If you’re short on funds for a dive trip, here’s a good
option: become a volunteer diver at the public aquarium
nearest you. Many aquariums nationwide rely on recreational
divers to help them with chores like fish feeding, coral cleaning
and hosting live shows for their audiences. Most positions
require only advanced openwater certification and 25 to 50
logged dives (some aquariums require rescue certification,
and those with cold-water exhibits may want some dives to
have been done in cold water). Big aquariums often have
teams of 100-plus volunteer divers. Those advertising their
open slots online include New York Aquarium in Brooklyn,
Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Shedd Aquarium in Chicago
and National Aquarium in Baltimore.
Time commitments range from a few hours to a couple of
days per month and many volunteer divers stay on for years.
Take Paula Di Flora, 56, who has volunteered at Kentucky’s
Newport Aquarium for the past seven years. After taking
first-aid certifications, a buoyancy test and written assessments,
she did training dives in the Coral Reef exhibit, then
progressed to the Amazon Flooded Forest, the Kelp Forest
exhibit, and finally the ultimate 385,000-gallon “Surrounded
by Sharks” exhibit. A typical tour of volunteer duty can
include cleaning windows, vacuuming tanks, scrubbing algae off artificial coral, doing food prep and feeding animals. Di
Flora also hosts live dive shows, speaking to the audience
while in the tank. The aquarium’s biologists pull Di Flora off
the roster to do special tasks like feeding animals in quarantine
and getting new animals used to divers before being put
into exhibits.
The Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport offers a $225
three-day “Habitat Diver” course. Dive safety officer Vallorie
Hodges says the course is crucial because volunteers are
expected to become the eyes and ears of the aquarium’s staff
above water. “We teach them underwater skills like diving
the exhibits without fins, and evaluating whether an animal
got too rambunctious the night before or if a female needs
to be moved into the nursery. Being able to identify animals
and tend to them is an important part of their duties.”
Di Flora says the rewards of being an aquarium volunteer
go beyond spending time in the exhibit tanks. “When I
go on dive trips now, my observance of animals in the wild is
much better. I can find frogfish and octopus so much easier
because I know what to look for. I’ve learned so much about
aquatic life and their habits.” You may start off by just cleaning
kelp but, she says, “every opportunity they give you as a
volunteer is an experience to become a better diver overall.”
- - Ben Davison