Dear Reader,
A flicker of movement interrupted my fascination with
an unfamiliar sea slug, sequestered in a miniature forest
of delicately sculpted sea squirts and scarlet sponges.
Like a creature from a B-horror movie, the interloper
emerged from the dense growth, its dime-sized body shrouded
in hairy-green algae. Then, a cast of decorator crabs
rose from their hideaway sporting veils of sponges, feathery
hydroids, and other hitchhikers.
Here, in Julia’s Enchanted Garden, truck-sized boulders
were plastered with extended tentacles and appendages
scouring for food. With my light I led the swarms of
plankton Pied Piper-like, into the arms of voracious sand
anemones. While I spotted almost as many different nudibranchs
as I had in Indonesia, a green turtle the size
of a car hood and a burly free-swimming moray reminded
me where I was . . . in the Sea of Cortez (the Gulf
of California on most maps) in the Midriff Islands with
Ricardo’s Diving Tours.

Photo by Yrma van der Steenstraeten
Ricardo’s Super Panga at the Midriffs |
The Midriffs include more than 55 islands, islets, and
pinnacles that rise from 3000-ft depths and span 80 miles
in the northcentral
Tidal currents
race through,
drawing up cold,
water, which
mixes with warmer
waters that
flow north in
summer. Here one
finds a unique
blend of species,
eastern Pacific
tropicals and California cold-water marine life. Add the
high concentration of whales, dolphins, and
sea lions, as well as seasonal whale shark
visits, and things can get interesting.
Ricardo is based in the small fishing
village of Bahia de los Angeles, not
easy to get to because there is no commercial
airport -– it’s an eight-hour drive
from San Diego. He has 15 years’ experience
diving and navigating the Midriffs. His is
a small-town, small-boat operation, rough
around the edges, but he and his son-in-law,
Baruni (who provides English translation
for Ricardo’s limited English), are enthusiastic
with an aim-to-please attitude. One
of Ricardo’s best assets are his eyes. Once
it took him all of five minutes to fulfill
my request for an ocellated frogfish. The
plate-sized specimen was so well-concealed,
it took me a minute to realize what is was.
Visibility can be limited (30-40 feet in the
summer and fall, but up to 100 in the winter),
so sites are often difficult to find,
even when fixed by GPS.
When I found Ricardo four years ago, he took me where none of the other local
boats had –- a little-known seamount, less than 30 minutes from the dock. Schools
of yellowtail jacks darted across the mount while the best assortment of Cortez
tropicals I’d seen since Cabo Pulmo darted among the pillars of rock and forests
of beet-colored gorgonians. Lobster, octopus, and a python-sized moray joined the
show. Now, he motors to the Midriffs in his new 26-foot “super panga,” a larger
version of fishing boats and dive boats used throughout Baja. Ricardo’s two pangas
hold up to six divers each and eight for shorter trips (that would be over
crowded), but I never dived with more than three other people. There are seat
cushions and a large beach umbrella. Gear is left loose on the deck. The boats
are equipped with life jackets, radios, first aid kits, and emergency signaling
devices, and Ricardo says he’ll have a DAN oxygen kit by fall. Air in the tanks
-- good aluminum 80’s filled to 3000 psi – was always checked before dives.
Ricardo’s operates from the town boat ramp and he’ll pick you up on shore if
you’re staying along the rocky beach. While closer sites can offer good diving,
serious divers will want to take the hour-plus trip to the outer islands of Isla
Angel de la Guardia, Isla Partida, and La Raza, where there is better sea life,
but potentially more current, especially upwellings. Though the ride can get
harsh in big seas, especially on a 90-minute return trip, his boat is designed for
the Gulf of California, where the sea can go from glass to a 5-foot wind chop in
the blink of an eye. More than once, Ricardo’s seamanship helped us avoid potentially
dangerous seas.
With the help of glassy seas, we arrived at Isla Angel de la Guardia in under
an hour. We anchored on the 50-ft. tall Rapture rock, where the current formed
tiny whirlpools. The cacophony of 50 California sea lions told me this was their
turf. I back rolled and dropped quickly to the lee of a boulder at 30 feet, where
colder 70-degree water rose from the depths, clearing the visibility to 75 feet.
I descended over a series of ledges to the precipice, aided by a mild down current,
then plunged over the edge, eventually to 120 ft. Forests of yellow-polyp
black coral swayed like horizontal weeping willows. Spanish shawl nudibranchs
grazed on hydroids, replenishing their harpoon-like stinging cells. I spotted four
black sea bass the size of small refrigerators. Rapture Rock rivals walls like Cozumel’s Maracaibo Deep. As I ascended, a mature green sea turtle darted into
deeper water. With the current swirling around the rocks, I held on at 45 feet
and watched a procession of finescale triggerfish, yellowtail snapper, and swirling
masses of Mexican barracuda. Higher, barrel-chested male sea lions darted so
close with bared teeth I could almost tell what they had last eaten. When I surfaced
the boat was right there, as always, and Ricardo and Baruni hoisted my gear
out of the water, and helped me up the portable ladder.
Though only certified as an open-water diver, Ricardo has logged thousands of
dives. He impressed me with his skills, though he is still learning the tricks
of being a top-notch dive guide (e.g., giving a complete briefing). You can follow
him for all or part of the dive or follow your own profile -- you tell him.
Novices may find the conditions unnerving at times. Closer-to-town sites like
Punta Pescador (max depth 40 ft.) will be more to their liking.
In September, few dives were duds. Almost every
day we spotted green sea turtles, one of five species
here. Large scorpionfish were so plentiful that if
one couldn’t manage his buoyancy he might bounce off
them. I saw many free-swimming, constrictor-sized green
morays, golden sea horses, two varieties of frogfish,
and a healthy selection of nudibranchs. A couple of
sites conjured up images of the Sea of Cortez’s golden
years, 200+ lb. black sea bass and enormous lobsters.
I stayed north of town, at Campo Archelon
(,which attracts an eclectic
mix, including visiting scientists, assorted Baja
legends, and nonlegends like me. They offer beachfront
palapas ($10 per night for two) and stone cabanas with
cots, stove, hot shower, and refrigerator ($40 per
night for four). It’s glorified camping with a cot on
a sand floor, next to the water. Glorious, as long as
no wind-sounds of the sea, whale breaths, or sea lion
barks. I love the tranquil setting, especially the
blood-red sunrises over the bay and the tide pool that hosts more macro-life than
many dives. The water is a cool refuge from the 100-degree-plus days, with nights
in the 90s.
In March I returned to winter westerlies roaring down the canyon, making for
bumpy boat rides. While days were sunny and 75-degrees, the nights dropped into
the low 50s and upper 40s. But Ricardo had a 150-hp Yamaha outboard for even
faster trips and a sonar unit to locate new sites that were generally comparable
or better than dives I’ve done in La Paz. Amarillo (Yellow Forest) was an exciting
drift dive reminiscent of Cozumel’s Santa Rosa Wall. It was plastered in thick
stands of yellow polyp black coral, which sheltered juvenile whitetip and horn
sharks. Baruni’s Canyons had gorgonian-covered pinnacles dramatically rising from
200 feet and monster black sea bass in the depths. The cold water (70ºF and below)
prevented longer dives; even with my new 7-mil and a hood, 45 minutes and two
dives a day was it for me. Most of the tropical fish had packed their bags and
headed south until the water begins to warm in late May.
Between dives, six fin whales gulped plankton within a stone’s throw. At
times, the air and water were so still that I could hear whale breaths miles away.
Rarely a day went by without a performance by hundreds of acrobatic dolphin pods.
We snorkeled with sea lions at several sites. The islands, part of the Islas del
Golfo de California Protected Area, are unique, harboring blue-footed boobies and
osprey, and is a temporary home for elegant terns from South America.
Diving the Midriffs is a step back in time. Pristine water, no other divers,
and some of Baja’s best diving at sites few people have ever seen. For me, the
sense of adventure today makes it just about perfect. There’s a lifetime worth of
underwater exploration to be had.
- I.T.
Divers Compass: There is an airstrip for private planes . . . It’s
an eight-hour drive north from La Paz, which has an international
airport. The drive is relatively straightforward, though with narrow
roads, but you will be rewarded as you crest the last hill and
see the azure-blue Gulf of California and offshore islands sprawl
across the horizon, a vivid contrast to the hours of desert in
your rear view mirror . . . You will need Mexican auto insurance.
Contact Baja Travel Club (800-727-BAJA, For a
membership fee, you get special rates on Mexican insurance and com-
Midriff Islands
Isla Angel de
La Guardia
Bahia de la
prehensive emergency towing. Compare insurance coverages at
Some rental agencies limit how far you can drive south of the border. For specialty
rentals (RVs, Hummers, one-way rentals), try California Baja Rent-A-Car (888-470-
7368, . . . Besides diving, fishing, kayaking, and windsurfing,
there is spectacular hiking up 3,000-foot Mike’s Mountain on the edge of town . . .
The best motel option in town is Costa del Sol ( with
air-conditioned rooms priced in the $60 to $80 range. Clean with friendly service,
and a $5-$10 dinner menu, offering basic Mexican fare and seafood . . . Newer
accommodations are Villa Bahia ( and Los Vientos ( Villa Bahia offers one- and three-bedroom guest houses.
Some rooms have full kitchens. They have a slow 23-foot cabin cruiser with a
non-diving guide and goes to average dive locales. Los Vientos has 15 units, ranging
from $107 to $185/night/double occupancy. Each is furnished with beautiful
traditional Mexican furnishings and art and has a pool, spa, and gourmet restaurant.
Dinners range from $25 to $60 . . . The most popular diving season is June
through November, when water temperatures peak in the low 80s. West and north winds
can disrupt dive plans in fall and winter, though usually something is diveable.
Ricardo’s Diving Tours offers three different trips and has a complicated pricing
system. Figure $60-$80 for local 2-tank dives, $120 -$160 for trips to the outer
Midriff Islands and three tanks. Deal directly with Ricardo’s Diving Tours. Some
hotels take a percentage for arranging trips. E-mail A
website ( is slated to be on-line by summer.