictions Safety stop starts at 750PSI
Liveaboard? no Nitrox Available? N/A

What I Saw

Sharks None Mantas None
Dolphins 1 or 2 Whale Sharks None
Turtles > 2 Whales None
Corals 4 stars Tropical Fish 4 stars
Small Critters 4 stars Large Fish 3 stars
Large Pelagics 3 stars

Underwater Photography 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Subject Matter 3 stars Boat Facilities 3 stars
Overall rating for UWP's 3 stars Shore Facilities 3 stars
UW Photo Comments Crew took care, handling UWP equipment, but boats lacked a fresh water container. Although, the boat trips are so short it is not critical.
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