In the 1998 Chapbook,
one of our readers, Lynn
Garrison of Bel Air, Massachusetts,
complained about
treatment from Key Largo’s
Aquanuts in the 1997
Nikonos Shootout and
canceled further dives.
You can be sure the industry reads Undercurrent and the Chapbook,
but too often operations blow off what we report.
Not Aquanuts. After seeing our report, General Manager
Michael Smith apologized by letter to Garrison “for the unpleasant
experience. . . . Our goal is to please each and every customer. . . .
We have taken many new steps to ensure [that] each diver has a safe
and pleasant experience and enough time to enjoy our wonderful
“When your future plans bring you back to Key Largo, it would
be our pleasure to provide a complimentary dive trip (2 tanks, 2
locations) for you and your dive buddy. We hope this will allow us to
show you our new policies and treat you to a very pleasant experience.”
So, dear readers, keep those cards and letters coming. We will
relentlessly print the good, the bad, and the ugly to make sure that
you get your tank’s worth.