With all the hullabaloos claiming Indonesia has the
world’s best diving, one of our longtime writers, who
seemingly has been diving everywhere, doesn’t accept
this conventional wisdom. He nominates the Aldabra
Group, four virtually uninhabited atolls 600 miles north
of Madagascar, as perhaps the best, with astonishing
and diverse cities of fish and exceptional walls. The only
way to dive there is aboard the 50-year-old Indian Ocean
Explorer (IOE), built as a Danish research vessel. It’s a laborious
journey, starting with a 1200 km charter flight from
Mahé, in the Seychelles Islands, to Assumption Island.
Our writer booked two eight-day trips, including the season’s
last, which concluded with a three-day steam island
hopping from Aldabra back to Mahé.
Indian Ocean Explorer
My plane out was full of scientists (and, only God
knows why, eight elderly Japanese women snorkelers), so
we were required to lighten our loads. At the airport, I
had to stow books, spare clothes and sandals, dive lights,
battery packs and camera gear — a stiff price for a photographer.
Even fresh food destined for the IOE didn’t
make the plane.
On the desertlike Assumption Island, an inflatable met
us for a 200-meter ride to the anchored IOE. We motored
to Aldabra Atoll to drop scientists at the research station
and go diving. Karrin, a young, slender, blonde Swiss
divemaster, managed dive activities. Fat steel 12-liter tanks
were always filled to at least 3000 psi. All diving was done
from two RIB tenders.

Our first dives produced all kinds of sizeable fish,
many found only in the west Indian ocean: potato and
lyretail groupers, blue-line snappers in huge schools,
Seychelles anemonefish, skunk clownfish, potato cod
wanting to be petted, eagle rays, Napoleon wrasse
— among my fishiest dives ever. Yellow-lipped and whitebarred
sweetlips were close to a meter in length. The
smaller diagonal-lined African sweetlips and the black
sweetlips were new to me as well. The complex patterns
on the African groupers were stunning. Some potato cod
were nearly two meters long. The third dive of the day was
Aldabra Stingray Chute, with tawny nurse, gray reef and
blacktip reef sharks; a loggerhead turtle, and big groupers.
Though the reefs weren’t very pretty, vis was cloudy
when shallow — overall it averaged about 45 feet and the
water ran about 82ºF.
At Astove Atoll, I dived three world-class walls with
huge undercuts and swimthroughs. Turtles swam above
throughout the dive. A Queensland grouper (two meters
in length) displayed its spinal dorsal fin, and potato groupers,
a manta, lionfish, meter-long mangrove snappers
and red raggy scorpionfish kept me busy. At Cosmoledo
Atoll, huge sea fans waved at 140 feet, and again a dive
loaded with fish.
The robust IOE is basic yet seaworthy. Its compressors
are new, the onboard power (200V) reliable. It retains
an old-fashioned feeling, with small portholes, low beams
and an ochre paint scheme. The en suite bathrooms functioned
well; however, it was easy to flood the shower and
need crew help. I relied on the two deck showers. The
lower double bunk in my cabin was turned 90 degrees
from the longer, narrower upper bunk and was shorter.
Even when I lay in the bunk diagonally, my feet were
pressed against the hull and my head was jammed against
a vertical pipe. But I’m a tall guy. and others had no such
We regularly did four dives a day, occasionally adding
a night dive. I started with a hearty breakfast: plenty of
bacon, fried eggs, sometimes pancakes or French toast.
Bananas, apples, pineapple, watermelon or musk melon
appeared at many meals. Lunches were cold cuts, cheeses,
veggies, make your own sandwiches. Sit-down dinners,
sometimes buffet, started with soup, followed by a salad,
entree and dessert. Even when fresh food arrived for the
second week, meals didn’t change much: adequate and
plentiful. The ship made major transits at night (up to
250 nautical miles), and at times it was difficult to maintain
your balance. Some people got queasy; seasoned liveaboard
folks had no problems.
We returned to Aldabra, where in the main channel
at a clip of nearly six knots, I flew by a school of spangled
(bluescale) emperors, then big schools of paddle-tail
snappers, tawny nurse sharks, black-blotched reef rays, turtles
and lots of emperor angels. Then back to Assumption
Island to drop off our snorkelers and to pick up a young
French-Australian woman diver and eight scientists doing
species assessments on the islands. And fresh food arrived,
with beans for the boat’s high-tech Italian coffeemaker.
We made two dives at Assumption Island, where schools
of bluefin trevallies were hunting over the reef. Napoleon
wrasse and potato groupers followed us.
During the next six days we largely repeated the previous
eight days, returning to Aldabra, where at Stingray
City I dived with a school of 20 eagle rays, schools of 30
pinnate spadefish, turtles, blacktip and gray reef sharks,
and three big leathertail stingrays on the sand. At Astove
jetty wall, our new diver dropped down to 57 meters (I
was at a more discreet 50 meters) to view one of the best
walls in the world, with wonderful undercuts and natural
bridges and big fish. At the surface, the other diver
thought that schools of needlefish might be swordfish fry.
Heading home to Mahé, we stopped after a 22-hour
crossing at St. Pierre Group, then traveled 24 hours to
Alphonse, where at the Abyss a huge school of dogtooth
tuna hunted over a spectacular reef. As we approached
Mahé, the water got colder and the quality of the reefs
went down. We had a few shore excursions, including the
islands with the research station, and a snorkel with dozens
of blacktip reef sharks.
The Aldabra Group provided some of the best underwater
experiences I will ever have. With the enormous
numbers of large fish rarely seen in our depleted oceans,
a journey on the 50-year-old IOE is a journey 50 years back
in time. They run this itinerary October into December.
For info: www.ioexplorer.com.
PS: We’re talking good money. Flights from the U.S.
to Mahé begin around $2000, but I added Kenya to my
trip. The flight to Assumption Island is $600, and there
is a $300 park fee. Eight days aboard the boat is $2800,
but back-to-back trips cost me $4400. At this price, the
Aldabra Group is only for those divers who think they
have seen it all. I thought I had, but I learned otherwise.
If you’re looking for a side trip from Palau or Truk,
consider Rota, where few Americans go. One of our writers
visited in May and came away impressed, especially
with the visibility. Next issue, we’ll report on more second
stops in Micronesia.
“Diving with Mark Michael on his 19-foot boat,
we could see the 100-foot-deep bow of the Japanese
freighter Shoun Maru, sunk in 1944. Once I entered the probwater,
the 220-foot. wreck spread out from stem to stern
and from deck to keel. Two spadefish the size of pizza
pans posed 50 feet below the bow. Poking up from the
sand were two dozen garden eels. At the Rota Hole, or
Puntan Senhanom, jungle vegetation nearly obscured its
entrance. We followed our guide, Kumiko, who led us
into and out of swim-throughs and light-filled grottos with
schools of pyramid fish and orange anthias. Her flashlight
picked out cowries the size of Big Macs. Surge occasionally
rammed us into boulders, but my 3 millimeter wetsuit
protected me. Rota has deep walls, where I saw anemonefish,
Moorish idols, five species of butterflyfish, morays,
gobies in corals and others in less-than-one-knot current.
Nice dive.
“WWII ruins dominate the jungles, beaches and
limestone mountains. I lodged at the 20-year-old Coral
Garden Hotel ($55 double) and walked three blocks
downhill for breakfast and dinner at As Pari’s Restaurant.
Pancakes and coffee ($5), shrimp teriyaki ($15) or
lumpia with pancit noodles ($8). Only entertainment is
24-hour poker clubs. Mark Michaels has closed his Dive
Rota and is a freelance captain for four dive operations
on the island, all of which cater mostly to Japanese. For
info, e-mail him at mark@diverota.com.”