Thirty-five years of Undercurrent has produced weird tales, insightful articles, a unique look at diving’s history and
plenty of quirkiness. We run stories no other publication would dare touch - - and we’re very proud of it.
For years, I’ve been hoping to bring our most unusual stories into one volume. And at last we’ve done it.
A puffer
bites off a diver’s finger . . . why nitrogen narcosis is a myth . . . a woman molested underwater by her dive guide . . . how to meditate at 60 feet . . . diver limericks from our readers’ contest . . . what divers did when face to face with a
polar bear underwater . . . a Florida liveaboard finds floating
bundles of cocaine . . . the family of a deceased diver sues his
buddy for negligence . . . 30-year-old equipment predictions for
the 21st century . . . a diver commits suicide underwater rather
than run out of air . . . the protocol for peeing in your wetsuit
. . . and yes, the diver with a cockroach in his regulator.
Our 240-page paperbound book begins to mail on June 8. So
you still have time to purchase it at our pre-publication discount
price of $17.95 (plus postage). Simply go to Undercurrent and click on the cover icon. You won’t find a better summer
read for divers. I guarantee it.
- - Ben Davison
Unbelievable diving yarns, jaw-dropping
stories, unconventional wisdom, stupid diver
stunts, the dive industry’s secret history,
mystery, murder, intrigue . . . the best of
the true and unusual stories published by
Undercurrent.” - - Bret Gilliam