Contents of this Issue:
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Rocio Del Mar, Southern Sea of Cortez, Mexico
Great Diving While Saving Fish
Rocio del Mar, Midriff Islands, Mexico
Liveaboards: Fertile Ground for COVID 
King Crabs to Rescue Florida's Reefs?
Another Red Sea Liveaboard Damaged
Humpbacks Whales, Shark Rodeos, Monk Seals, Giant Octopuses
Our Subscribers Depend Upon Your Reports
Divers of a Certain Age 
A Journey to the Depths of the Ocean
Hey, What About Sudafed?
Conception Captain Found Guilty
Conception Fire Appears To Have Started in a Plastic Trash Can
Flotsam & Jetsam
Editorial Office:
Ben Davison
Publisher and Editor
3020 Bridgeway, Suite 102
Sausalito, CA 94965
Contact Ben
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The captain of the Santa Barbara-based scuba dive boat that caught fire and sank four years ago was found guilty of "seaman's manslaughter" on Monday, November 6. The Conception was 100 feet offshore of Santa Cruz Island when it sank on Labor Day in 2019, resulting in the deaths of 33 passengers and one crewmember, the deadliest maritime disaster in recent U.S. history.
Captain Jerry Nehl Boylan, 69, was found guilty of one count of misconduct or neglect of a ship officer, commonly called "seaman's manslaughter," a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison. He is the only person to face criminal charges in connection to the tragedy, which led to changes in maritime regulations, congressional reform, and multiple ongoing civil lawsuits....
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