Photo by Gabriel Moore-Gordon |
I've seen many gimmicks in
masks over the years, and few
have impressed me. Earlier this
year, Dacor introduced the
Bandit, which stirred up discussion
on Internet forums. Arguably
the lowest volume scuba
mask on the market, it distinctly
makes the wearer look like a
bandit (or a raccoon) -- hence
the name.
It's this look that many divers
like, but I've yet to meet an
underwater critter that comes
closer to a diver to get a peek at a
fashion plate. One of our regular
travel reviewers, who cares not a whit whether a mask adds or
subtracts from his value as a
model, had more practical ideas
for it. Here is his report.
-- Ben Davison
As a free diver and scuba
enthusiast, I stay in shape by
swimming laps or distances on
dive trips. When I saw the ultralow-
volume Bandit, with not much
air between my eyeball and the
lens, I wondered whether it might
suit all three of my needs.
Frankly, I've found "low
volume" more a marketing ploy
than a mask improvement. Yes,
purging and equalizing require
less effort, but less than what? And
it does reduce drag, but that
would matter only if I were
chasing Pippen's deep dive
record. The best I can say about
the Bandit's super-snug fit is that
it's less likely to be dislodged by
your buddy's fins or by rapid head
The Bandit has two gogglestyle
eyepieces set in a plastic
frame and held in place by a very
compact skirt. I chose a clear skirt
to let in more light and aid in
peripheral vision; however, the image through the sides is blurry
-- I initially felt disoriented
gazing side to side, although I
The minimized depth of the
single-seal skirt restricts the mask's
ability to conform to facial angles
and changes of expression such as
smile lines, which increase, as we
older divers know, with age. So I
was careful to smooth out the
creases in my face, but on the first
dive the mask leaked a bit, and on
the second it stayed dry as a bone.
I have a light mustache, but that
wasn't the source of the leak. Now,
having used it on scores of dives,
my experience with the Bandit's
skirt seal has been consistently
inconsistent: sometimes it's an
angel, sometimes a bitch. Go
figure. At least, a low-volume mask
is easier to clear, and the nose
pocket is easy to pinch with one
hand, even with a second-stage
mouthpiece in place.
But even this innovative
design didn't resolve my greatest
gripe underwater: the inability to
see straight down when trying to
reach BC straps, pockets, etc.
While light and colors are visible
through the clear silicon skirt,
downward vision is too fuzzy to
make out details such as matching
The Bandit's polycarbonate
lenses are high impact and
scratch resistant, according to
Dacor, and mine are certainly
holding up fine so far.
As for free-style swimming,
conventional masks hamper my
ability to breathe through my
mouth. The Bandit made it easier,
but unlike swimming goggles,
after a few laps the Bandit began
to leak a little, creating an
unpleasant little puddle in the
nose pocket that irritated my
Although Bandit literature
touts the permanent hydrophilic
"anti-fog" coating on the inside
lens surface, it just didn't work --
even after scrubbing away the
"releasing agent" added to the
silicon in the manufacturing
process to help separate the skirt
from its mold. Because mask fog is
formed by moist air warmed by
your body temperature, lowvolume
masks fog more easily
since there's less space between
your face and the lens.
After trying several defoggers,
I discovered the Diver's Best mask
defogger, a highly-concentrated
but pricey blue goop (a 1 oz. tube
is $7.50). It doesn't sting my eyes
like some anti-fogging compounds,
and I can put a drop in
each lens several minutes before a
dive, an advantage especially for
beach diving. It's worked fine in
temperatures from 48 to 78° F.
All in all, Dacor has devised a
respectable compromise of a
mask, surely not perfect, but I've
still made it my regular for diving
and free diving, though not for
swimming. Perhaps the best
discovery of this testing process
was the Diver's Best Mask defogger.
I'll use that no matter what
mask I carry.