Dogs like to swim, but one dog took on
more of a challenge than it realized when
it was found adrift in the middle of the
Caribbean. Back in October, a group of
Diving For Life divers spotted the dog swimming
in the water several miles out from
Belize's Pompion Caye, about a 30-minute
boat ride.
After a couple of attempts, they managed
to haul it on board their dive boat.
"The Sunday Miracle of Dive Boat Three,"
as the divers called it, became even more
amazing when one of their number, a veterinarian,
happened to have a dog collar and
leash with him.
The dog was shivering with fear, but it
melted everyone's heart during the journey
back to Placencia, where the Placencia
Humane Society unsuccessfully tried to
track down its owner. Eventually, they
named the mutt Lucky and two members of
the group, Bob Bozarth and Brian Johnson,
adopted it.
Diving For Life is a non-profit organization
that sponsors The International
Gay and Lesbian Scuba Jamboree, and
has raised more than a million dollars for
various charitable causes that support the
health concerns of the LGBT community in
the course of 25 years. www.divingforlife.org