While divers complain about theft on Bonaire, let’s
not overlook Curacao. Here’s a report from Undercurrent subscriber Monty Chandler (Charlotte, NC), who dived at
Habitat Curacao last March.
“At Playa Kalki, I met a couple whose rental car had
just been robbed, and the thieves had also jacked up the
right side and stolen both the wheels and tires. The next
day at Playa Jeremi, I stopped into a snack shop for ice
cream and came back out to find thieves had gotten into
my truck and stolen my sunglasses and wallet. I forgot to
put my stuff in the safe before heading out. I only had $5
in my wallet, but I had to spend two hours on the phone
canceling credit cards.”
The experience also cost Chandler an unexpected $120
- - because his wallet also had his room keys, Habitat had
to change the locks and move him to a different room.
Fortunately, his wife had separate credit cards to pay the
hotel bill, and Chandler was smart enough to leave most
of their cash in the room safe.